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Posts posted by ReturnOfTheMack

  1. On 31/07/2017 at 11:15 AM, BomberPat said:

    Played "We Haven't Playtested This At All" at the pub the other night for my ex's birthday, it's ridiculous fun.

    Great game, plus the various add ons and the sequel just add to the strangeness.


    Just got Bears Vs Babies, great game with a simple game mechanic. If you like Exploding Kittens then you'll like this.

  2. I have an interview tomorrow, same company but a junior position in a different department. It's a pay cut, but it has far better prospects for the future, so I'm in two minds. Not sure having a couple of years having less money is really viable. But where I am now I've pretty close to maxed out the career path.

  3. New favourite tipple, Viking DNA by Brew York. Amazing, it's like a smokey chocolate milkshake that gets you pissed.  A 10/10 from me.

  4. A work colleague just posted this;


    Started of a wonderful day mel and Andrew came with there new motorbike it's fab mum n dad called then our steven n Kim called only thing was when he left he put lock on cat pen so. We been locked in there all afternoon no phone no drink no fags only toilet was cat litter thank god danny just come home to let us out x


    This is the woman I posted about who's cat came second in the show.

  5. I had an endoscopy and a rigid sigmoidoscopy (up the arse), down the throat was the worst by a long way.


    On the subject of pooing, I had a massive dump at work the other day and the sheer force of it somehow pushed it  down the u bend before I even flushed. 

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