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Posts posted by ReturnOfTheMack

  1. They need to default, as soon as possible. Fuck Germany. Greece should be looking to Argentina, who defaulted and have managed their way out of a similarly horrific financial situation into a booming economy.



    Not as booming as you think. Inflation is skyrocketting, they are being sued for defaults on loans and the government is activly trying to prevent people reporting on anything that goes against their official stance.


    GDP growth of 9.5% in 2011. Not too shabby. Inflation IS high though. I hadn't heard about them being sued, I thought they'd actually re-started payment of defaulted loans in the last few years?



    Please excuse me only using the one news site for my sources here, but its easier than trawling through loads.


    All these are from Mercopress.











    Im not any kind of even slight expert on finances, but I have spent a lot of time studying Latin America (due to my obsession with the Falklands Islands history) and Argentina is certainly in worse straits than they admit.

  2. They need to default, as soon as possible. Fuck Germany. Greece should be looking to Argentina, who defaulted and have managed their way out of a similarly horrific financial situation into a booming economy.



    Not as booming as you think. Inflation is skyrocketting, they are being sued for defaults on loans and the government is activly trying to prevent people reporting on anything that goes against their official stance.

  3. Re: Blade Runner sequel, how do people feel about the possibility of Harrison Ford/Deckard being in it? On the one hand, I like films with ageing heroes. On the other... he's meant to have died. Cos he's a replicant. So, how would that work?



    A slightly different model in the same range. Deckard 1.2.

  4. Watched it for what has to have been the eighth or ninth time a couple of weeks back. It's so fucking good. I was going to put it in the top ten but pulled back at the last minute. Kind of annoying in one sense; it's Downey Jr's comeback movie and I now find him to be extremely annoying and obnoxious. Still, Shane Black can make anything sing.


    "I'm sore. Physically I mean, not like a guy who's angry in a movie in the 1950's."

    His super fast, talky, smart arse acting now grates with me too (it doesn't help it's common place in 'clever' American TV and film).



    Yeah, but its what makes him fit as Iron Man.

  5. It's a fine example of something nice being turned into a revolting PR scheme.

    I thought you were getting a name change to Trevors bitch or something like that?

    Do your eyes not work?


    All these worthless posters jumping on the bobbins bandwagon is turning him face.

    Yeah my eyes work fine he is still bobbins on my screen.


    I am not jumping on any bandwagon I asked a simple question.


    What's with all these worthless hot heads who can't answer a simple question?


    Edit; I also have not got a problem with bobbins and think he is an ok poster, so my question was just that a question not jumping on the bandwagon as you called it.



    Fuck me... look under his avatar. Its his user title that was being changed, and it has been.

  6. A tainted victory if ever there was one :(


    As Lister pointed out in another thread, CM Punk won all those awards in the polls, yet also won the biggest anti-climax. How does that work?



    I didnt vote, but I'd assume that while Punk won awards as the best wrestler and so on, the storyline was the anti-climax, not Punk himself.


    A tainted victory if ever there was one :(


    As Lister pointed out in another thread, CM Punk won all those awards in the polls, yet also won the biggest anti-climax. How does that work?



    I didnt vote, but I'd assume that while Punk won awards as the best wrestler and so on, the storyline was the anti-climax, not Punk himself.

  7. Got to agree with everyone here, there's no need for a reboot on the big screen, especially as it's highly likely there's still going to be a TV show.


    I think a big screen adventure for whichever current Doctor is on screen at that moment would be better. Hey, if it gets them happier about paying big screen money, bring in someone like Johnny Depp as the villain.


    They could even have the series end with a hint to the film. Put the series on earlier in the year, and then release the film in the summer, or have the series at the regular time and release the film late summer early autumn



    Im fairly certain theres some kind of rule that bans the BBC from having a film of a show as they cant have something that means people have to watch the BBC to fully understand it. I could be wrong, but Im sure I'd read that before.

    That makes no sense, I film can be done without people having to watch the show to understand it. You make it so it fit between 2 serious but stands alone storywise. If it's felt necessary to give any kind of backstory to first time viewers they simply need to write in a scene where The Doctor is seeing flashbacks of his life. It's not complicated at all.



    Sorry I cant give more details, Im trying to find where I read about it.

  8. Got to agree with everyone here, there's no need for a reboot on the big screen, especially as it's highly likely there's still going to be a TV show.


    I think a big screen adventure for whichever current Doctor is on screen at that moment would be better. Hey, if it gets them happier about paying big screen money, bring in someone like Johnny Depp as the villain.


    They could even have the series end with a hint to the film. Put the series on earlier in the year, and then release the film in the summer, or have the series at the regular time and release the film late summer early autumn



    Im fairly certain theres some kind of rule that bans the BBC from having a film of a show as they cant have something that means people have to watch the BBC to fully understand it. I could be wrong, but Im sure I'd read that before.

  9. I think people are saying that the police are doing the actual evicting. But whats the line between evicting and making removing people to keep the peace? I think the police are trying to tread that line. Baddly.


    edit: or as David said.

  10. What happens when the bailiffs arrive?


    The bailiffs can physically remove you from your home. They can use necessary force to enter the property and can remove anyone living there.


    The bailiffs have to act reasonably, and must not use unreasonable force. The locks will normally be changed to ensure you can't get back in. This will happen even if you are not in the property when the bailiffs arrive.


    The bailiffs can ask the police to be present if they think you might try to stop them from getting in. The police aren't allowed to help the bailiffs with the eviction but they can attend to prevent any disturbance. The police can arrest anyone who is violent. Your lender's (or freeholder's) solicitor or estate agent will also be present at the eviction, and will then have the keys to the property.



  11. I obviously didnt say that, nor imply that. I dont know why stun guns were used, maybe it was actually needed, you know with the protesters attacking the police and all. Maybe the police are fair game to be attacked but not to defend themselves?



    Two protesters have been Tasered and one person arrested in clashes with bailiffs and riot police when the planned eviction of the UK's largest illegal travellers' site got under way.


    Officers in riot gear entered Dale Farm, near Basildon in Essex, after breaking down a rear fence just after 7am, prompting angry confrontations. The move came as police and bailiffs held discussions, described by supporters as a distraction, at the main gate.


    Essex Police said: "Officers have this morning entered the Dale Farm site following intelligence which informed the commanders that anyone entering the site was likely to come up against violence and a serious breach of the peace would occur.


    "Intelligence received indicated protesters had stockpiled various items with the intent of using these against bailiffs and police. The first officers on the site were attacked with missiles being thrown, including rocks and liquids. These officers were fully equipped to deal with this situation."


    At least 50 officers led the operation to clear the site. Supporters quickly erected barricades inside the site as police held the line, securing the rear area.


    Electricity supplies have been cut. Supporters say this has turned off crucial medical equipment belonging to elderly residents. Supporters chanted anti-police slogans and also set fire to a caravan placed across the street inside Dale Farm.


    Paramedics were escorted on to the site by supporters to treat resident Nora Egan, who claims she suffered back injuries in a confrontation with police. She said: "This is being led by the police, there is no sign of bailiffs."


    Lily Hayes, a human rights observer, said: "Basildon Council are violating the court order by smashing in the walls of a fully legal plot on the Dale Farm site. They are also acting unnecessarily brutally."


    Basildon Council leader Tony Ball said: "The premeditated and organised scenes of violence that we have already seen, with protesters throwing rocks and bricks, threatening police with iron bars and setting fire to a caravan, are shocking.


    "These are utterly disgraceful scenes and demonstrate the fact some so-called supporters were always intent on violence. Nonetheless we are going to press on with this operation with our partners in a safe, dignified and humane way and will uphold the law."

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