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Posts posted by ReturnOfTheMack

  1. I obviously didnt say that, nor imply that. I dont know why stun guns were used, maybe it was actually needed, you know with the protesters attacking the police and all. Maybe the police are fair game to be attacked but not to defend themselves?



    Two protesters have been Tasered and one person arrested in clashes with bailiffs and riot police when the planned eviction of the UK's largest illegal travellers' site got under way.


    Officers in riot gear entered Dale Farm, near Basildon in Essex, after breaking down a rear fence just after 7am, prompting angry confrontations. The move came as police and bailiffs held discussions, described by supporters as a distraction, at the main gate.


    Essex Police said: "Officers have this morning entered the Dale Farm site following intelligence which informed the commanders that anyone entering the site was likely to come up against violence and a serious breach of the peace would occur.


    "Intelligence received indicated protesters had stockpiled various items with the intent of using these against bailiffs and police. The first officers on the site were attacked with missiles being thrown, including rocks and liquids. These officers were fully equipped to deal with this situation."


    At least 50 officers led the operation to clear the site. Supporters quickly erected barricades inside the site as police held the line, securing the rear area.


    Electricity supplies have been cut. Supporters say this has turned off crucial medical equipment belonging to elderly residents. Supporters chanted anti-police slogans and also set fire to a caravan placed across the street inside Dale Farm.


    Paramedics were escorted on to the site by supporters to treat resident Nora Egan, who claims she suffered back injuries in a confrontation with police. She said: "This is being led by the police, there is no sign of bailiffs."


    Lily Hayes, a human rights observer, said: "Basildon Council are violating the court order by smashing in the walls of a fully legal plot on the Dale Farm site. They are also acting unnecessarily brutally."


    Basildon Council leader Tony Ball said: "The premeditated and organised scenes of violence that we have already seen, with protesters throwing rocks and bricks, threatening police with iron bars and setting fire to a caravan, are shocking.


    "These are utterly disgraceful scenes and demonstrate the fact some so-called supporters were always intent on violence. Nonetheless we are going to press on with this operation with our partners in a safe, dignified and humane way and will uphold the law."

  2. The silence have looked into the dr's history quite a bit mind, it's all about his time line innit? If they see him again now, and it's clearly new to their history, they'll work out it's him.



    Hmmm, yeah I suppose thats possible. They could claim some kind of maguffin that lets them see things like the Time Lords and be able to discern the age of The Doctor relative to his timeline.

  3. Yeah, because that doesnt match up with


    Moffat essentially erased RTD's obsession with The Doctor being Superman-cum-Jesus by making him covert again



    Thats the statement I was disagreeing with. To be covert people would need to be unaware of The Doctor, his 'death' wouldnt make a difference either way to that. If they knew about him then they know he can appear regardless because it could be a him from before his death.


    That make sense to what I mean yet?

  4. After I got over the fact that he isn't using a Delorean or phone booth to travel I was able to forgive most other things.

    Well, he kind of does. :laugh: I just like a bit of logic in Doctor Who, I find it easy to ignore in other shows (even Torchwood) but not Doctor Who. Go figure.
  5. Thats what Im saying, how has this made him go under the radar? It makes no sense when you stop and think about it and how time travel works. If he wanted to be under the radar then he would be able to do the same without faking his death or needing a set up. I mean his (fake) death was needed for the story, and going less obvious is fine, but tying them together makes no sense in any logic I can figure.

  6. Im sorry, you're clearly not getting what I'm saying. Im not great with the written/typed word, so its probably how Im putting it. OK, try one last time.Even dead he ISNT gone. His death at the lake would have prevented his fall at Tranzalor, but it doesnt mean he can operate covertly as people know who he is and he can TIME TRAVEL. The Doctor from before his 'death' can still be places, so he could only operate in secret anywhere he could operate in secret before. His death doesnt change that. Thats the point I was picking up on.

  7. If hes known about before then hes still known about after. To make him covert he'd have had to erase all knowledge of himself, and probably his species, from the timelines

    Yes but the fact is they all think he's gone. So he can go about his business without the threat of something like The Silence looking to kill him. He made too much noise so to speak, became too 'known' where as before he used to silently go about his business.
    Except hes a time traveller with a complicated personal timeline. Even if he was dead an earlier him would still have been able to pop up and ruin plans/cause havok/save planets. Being dead doesnt mean people would stop looking as he would still have the ability to be there ruining things for The Silence or whoever else. Seriously, for any of his enemies to think hes gone just because hes dead would make them stupid beyond even traffic warden standards! Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
  8. Moffat essentially erased RTD's obsession with The Doctor being Superman-cum-Jesus by making him covert again and, in case I forgot, it was fun as hell.

    He really, really didnt. Time traveller, remember? Even if he had actually died it wouldnt matter as he could still have appeared anywhere at any time. If hes known about before then hes still known about after. To make him covert he'd have had to erase all knowledge of himself, and probably his species, from the timelines.
  9. Be interesting to see how they write it in, though - Smith's Doctor could never tell Tennant's he was the next one, because in The Eleventh Hour it's quite a key point that the Doctor doesn't know what he looks like.


    They go back to their own time lines and remember nothing of what happened. Problem solved. :p

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