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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Love cryptozoology. I think the hope of Nessie being real has pretty much faded, but we've got a very plausible hominid Orang Pendek to get excited about:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orang_Pendek

With Nessie, as an excitable kid I was all over the surviving dinosaur thing, but nowadays, with the sightings pretty much zero -- apart from the odd intriguing one every couple of years -- I tend to think that whatever was in there (which I think there was) has either died of old age, if it was a lone baltic sturgeon, or dwindled to the point of near-extinction, if we're talking a colony of giant eels or, you know, dinosaurs. My favourite Nessie sighting is one that doesn't fit with anything, from an old colonel who saw something crossing the road in front of him from loch-side and wander into the opposite hills. It was kind of like the Nessie we know, except covered in hair, and with long, spindly legs. This all pre-dated the Nessie hysteria, so there was nothing to inform him culturally, and it occupies this weird little space all by itself.Fordyce-road-nessie_Octo-2009.jpgThe land sightings of Loch Ness, which never really made it out of the 1920s and 30s are such a weird and little talked about aspect.Orang Pendek is absolutely our #1 hope of finding something. I'm fully convinced of their existence. One of the most famous witnesses, an Englishwoman who's lived in the forests of Sumatra for fifteen years said something once that put a completely different perspective on things for me. In a decade and a half of living smack bang in the rainforest, she's only seen an elephant twice, and a tiger only once. These are things we know are walking around out there. It now feels like a race against time to officially discover them before they become excinct, or their home is destroyed by deforestation or environmental damage.
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This thread is recovering nicely since Duane's banning, we're rediscovering our love of the fortean without the spitting hysteria of true believers.Baltic Sturgeon? That's such a banal explanation I'd rather it was all a hoax.The other thing I'm fairly convinced of is ABCs, right here in the UK. Although I'm starting to doubt seeing as every time they find a deer carcass that's DEFINITELY been eaten by a big cat, the DNA results always come back as just a fox or whatever.There was an unknown large cat living in the woods next to my parent's house back in the 70s, according to local legend, used to scare the shit out of dogs being walked there. Seeing as I used to freely roam those woods as a young'un, that's quite scary.

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This thread is recovering nicely since Duane's banning, we're rediscovering our love of the fortean without the spitting hysteria of true believers.Baltic Sturgeon? That's such a banal explanation I'd rather it was all a hoax.

They're not quite so banal as they sound. You'd shit yourself if this popped up next to your rowboat.draft_lens13522171module121122791photo_1285128981untitled.JPG

The other thing I'm fairly convinced of is ABCs, right here in the UK. Although I'm starting to doubt seeing as every time they find a deer carcass that's DEFINITELY been eaten by a big cat, the DNA results always come back as just a fox or whatever.There was an unknown large cat living in the woods next to my parent's house back in the 70s, according to local legend, used to scare the shit out of dogs being walked there. Seeing as I used to freely roam those woods as a young'un, that's quite scary.

They're out there, for sure. The big cats barely even feel like a mystery anymore, because they're so obviously wandering around the countryside. The weirdest part is that the theory about it being down to the dangerous pets law being brought in, and eccentric country-types letting them all loose, doesn't hold water at all when you look at the reports pre-dating that law, and the fact that the sheer numbers in no way match the amount of animals that were captive.
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As someone who knows absolutely nothing, what exactly is the evidence of the big cats in the countryside? Sounds pretty interesting. That Orang Pendek stuff is fascinating too. I think this thread might end up being a bit of a gateway for me now that it's, y'know, readable again.

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As someone who knows absolutely nothing, what exactly is the evidence of the big cats in the countryside? Sounds pretty interesting.

Unlike Bigfoot or whatever, there are a ton of pretty clear pictures and videos out there, and the sheer amount of sightings from people who live out in the sticks and know the wildlife points to something very likely real. In fact, I'm betting there are people on here who at least have friend-of-a-friend stories about someone they know who's seen a big cat. I know I do.Come on, bumpkins. Out with it.
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That's the problem, opcws - no evidence. Plenty, plenty sightings, often by reputable or knowledgeable people, but no hard DNA evidence for really big cats.One problem is we do have some native populations of lynx and the like, which are fairly large and could easily be mistaken for an even larger cat by someone who's used to domestic moggies.

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That's the problem, opcws - no evidence. Plenty, plenty sightings, often by reputable or knowledgeable people, but no hard DNA evidence for really big cats.

Yeah, that is irritating. I am completely convinced, to the point where I don't find it that interesting, because it seems like it's obviously true, but as ever, that DNA remains elusive. It's less of a fringe cryptozoology subject, at least, and doesn't have that stink that scares off proper science. People who see big cats aren't tarred with the same nutter brush as yer Bigfoot spotters. I think even Chris Packham's down with it, despite his dreadful 'Chris Packham's X Creatures' series, in which he 'disproved' the existence of every famous cryptid in the world by shrugging his shoulders and doing a smug face.
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There's pictures? Get 'em in here! Links to the stories too! C'mon, I'm like a kid banging on the door of the sweet shop here. Let me in!


EDIT: According to Wiki, Leicestershire, where I live, was at some point in the top 10 counties for big cat sightings! Fucking hell. I'm gonna keep an eye out when I'm Geocaching. This is awesome.

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Jeez, those are great. That first one, especially, is way more clear than I was expecting. What do you guys reckon is the best explanation for them, then, if they're not the released house-pets of the rich and crazy?

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