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Posts posted by ReturnOfTheMack

  1. There are ways around it. They could kill The Doctor then have a Doctor from an alternate reality (or that could be the one who died). Its a shame they never finished The Cartmel Masterplan storyline as that could have given leeway for The Doctor to return from death in an almost Jesus way.

  2. Yeah the second half has really been a let down for me. On the other hand I really enjoyed the Hitler episode and I found this one quite good. Amazingly I didnt even hate James Cordon.

  3. Oh God, some of the stuff I did when I had depression is horrible. A couple of example:


    helped a prostitute shoplift

    claimed to have watched a friend die so someone would buy me a drink

    had someone hold a (lit) lighter under my arm for nearly a minute to 'prove how tough I was'



    Thats the nicer stuff, Im too ashamed of the rest to even begin to admit to anyone. :(

  4. Cheers for the answers, I enjoy boxing but know nothing about it so being told by someone who knows their stuff is great. :)

    I know nothing on subjects that are of no interest to me. If i enjoy something, I at least having a basic knowledge of what i am enjoying? Do you mean you have a basic knowledge or as you say "nothing"?



    OK I dont know nothing, but I know very, very little. I could name about 5 current boxers for example. I dont have time to learn about everything that has interested and entertained me in my life, and while I enjoy to watch boxing its always been low down the list of things to do/learn about.

  5. Duane go read the popular mechanics stuff please. It will answer a lot of your technical suspicions.







    Many conspiracy theorists point to FEMA's preliminary report, which said there was relatively light damage to WTC 7 prior to its collapse. With the benefit of more time and resources, NIST researchers now support the working hypothesis that WTC 7 was far more compromised by falling debris than the FEMA report indicated. "The most important thing we found was that there was, in fact, physical damage to the south face of building 7," NIST's Sunder tells PM. "On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom
  6. Mayweather ducking Khan? Not a chance. Infact, I would bet my last penny that Floyd looks at Amir Khan and sees $$$$$$ . He sees the chance to box in the UK also, which is something he has legitimatley wanted for years, it's not a PR spin. People might not agree, but I think Khan would be an easy night for Floyd. But you never know, and I would certainly pay to find out.



    If he sees money then why is he backing down off of his promise to fight him if he beat Mayweathers guy? If that makes sense, Im going from knowing very little, even names. :laugh:

  7. I dont know much about boxing, so if this is a stupid question please forgive me. :p


    Now a few of my family have been claiming that Mayweather is ducking Khan and The Pacman. How true is that? Is it just a reaction to the way he won the last fight?

  8. Oh, I just remembered that there actually was one. One from when I worked at Pizza Hut, his table tried to do a runner and he came back and paid the bill himself and apologised for the others.


    Not that it matters, I fully believe that people should be judged on what they do, not what their background/race/religion/nationality/whatever is.


    Entirely agreed.

    The pizza hut thing kinda makes the point as well, how many times did you serve a table who may well have been made up of travellers but you had no idea that's what they were? Like I said, they don't wear uniforms.



    Believe me, the Doncaster Huts were very quiet, we knew everyone who came in near as dammit. Though we got a surprise when Gabrielle came in. Not a great tipper.

  9. I never met a Traveller who was anything other than a scumbag (or at least doing a good impression of one), and that makes me feel guilty to say as I know that it cant be them all, just I have had bad experiences with them. I dont want to view them all based on the impressions given by a few, but its hard sometimes to avoid that feeling.


    Not sure what the point of this post is really.


    Funny thing there is, ya probably have met lots of travellers who weren't scumbags. Thing is they don't tend to wear t-shirts saying "I'm a pikey me, be ready to judge." Unless you specifically asked if they lived in a caravan, they probably wouldn't tell you.



    Yeah maybe I have, maybe its more fair then to say all the ones who I have met and known to be travellers.


    Oh, I just remembered that there actually was one. One from when I worked at Pizza Hut, his table tried to do a runner and he came back and paid the bill himself and apologised for the others.


    Not that it matters, I fully believe that people should be judged on what they do, not what their background/race/religion/nationality/whatever is.

  10. I never met a Traveller who was anything other than a scumbag (or at least doing a good impression of one), and that makes me feel guilty to say as I know that it cant be them all, just I have had bad experiences with them. I dont want to view them all based on the impressions given by a few, but its hard sometimes to avoid that feeling.


    Not sure what the point of this post is really.

  11. With respect RotM, my post (#1145) related to corroded steel, not melted steel.


    As I mentioned earlier in the thread, even the official 9/11 reports have been unable to explain some of the aspects of the building's collapses, describing such things as the corrosion of steel beams as unexplained events. The FEMA report stated that the severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of multiple steel samples from the collapsed buildings was very unusual and that no clear explanation for the source of the sulphur they discovered could be identified.



    Apologies I misunderstood what you were getting at.


    Wall board is CaSO4.2H2O. A 4'x10' section of 5/8' wall board weighs about 110 pounds. Of that, about 20 pounds is sulfur. Every 4' of single sided wall is 20 pounds of sulfur. Double sided partition walls are 40# of sulfur. Conservatively estimating about 400 sheets per floor gives 8,000 pounds of sulfur per floor. About 100 stories gives 800,000 pounds of sulfur for WTC-1. Allow another 800,000 pounds for WTC2 and you get about 1.6 million pounds of sulfur for those buildings alone.


    Where do you think all the sulfur came from?




    According to the official FEMA report, WTC 7 sustained relatively light damage prior to it's collapse. So why did in go down and again how many examples can you find of steel-frame high-rise buildings that have been ravaged by severe fires collapsing as a result of said fires?



    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its long-awaited report on the collapse of World Trade 7 following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. "Our take-home message today is that the reason for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is no longer a mystery," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder told journalists at this morning's press conference in Gaithersburg, Md. "WTC 7 collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings. It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires."


    Conspiracy theorists have long pointed to the collapse of the 47-story structure as key evidence that the U.S. government orchestrated or abetted the 9/11 attacks. No planes struck the building, and the commonly available views of the exterior didn't show significant damage. Yet, at 5:20 pm, 7 hours after the collapse of the Twin Towers (WTC 1 and 2), WTC 7 rapidly fell in on itself. Since WTC 7 housed Secret Service and CIA offices, conspiracy theorists claimed that the building was destroyed in a controlled demolition in order to obliterate evidence of the U.S. government's complicity in the terrorist attacks. "It is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved," stated actress and TV personality Rosie O'Donnell of ABC's The View in March 2007. "For the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. It is physically impossible," she said.


    Today's report confirms that a fire was, indeed, the cause. "This is the first time that we are aware of, that a building taller than about 15 stories has collapsed primarily due to fires," Sunder told reporters at the press conference. "What we found was that uncontrolled building fires--similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings--caused an extraordinary event, the collapse of WTC7." The unprecedented nature of the event means that understanding the precise mechanism of the collapse is important not just to answer conspiracy theorists' questions, but to improve safety standards in the engineering of large buildings.


    The final report describes how debris from the collapse of WTC 1 ignited fires on at least 10 floors of WTC 7 at the western half of the south face. Fires on Floors 7 through 9 and 11 through 13 burned out of control, because the water supply to the automatic sprinkler system had failed. The primary and backup water supply to the sprinkler systems for the lower floors relied on the city's water supply. Those water lines were damaged by the collapse of WTC 1 and 2. These uncontrolled fires in WTC 7 eventually spread to the northeast part of the building, where the collapse began.




    After 7 hours of uncontrolled fires, a steel girder on Floor 13 lost its connection to one of the 81 columns supporting the building. Floor 13 collapsed, beginning a cascade of floor failures to Floor 5. Column 79, no longer supported by a girder, buckled, triggering a rapid succession of structural failures that moved from east to west. All 23 central columns, followed by the exterior columns, failed in what's known as a "progressive collapse"--that is, local damage that spreads from one structural element to another, eventually resulting in the collapse of the entire structure.


    The report clarifies a number of widely debated issues concerning the collapse, particularly the role of the building's many diesel fuel tanks and the importance of structural damage from falling WTC 1 debris. Both of those factors have been cited by investigators as possibly contributing to the collapse; the 2006 Popular Mechanics book Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts mentions both hypotheses. However, the final NIST report downplays both scenarios, concluding that the diesel fuel stored in tanks (and intended to power backup generators) did not burn long enough or hot enough to account for structural failures. And, while debris damage to WTC 7's southern exterior was considerable (and initiated the destructive fires), the collapse originated in the northeast portion of the building. In fact, the report concludes: "Even without the structural damage, WTC 7 would have collapsed from fires."


    The report determines that the actual culprit in the collapse was the combustion of ordinary building furnishings: "These uncontrolled fires had characteristics similar to those that have occurred previously in tall buildings." If the sprinkler system in WTC 7 had been working, it is likely that "the fires in WTC 7 would have been controlled and the collapse prevented." The report also suggests that current engineering standards for coping with fire-induced thermal expansion need to be re-examined, particularly for buildings like WTC 7 that have long, unsupported floor spans. A key factor in the collapse, NIST concluded, was the failure of structural "connections that were designed to resist gravity loads, but not thermally induced lateral loads." According to Sunder: "For the first time we have shown that fire can induce a progressive collapse."


    Spurred by conspiracy theorists' questions, investigators did look specifically at the possibility that explosives were involved. "Hypothetical blast events did not play a role in the collapse of WTC 7," the report states, adding that investigators "found no evidence whose explanation required invocation of a blast event." Moreover, the smallest charge capable of initiating column failure "would have resulted in a sound level of 130 dB [decibels] to 140 dB at a distance of at least half a mile." Witnesses did not report hearing such a loud noise, nor is one audible on recordings of the collapse.


    NIST will accept public comment on the final report until Sept. 15, 2008.



    Read more: World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest - Popular Mechanics





    Oh, and the PM ebook has videos of flight 73 hitting the pentagon.

  12. Except Afghanistan...



    Yeah, they just have natural gas and over a trillion dollars worth of minerals.


    edit: Actually I just had a quick look at Wiki, they say that theres an estimated 1,596 million barrels of oil in Afghanistan.

  13. The best way I can answer that is by saying that experienced, credible professionals that number in their thousands; who are experts and specialists in such fields as engineering and architecture have conducted research and concluded that several aspects of the offical 9/11 story are spurious and that the manner in which the buildings collapsed can't have been caused by the factors reported in the offical 9/11 story. It should also be noted that even the official reports have been unable to explain some of the aspects of the building's collapses, describing such things as the corrosion of steel beams as very unusual events with no clear explanation for the source of the corrosion.



    Examples please bud. So I can answer the specific points as the steel beams stuff that I have read in the past has never mentioned corrosion.

  14. That's a ridiculous point. South Yorkshire isn't a country.


    Except its not a ridiculous point as its still part of the UK. As is Scotland. Its no more unfair on South Yorkshire than it is Scotland that our overall government has the power over a unitary state. Being a country makes no difference, we still voted against the current government and we still have to put up with it. Thats democracy, if it doesnt go your way then suck it up and get over it, democracy means accepting it when its against you as well as when its what you want. Or campaign for independence obviously. :laugh:


    But joking aside, would you prefer full independence or one of the other options that people have been floating about? If so would you want Scotland in the commonwealth or not?

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