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Posts posted by SpursRiot2012

  1. I'm just popping in to say I finally caught up with The Expanse to the end of season three and it really is a good show. As a book reader first and foremost, the casting is always great (although Strait as Holden is actually my least favourite character) and Thomas Jane as Miller especially is seriously one of my favourite TV (and book) characters of probably all time. So, if for some reason you haven't checked the show out, now would be a good time to start. The first two seasons are on Netflix and I'm sure you can find a way to watch the third season and you'll probably have heard that, despite the general critical acclaim, SyFy cancelled the show because of the way they'd set up the distribution rights, finding themselves unable to make money on it. Luckily, Jeff Bezos is a big fan of the The Expanse book series and Amazon have picked up the show for further seasons. Seriously: watch this show.

  2. Hardwick has released a bunch of screenshotted messages from Chloe Dykstra to him following his "breaking up with her due to her cheating" which show her begging him to forgive her, take her back etc.

    He's released those messages as if they somehow prove that what Dykstra said couldn't be true, yet it seems to me that someone who'd been in the sort of controlling relationship she described might very well react in that manner, especially at first.

  3. 2 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Yeah, I'm only a few episodes in and this is really noticeable and actually quite distracting.

    I looked into it the other and he did a Hollywood Reporter interview about his show (forget the name of it now) where he also said he had issues with alcohol years back, went to AA and said he'd recently (at the time of the interview) been drinking again but had knocked it on the head once more through AA. But by the looks of him in ADS5, he's struggling.

  4. When I first set up my Oculus Rift, for whatever reason, I was bounced straight into the home screen. It was only after I need to reset everything due to some issues that I took the path most new Oculus owners will take (with the touch controllers) and was transported into First Contact. It's really just a tutorial to teach you how to use the controllers but it's really, really fun. It's a first party developed experience so no surprise that it's one of the smoothest, most immersive VR experiences you're going to find. If you get a chance to try that, do so. Also, Superhot is fucking awesome.

  5. Star Trek Bridge Crew is fun if you're a Star Trek fan with a Vive or an Oculus (although you can also play it outside of VR). Also, there is Star Trek: The Next Generation DLC on the way!

    I also hated FIFA 18, @johnnyboy but it seems most people who play every yearly iteration tend to like it so what do I know?

  6. My lovely girlfriend has bought me an Oculus Rift for my birthday. I'm looking for game recommendations from anyone that has had fun with VR.

    VRChat looks like it might be a laugh.

  7. I'm actually a full stone lighter than I thought I was. I think when I weighed myself at 20.6 stone, I hadn't long eaten plus I sometimes get very bad swelling (lots of water retention) in my legs, which I think added to it. So, it's not quite as bad as I thought, but I still need to lose at least 5 stone.

  8. I was in the office kitchen making coffee earlier and some guy was on the phone to someone else talking about "gold painted midgets". So, when I went back into our offices, I asked who works in the office next to the kitchen and it turns out its Beardyman.

  9. Proof that Pepsi has indeed increased their prices. Maybe its nothing to do with the sugar tax but the timing is suspicious. Previously, a bottle like this - printed and packed by either Pepsi or a company Pepsi uses for that stuff - would be 1.69.


  10. 22 hours ago, Silky Kisser said:

    Jobber, if you haven't already looked at it, you Should give DDP Yoga a go. It really is worth putting some time into. 

    I downloaded it ages ago but have never used it. I've also had Couch to 5k recommend to me.

    Happily, one of the residents in the other blocks who, unlike those in our block, has access to the communal gym has said she will let us use her access whenever we want.


  11. So, based on this thread, I'm watching Barry. And, yes, it is great. So, if anyone else here saw the posts about it and were on the fence, get off that fence.

    I also watched the first season of Crashing (a HBO show based on this down on his luck, but sometimes his luck is up, standup comedian. Always lots of guests - TJ Miller, Sarah Silverman, Artie Lang for example. Worth checking out.

  12. 1 hour ago, Cousin Jim Bob said:


    I was here a few months back. Did'nt want to weigh myself but thought fuck it lets have a look. 20 stone dead on. Woke me up abit.

    Since lost 2.5 stone in the last 7 weeks. Intermittent fasting plus low carb diet. Cutting down the booze to one evening a week was huge. I was knocking back a bottle of wine or a few beers everyday. Basically adding a 1000 calories to my normal crap diet. I hate the gym and exercise in general so I just do a 30 min walk a day after dinner. The weight seems to be falling off atm. 


    I don't drink at all, really. But I am eating so much junk - mainly chocolates and Haribo strawberry straws. I mean, a lot of this stuff. Today alone I have consumed three full bars of chocolate and two sirloin steak sandwiches ffs. There is a gym opening literally attached to the building I live in, so there should be no excuse for me getting in there. But diet, for sure, is my problem.


    EDIT: Oh, it's not a proper gym that's opening, it's 9Round - https://www.9round.co.uk/find-a-club/seven-sisters-coming-soon.

    Anyone have any opinions on if they kind of training they're offering, as outlined on their website, is worth £40 a month? It also seems to be fairly female-orientated, from what I'm reading, and I don't want to be the one creepy dude.

  13. I was very aware that, gradually, over the course of my relationship (now into its sixth year), I'd been putting on weight. Before I met my partner, I was down to 14 stone - I wasn't particularly healthy and the way I achieved getting down to that weight was a steady diet of white cider and not eating much). Earlier in my life, I'd been as high as 21 stone.

    Today, we got some digital scales. I figured I was back up to around 18 stone - I was even prepared for 19 stone.

    20.6 stone.

    Fuck. I have got to sort myself out.

  14. 2 hours ago, PunkStep said:

    I think your local shop have used it as an excuse to ramp up their prices across the board. It definitely won't be Pepsi's doing- for the non sugar Pepsi products that is. They'll have ramped up the cost price for standard Pepsi no doubt. If Pepsi had raised the non sugar product prices, the major multiples (supermarkets, major pharmacists etc) would've followed suit (or even contested it to the point where Pepsi would change their minds). Plus, PepsiCo would probably have trading standards on their case.

    The special offer bottles are labelled as such by Pepsi in print and packaging production, so they did for sure raise those prices.

  15. Just now, PunkStep said:

    They haven't, have they? There's a big price difference between Pepsi Max/Max Cherry (which is the same price) and normal Pepsi. I deliberately checked when I was in our local Asda last week. Otherwise I too would've been furious.

    Seems to me that they have. For example, my local shop now sells what used to be a £1.69 2l bottle of it for £2. The special offer on the smaller bottles has gone from 2 for £1.50 to 2 for £1.70. I've definitely seen an increase since the sugar tax.

  16. I'm just here to say I dislike the sugar tax simply because Pepsi Co used it as an excuse to raise the price of all their drinks, including my mother fucking Pepsi Max Cherry, even though it contains no sugar!

    And I also think Jamie Oliver is a cunt.

  17. On 5/17/2018 at 3:06 AM, Bellenda Carlisle said:

    I love Bill Hader, I forgot all about that.

    Silicon Valley is great, it's a few series in, it's lost a main cast member and gone slightly more over the top, that would kill most shows but it's still the funniest sitcom on TV. Jian Yang man, best worst character ever.

    I thought losing TJ Miller would hurt the show a lot more than it did and, since leaving the show and revealing himself (to me, at least, as apparently he's always been this way) to be a complete twat, he's no loss.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Cod Eye said:

    I think the reason The Expanse was cancelled is because SyFy only had the rights to the first, live  broadcast of the show, and with it being a Sci-Fi genre show, the audience was strongly weighted towards on demand viewing. I think the production company is confident of the show being picked up agin by a streaming company. 

    Edit: Don't Want to be a Div and not provide a source: 


    The cancellation decision by Syfy is said to be linked to the nature of its agreement for the series, which only gives the cable network first-run linear rights in the US. That puts an extraordinary amount of emphasis on live, linear viewing which is inherently challenging for sci-fi/genre series which tend to draw the lion share of their audiences from digital/streaming.

    Yeah, I had read that. I think Amazon is the most likely destination for The Expanse, which is fine with me. The thing with The Expanse is that the books are quite involved so it's difficult to translate all the weaving threads that eventually come together to the TV show. But season three, for example, is excellent.

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