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Posts posted by SpursRiot2012

  1. 11 minutes ago, Ulf ist Gut said:

    Have a chat with your lecturers in the first instance and see if they can give you an informal extension to any of it to try and take some of the pressure off – they want you to do well at the end of the day and it’s far better to let them know what’s going on in advance so they can advise/help rather than waiting for the deadline to pass and turning in something you’re not happy with.


    If that’s not possible, you can probably apply for an extension through your uni’s Extenuating Circumstances process (basically an application to say that unexpected events out of your control have affected your ability to complete your work on time) if it’s health related and you’ve got evidence to back it up like a doctor’s note. Check with your department exam regulations/website or chat to your departmental administrators/lecturers and find out the process and go from there.


    Might be a bit late in the day for this but I’d also try contacting your Disability Support office to see if you can get some Special Exam Arrangements in place  - this could also include extensions to deadlines rather than just extra time in sit down exams so again probably worth checking out to try and ease the pressure.  


    Holy crap, is this *the* Ulf ist Gut?! How's it going!

    Thanks for the advice. I happen to know that lecturers at my uni aren't allowed to give informal extensions (I've asked once before) and we have 'Mitigating Circumstances' forms that we can submit after submitting a piece of work to explain why it might not have been up to a certain standard or to ask for the opportunity to resubmit - forms they've made really dense and complex, bastards. I am on medication and what have you, so could probably get a doctors note stating that I suffer with this stuff, but honestly don't know how much help it would be.

    I'll maybe give my uni a call tomorrow and chat with the disability team for some advice, and e-mail my final year project supervisor (who I have seen literally once all year and who cancelled the last meeting I'd had arranged with him and hasn't replied to an e-mail I sent with a question about a month ago). I actually am fairly sure I can complete the 2,000 and 3,000 word essays without too much hassle. For example, a couple of months ago, I wrote another 3,000 essay for Media Law about six hours before it was due and got a decent grade of 78 - God knows what I'd be getting if I started things earlier.

    It's the final year project that is sending me into a spiral of dispair and binge watching TV shows when I should actually be working.

  2. I've fucked myself. I have well and truly fucked myself. I have a 2,000-word report to do by Friday which I haven't started yet. Usually not a problem - I've developed a terrible habit over my time in uni where I do my essays the day they're due or within a few days of the due date. Except I've just realised that, instead of my 3,000-word media law essay being due on April 22nd, it's actually due on April 2nd. OK. Not a problem. It'll be long, but I can do that. Except, like a prick, I've left even really *starting* my final year project (an entire website, including content like articles, images and video, aimed at 11-16-year-olds), which is due May 1st, until...well, right now. Oh, and that has to have a 4,000 critical practice essay accompanying it. I also have to work 2-3 days a week as a BDM.

    I know that having let this all pile up is a byproduct - not exactly a symptom - of my depression and anxiety. But here we are, the end is right in front of me, and I could very easily have fucked myself down from a potential First to a 2:2 or worse by just not doing what I'm supposed to do.

    I don't know what to do.

    Well, I do. I should fucking start writing. Fuck. I just can't motivate myself. The fuck is wrong with me?

    EDIT: Here, look. I made solid progress. I made a list. This is definitely not procrastination. 



  3. 3 minutes ago, BigJag said:

    Hmmm. The whole production is a bit low quality. It's not as if you'd have had a Hollywood budget for it. What would you have liked to improve about it?

    Better transitions between shots, better abilities with titles. My input is only the editing and trying to convey genre and theme and influences. It's a sitcom, with elements of slapstick, built around serious political issues and how those are handled. Blackadder meets Yes, Minister meets The Thick of It. I didn't have input about the shots I had available to me, so in that regard in feel better about it. I don't know. It just seems kinda shitty. 

  4. 1 hour ago, BrodyGraham said:

    Just picked up Titanfall 2 for a fiver from the Deals with Gold on Xbox live.

    Seems criminal that a) It's this cheap, and b) EA basically sent this game out to die.

    Only an hour or so in but that seems like too good a bargain not to shout about!

    I loved the original Titanfall but the way f they pushed it to market without any real single player campaign and then charged full price for it left a sour taste. However I loved the multiplayer and the mechanics of Titanfall so much, I still picked up the sequel on release. I really enjoyed the single player campaign. I'm not sure how well that was received, but I thought it was great. Probably partly because it wasn't overly long and meant I could finish a game for fucking once. I also really enjoyed the multiplayer, for the time I played it. I got TF2 on the Xbox One though and haven't really touched my console for months, between being busy and kinda sticking with my gaming PC. 

    It's obviously not going to get another game, but I think the Titanfall 'franchise' overall was really, really good. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, JLM said:


    Heyy. Who are you on Rllmuk? :)

    I still love the wrasslin', but yeah I found a new online time-wasting home in RLLMUK. They have a wrestling thread there too that I'm quite active in. I absolutely adore NXT and watch that religiously. Everything else I dip in and out and watch what's recommended. Sadly I don't have time to follow Dragon Gate full time like I used to. :(

    I have recently decided to occasionally pick out some random stuff from the Network library and write stuff about it though. Will post those here too. I do miss this place sometimes, particularly a number of the names mentioned in this thread.

    Damn, JLM. This is like talking to your ex on social media after a long time being split up, her telling you you "had some good times" but that she's "so happy now" with her new husband and two children. Meanwhile, you're huffing glue just to get through the day.

  6. So, I was the designated editor for a TV title sequence we were ordered to film as a part of one of my university modules. I actually used to be good at video editing. About a decade ago, I worked as an edit assistant at a production place in Soho. 11 years later, with totally different software and the hard living of my 20s behind me, it turns out my editing "skills" leave something to be desired:


  7. It's really kind of crazy to me that no well known Oz podcast has been done. Well done on finding a subject to podcast about that hasn't already been beaten to death!

  8. Started reading Garth Ennis's run on The Punisher (Punisher Max) this week. Had never read any Punisher previously. Really enjoying it. The Vietnam sections are great. I'm watching the Netflix Punisher at the same time but it's so different to Punisher Max that it's no biggie. 

  9. On 16/03/2018 at 1:21 PM, Uncle Zeb said:

    I know I've mentioned this before, but taking part in the Stop Funding Hate and Sleeping Giants campaigns is one way to help encourage a more ethical media. Hitting the worst offenders where it hurts most - their advertising revenue - is something we can all contribute to.

    I actually work with Stop Funding Hate. I'm a volunteer, so a couple of days a week I check out who is advertising in the Mail and the Express so the SFH Twitter account can call them out. I'm also involved in lots of research they're doing around various issues - not sure how much I'm allowed to say publicly about the exact topics we're researching (they are very worried about undercover gutter press journalists infiltrating them in order to discredit them: those papers are super worried about the pressure being put on their advertisers - I had to have somebody give me a reference stating that I wasn't actually an undercover). 

    If you or @Carbomb wanted to offer any help, I'm pretty sure they're always looking for intelligent, dedicated people who can contribute in one way or another. You should get in touch.

  10. I'd be up for this. Girlfriend has never seen Oz and is pining for something for us to watch together. What's more romantic than watching Adebesi feed a man glass until he dies?

  11. 19 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

    I borrowed my Wii U to a workmate months back, long before Christmas and only got it back a few weeks ago.

    We decided we wanted to play Wind Waker on it so I dig it out of the drawer and go to get the game and it's nowhere to be seen.

    I message the lad asking if I borrowed him it and I never, so I sit for a good half hour asking my partner if she remembers seeing it, or if we (very unlikely) traded it in for something. No idea.

    So I go into the games room and I tip that place over, everything is off of shelves, I've emptied drawers, moved furniture, the lot. The room is a dump. After a good 45 minutes of crashing through this room like a sweaty neckbeardy Braun Strowman, I remember where it is.

    It came built into my Wii U as a download. My limited edition Wind Waker Wii U. I've never even owned the fucking disc.



  12. I'm still curious what ogling looks like when coming from a 13 year old?

    Actually, what is ogling even from a fully grown women? In my experience, you see someone you might like to take out, you approach them and work it out. Surely ogling is only something that happens in poorly written movies to demonstrate that he/she "wants it"?

  13. I never finished Skyrim or The Witcher 3, even though I really enjoy them. It's just a time thing. Used to be I could sit and play video games for weeks on end. I hate being an adult tbh.

    Add Kingdom Come: Deliverance to that list, as well. I bet I don't finish it even though it's awesome.

  14. I gave up on my Kodi box a long time ago as it always seemed like a massive ballache to find working football streams and far easier to hit up /r/SoccerStreams and just watch on my PC. Has it got any better for football streams?

  15. I said ages ago (not that I'm only person to have said this) that they're going to run into problems - and already have to a degree - when they can't bring the likes of Taker and Triple H back for WrestleMania. Simply because they haven't created the sort of stars since the 90s/early 00s - Cena and possibly Orton aside - that are going to hook the casual/lapsed fans back in around Mania time. When they've had a chance to do so, they either fuck it up (Ryback) or are so consumed by The Plan that they run the risk of fucking it up (Braun).

    I can't imagine what WrestleMania is going to look like in 10 years if they continue on like this.

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