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Posts posted by simonworden

  1. I'm an absolute sucker for good ol' Britwres comedy spots from inring stuff like that curl up, hands waving leading to an arm drag thing or even sillier stuff like pants down, getting kids to hit the heel with foam hands or overreacting to public warnings. 

    As said R Truth is just gold and to me has a place as one of the best comedians in wrestling of all time. 

    I feel like some of Golddusts sillyness gets forgotten from 2002 as well l. Those segments with the nWo were fantastic.

    Actual I ring wise or not so in ring, give me Crash Holly hardcore title shenanigans any day. Instead of technical classic tournaments they should've done a crash Holly classic where the two opponents have to try and pin each other anywhere anytime in a 24hr window

  2. I didn't mind the main event and was genuinely glad they filtered out all the firm bollocks and didn't go with a potential pinnacle reunion at this point. I feel like they've actually course corrected a bit to Regal from what was originally planned there.

    Regal turn makes sense to me. He's been on the face side for years having to toe the line but then he meets MJF. Someone do dastardly with so much promise it's like a young version of Regal in and outside the ring. Of course he was going to join up. He shouldn't be spending his final years with nutjob Mox, a vegan married to a Bella or two pillars of generic. He should living the good life with Max, daytime's in the country club and nightime in the strip variety. Mox and Bryan probably don't even offer him a good cup of tea when he pops round and Yuta would get his mum to make it....not good enough for Britain's best wrestling villan in his golden years!

  3. 11 hours ago, Louch said:

    Sign him up here and we will knock that outta him for you in no time 

    He'll also learn more about shitting than he ever thought possible and have many questions about why someone would wear the shoes they want to return back to the shop

  4. I'd take Austin Cena or Rock if he must wrestle again but that was a wonderful send off last time so they should keep their grubby mits off. Instead Austin as the ref in the Roman/Rock or Roman/Sami match works hitting the bloodline with stunners etc

  5. 21 hours ago, chokeout said:

    I really can't stress enough how much I love this show. It's bleak, it's shows the mundane day to day stuff of the Star Wars universe, the inner workings of the empire, the bureaucracy of it all and most importantly they are building characters. Its amazing. Serkis is about 30 minutes of screen time has managed to show more character and journey than anyone in the last 3 Star wars films. 

    I see people complaining about the pace, mainly wanting a dogfight every 25 minutes but that's what you have Mando for

    Awards for everyone and more episodes, please. 

    Totally in agreement here. The characters and lives we see them leading feel the most fleshed out and realistic of any sci fi I've seen. The Star wars universe comes across well bleak here even the shitness of what's his faces mother's condo like a 60s council flat but in the future. 

    Anotger thing that struck me was unlike Trek where they have to make everything, all the gadgets etc more and more hitech and screw up the timeline. Things in the Star Wars universe apart from having droids and space ships seem a bit backwards compared to where we are now and I love it.

    I want something from Star Wars now 100 percent removed from the Skywalker saga. Give me a Corusant cop show,l with a droidbbuddy or a sexy storm trooper academy series.

  6. The best bit for me in the Bloodline segment is right after Sami uses the term Ucey for the first time and Jey tries to turn away and Roman pulls him in to face it head on clearly making the whole thing even more difficult to 0laybstraoght for Jey. 

    When was the last time on screen talent seemed to be having so much fun week in week out?


  7. 1 hour ago, cena's mam's clunge said:

    Utterly awful booking for the title match, like Katie Lee bad. Not one person thinks the fat midget stands a chance of winning, the story direction is MJF vs Moxley, wtf was that match about?! 

    Do you mean Katie Vick? Katie Lee just had to pretend to be having sex with her bro....oh nevermind

  8. 3 minutes ago, FUM said:

    Judging by the previous booker you would be right but Triple H has always been willing to play the long game with storylines and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s started to accept Sami as the back up option should The Rock not agree to turn up at WrestleMania. I just don’t see how they get The Rock at this stage to be honest, he’s probably the busiest guy in the world that isn’t a world leader.

    True, I can fantasy book it but doubt it would be that interesting or if I'm actually.as interesting as I think. 

  9. I can't believe they won't pull the trigger on the Sami story earlier than Feb to be honest. My guess would be right after Wargames they have The Bloodline turn on him. I was predicting Sami Vs Roman at the rumble but you could have Sami out "injured" with Owens/Roman at the Rumble. Sami wins that leading to Sami/Roman at the chamber 1 on 1 and freeing Roman up for Rock potentially at Mania and Usos Vs Sami/Owens on the undercard. 

    Not sure what you do with the Men's chamber winner though at this point. 

  10. 18 hours ago, Version1.0 said:

    Punk and The Elite shown and mentioned on Dynamite. Is this the first time since the fight?

    Punk was shown on clips of former RoH champions (including Kevin Owens 🤣).

    The Elite were referenced as having vacated the trios titles that Death Triangle then won. 

    If they want to/can squeeze something out of Punk give him the ROH title and throw a show out online of ROH so neither bother the main AEW shows again. ROH can be his own personal pissong ground to do what he likes for all I care.

  11. 10 hours ago, Frankie Crisp said:

    A boozer in town called Ma Boyle’s, just in the shadow of the Liver Building. The quality of their food is rarely matched nearby.

    They also do the best Sunday Roast in town, for anyone in the area.

    Sounds good, can't say I'll be in Liverpool any time soon but my brother in law is often up for the footy so I'll pass the place on when I see him.


    Anyone had one of those Toby carvery breakfast buffets recently? Quite fancy one when I'm back but notice they took black pudding off the menu which means the balance between quality and quantity is well in question.

  12. 21 hours ago, Frankie Crisp said:

    Absolutely glorious effort yesterday. Everything was cooked perfectly.

    There was a second hash brown under the toast and the poached eggs oozed throughout the plate when popped.


    Going to give it a 9.5 - would have been a perfect 10 if the place wasn’t empty resulting in me hearing the chef blathering on about the Marvel Universe and Kayne West throughout every sodding bite.


    Where did you get Frankie? Looks wonderful. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Pinc said:

    We must enjoy fiction differently mate, which is fine like. There's no explanation - in the canon of the show - for why the camera crew knew where all the Wyatt cosplayers dotted around the crowd would appear, right on cue. And that bothers me. I'm not choosing to find it bothersome, its an automatic response while watching the show. Makes it less believable, less immersive.

    All it takes is a bit of forethought, have the characters start appearing in the crowd but the camera only catches them incidentally at first. Have Bray walk out of something (anything!) other than a backlit door with a smoke machine behind it. You can hit all the same character beats while giving my subconscious mind fewer reasons to ask questions about what I'm seeing. I'm not asking for it to be hyper-realistic at all, just internally coherent.

    I'm super tired for baby raising so getting drawn in when I wouldn't usually. I didn't hate the return as the big overdone production for a return we've seen before. Taker had several of these between 06 and 11. It was exciting, it was entertaining and to leave it with no patsy to take a move off Bray keeps people guessing. If you need a plot hole twist you could argue that Bray probably controlled the production crew and had people he manipulated don the costumes in the audience. 

    I do agree it could have been toned down. My preference would have been lights out, scary voices, white rabbit plays bray walks out in Craig David/Guy Fawkes mask with lantern....I'm here end but as I said it was what it was and wasn't that bad 

  14. 9 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    I mean if we had know about what the wrestlers from the 80’s and early 90’s we wouldn’t probably disappointed at them now days for the sexual assaults, cruel pranks, homophobia, bullying and murders they were getting away with while we respected them. As much as there are negatives the reason wrestlers were outed during speaking out was due to social media. Sure, there are negatives from seeing their interactions on twitter pullin back the curtain, but there are definitely upsides as well.

    True, I'm not condoning any of that rotten behaviour either and neither am I condeming social media as an often helpful way for people to speak out but in the context of grown up men airing their work squabbles when they are supposed to be "real life super heros" they need to pack it right in 

  15. Even seeing Adam Cole playing Mario Kart doesnt sit right with me. I honestly don't want to know what the wrestlers are doing outside of their on camera characters that's why people like Hook, OC, Danhausen are appealing to me I know nothing about them outside of the person they portray on TV and I definately prefer it that way. 

    Twitter is toxic in general but wrestler-wrestler or fan-wrestler interactions seem even more cringeworthy than some of the other stuff. Do performers from any other entertainment industry spend their time airing their egotrips and hissy fits online like wrestlers do? Would Babs Windsor have ever called out Ross Kemp for being a fake baldy hardman because he couldn't get his lines right? Maybe in person but not on twitter. 

    I'm definately showing my age but how have we gone in 30 years from Savage, Hogan, Warrior, Sting etc shouting coked up promos into a microphone before smashing some jobber and having no idea about them in real life to Sammy Guevara, Andrade, Bucks, Punk etc writing bitchy snippets to each other online?

  16. Has everyone given up on this then? Found the cast changes interesting but the last episode had a lot of dross in it. 


    Definately didn't need the first scene in that much detail. I can honestly say I've never thought a birthing scene needed to include a reference to the afterbirth whatsoever. 

    Then I might have been too tired but I didn't quite get the drama around Daemons wife and the way she chuffs it. Might have been better if they'd built up their story and relationship more. 

    Apart from that outside of Daemon all the characters seem pretty much detestable now in their own special way.


  17. 22 hours ago, air_raid said:

    I'd break it up more and instead of 3 relentless hours of the same stuff (plus potential overrun) I'd do something like this, as they love "content", recaps, and the preshow concept.

    First Quarter hour : Like a pre-show, but condensed, faster paced and less meaningless crap. Do a quick recap of what happened last week (which they love, because its recycling content they already have), pre-tapes you have of any interviews or a quick look at what the wrestlers have put on their social media, run down what's on tap for tonight's show (get me excited about what's going to happen without a lengthy droning in-ring promo segment). Do loads of touching on the last PPV if this is the first show since.

    2nd-5th quarter hour : Do matches and the usual kind of angles that are currently happening on a three hour Raw, but do them for an hour here. Don't do tiresome "moments ago" recaps, they're coming up later when everyone gets time to breathe. ALWAYS start this section with a match, no promos. We've been talked into the building, give us some wrestling.

    6th and 7th quarter hours - break up everything you've just been doing and give me a break. Go backstage for some proper mic-in-hand interviews with wrestlers reacting to what's happened to them earlier, or "you're about to wrestle such and such" type things. Have the commentators do some hype for the PPV and touch on what happened on SmackDown too (casual reminder to watch it). If you lost some of your pre-show hype because there's been a PPV, do a bit more hype for what's coming up later. Do some vignettes for forthcoming characters. Fuck it, shill some network specials here too. Invest some time into flogging me anything other than the matches HERE, IN THIS TIME, which feels a bit different from the rest of the show. If people are going to debut or return without having a match, maybe make the habit of doing it here so its got the "something unpredictable usually happens at this predictable time" so fewer people channel hop while they're waiting for more matches.

    8th-11th quarter hours : Do more of 2-5 but with different wrestlers.

    12th/final quarter hour : go to a studio for a bit of a wrap show. Dwell (briefly) on what happened tonight, what it means for X or Y character going forward. Buzz for anything that's been added for the PPV, hype anything announced for next weeks show, remind the viewers to watch SmackDown, grab 3 minutes with whichever wrestler did something or had something happen that their reaction is the thing you want the fans to remember most. Or drop a bombshell of "BREAKING NEWS!!! - this guy is apparently returning NEXT WEEK OMG!!!!!" to get people talking and wanting to tune in next week, playing off the stuff we already have ruined by the net rather than ignoring it.

    Keep it fucking tight, stick to that format rigidly, never run over. Instead of giving me the same format for 2 or 3 hours straight, change the scenery a bit. Then eventually, once its established, you can do one of those unforgettable episodes where the format goes out the window because a new wrestler or invasion force fucks something up, a return shocks the studio so much they abandon what they're supposed to be doing, someone invades the wrap up final quarter or something.

    It's just an idea, might not have times right, but I'd do something like that. I know "structure" isn't in fitting with the "anything can happen" feeling that RAW (LIVE!!!111) was supposed to be, but it would break up the monotony of one massive chunk of the same kind of stuff week in week out.

    This is where they could use what they've learn from the network/peacock surely. They don't need to repeat the same content but create new "in storyline" content based on it. If the Stone Cold interviews are doing well then find something similar to use for 20 to 30 mins. If it's the Raw Talk/ Talking Smack stuff throw that out there. Even things like table for 3 or quick career recaps on those with big fights coming up would work. Throwing Sami Zayn in the ring with Roman? Have a 30 min section where he recaps his career from the Indies to NXT and his time in WWE before he focuses on real events. If or when Sasha Banks returns instead of letting her spill the beans on Jericho's podcast etc have a sit down with Michael Cole.


    I'd even like to see things thrown out with wrestler A,B or C talking about their favourite match when growing up and why which of course is on the network. 

    As you say once you establish these concepts you can twist it more with tangles and the unexpected.


    One issue might be international markets don't particularly like lengthy talking bits which I think was an issue for them 10 years ago but whenever I've caught WWE abroad most places cut the shows down to 1 to 2 hours and if they don't just tape some extra matches to throw out instead of using the main event logo just tape it with the raw lighting on and everyone is happy. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Supremo said:

    Fuck off anyone who isn’t happy. Anyone who wants to go work for Hunter, let them. Draw a line under the last year or so and go back to pushing all the originals who built this company from scratch.

    Speaking of which, MJF is cashing in during or after that Mox vs. Hangman match, isn’t he? Feels really obvious now all the pieces have been put into place. Not that I’m complaining. A fresh start like that is exactly what we need. This show alone paved the way for a tonne of babyface contenders who could challenge MJF. Kingston, Darby, Hangman, Starks, Jungle Boy, Samoa Joe, Sting. That’s eighteen months right there!

    I hope not RE: the cash in, things are getting a bit WCW 99-00 with the belt for my liking right now and a little stability until Full Gear or Winter is Coming wouldn't go amiss. Also the "cash in" thing is such a WWE cliché that I'm certain it would backfire on the company losing them more good will. 


    Agree completely on letting anyone go who would rather be elsewhere and focussing back on some of the originals. Just looking at the reaction to The Acclaimed shows me there's plenty of hot young acts that can be further pushed/ exposed which will carry the company. TNA 2008, AEW is not.

  19. 21 hours ago, Louch said:

    Danielson wouldn’t work in a feud with MJF as he’s smarmier and more disingenuous than the heel is 

    I agree with that. His character at the moment wouldn't work in a 1 on 1 feud with MJF unless they tweak it back closer to his WWE one. 

    I'm not convinced Mox was the way to go either. The only benefit is that he is probably the biggest name for MJF to beat. Storyline wise I would have preferred them putting the belt back on Hangman for this feud.

  20. 18 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

    I enjoyed it, though definitely has some faults. Firstly why is every single fucker in this English? Feels more like it's set in the midlands than in a galaxy far, far away. And good lord it's slow in paces and very strangely paced. 

    But it looks beautiful, actually has proper dialogue, characters and writing in it, feels like there's a point to it rather than the written by Reddit absolute drizzling shite that Boba Fett and Obi Wan were. 

    That's something I like. Feels to me like an industrial revolution town in space. Even at the end of the second episode that space bus thing felt purposely like a UK city bus in its layout and nutters not leaving you alone. 

  21. I'm JFCing a lot at the moment over many things so I'll contribute again I'm sure. Simple one is hire cars in the UK costing 300+ quid for a week these days. Feels like hire companies really don't want more than 1 day rentals going on

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