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Posts posted by SpursRiot2012

  1. It's kinda crazy how not surprising this is. We're at the point where the President of the United States can endorse actual far-right hate mongers and nobody is surprised. Isn't there any law that can be invoked to get Trump out of office? Like, a law against being *such* an absolute toss monster?

  2. What do you get for signing on these days? 100 quid every two weeks? I can't imagine anybody would enjoy that - putting aside the confidence issues that can arise with having to interact with Job Centre staff every couple of weeks - once they've got past their early 20s. 

    Hope things work out, Keith. 

  3. I've hit the wall. The novelty has worn off. I'm bored. I'm sick of being inside. I can't sleep at night, as I'm not expending any energy during the day. So I'm relying on sleeping pills. But of course my tolerance is sky rocketing, so that's not a long term solution. 

    December 13th can't come quickly enough. I've always been a bit of a home body, but this is something else. 

    While I'm here, what do people know about smoking with broken bones? Apparently (according to the Internet) smoking is very bad when you're healing. The doctors never mentioned this. I'm getting conflicting information on whether it's the nicotine or the carbon monoxide that causes issues. If it's not nicotine, I can switch to vaping. 

  4. I found that a bit off too. It seemed like every wrestler he interacted with, he made a huge deal of saying he never enjoys it, and he's going to try and enjoy. Like maybe he was trying a bit too hard to convey that he doesn't take it all so seriously anymore yet seeming like he actually still takes it super seriously. 

  5. Did you use the app or the Web version? With the app, you select the two languages (say English and Spanish) and it allows you to say things in English that are then translated to Spanish and repeated to whoever you're speaking with. A friend who speaks Spanish said it was pretty good but she's not a native speaker. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Loki said:

    Given all this talk of posting on mobiles, you do wonder what percentage of posts on the UKFF take place whilst members are dropping their kids off at the pool.  Not very sanitary.

    I've been thinking of marketing a series of sanitary wipes for phones specifically for use when you've just done a shit while on your phone.

  7. 4 hours ago, Jon-Carr_92 said:

    They're building new stadiums all the time over there. There's a few over here that are 10-15 years old as well like Emirates, new Wembley, Olympic Stadium, Ethiad which they built for the Commonwealth Games turned 15. 

    I wouldn't expect any of those stadiums to be demolished and replaced for 40 years or more. They love a new stadium in the States, it seems. Seems half the time to be the reason MLS teams move cities or states - the local government will help them fund a new stadium. 

  8. 7 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

    Avoid negative launch, sucker buyers in and then add it all back in when you can't get a refund and the initial buzz has died off. Screw them.

    I was able to get a full refund on Battlefront 1 from Xbox Live about eight months after I'd bought the digital copy through the Xbox store. I read somewhere they'll let you do that once a year. 

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