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Keith Houchen

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Posts posted by Keith Houchen

  1. 39 minutes ago, N dot Brixton said:

    bro u have to pay me to use ur wack bars


    3 minutes ago, N dot Brixton said:

    why are all of these references straight out of jurrasic park?

    Loop Reaction GIF

  2. 18 minutes ago, FLips said:

    I wouldn’t say it annoys me or that I want to “shithouse it”. Just the concept of it baffles me. Like, what is it for? Is it to impress someone? Is it trying to start a trend?

    Yeah you could understand it in the front garden. 

  3. If you really want to shithouse it, ask the council if they have planning permission for it. Invariably all the “I can’t fly my flag because of woke” comes down to not getting the correct documentation. However, the person issuing the permits is usually muslamic, probably. 

  4. Don’t know if anyone has seen this pisspipe all over the news? He’s the guy who police stopped crossing the road while a pro Palestinian march was happening and threatened to Nick him for breach of the peace  

    Obviously it’s ridiculous that plod described him as “Openly Jewish” and they have apologised. I’ve found it pretty galling that he was getting fuck all pushback across media yesterday. Campaigners have known this Guy for ages. He’s an agitator cut from the same cloth as Tommy Robinson. 

    His account of events has fallen apart after the slightest bit of scrutiny. He, his security and his film crew all walked through the march to no reaction, so they rocked up to a counter protest where there was a police presence and tried again, eventually getting something filmable. As usual, the full footage paints a different picture to the one he painted of a Jewish bloke merely wanting to cross a road. Also recently, he said how every single person on there marches is a Hamas and terrorist supporter. 

    Also, in answer to his question here, I’m going to go with “Yes”


  5. We always had a Robin visit our garden and my girlfriend liked to think it was her nana keeping an eye on her. Her house was always a safe haven for her during a troubled childhood. Her granddad spent his life after she died with bad depression (understandable) and he died recently.  On the journey back from his funeral my girlfriend kept saying “At least he’s with nana now”. 

    The next morning there were two Robins in the garden. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    The other game I'm playing is Two Point Campus. A shop near me had the deluxe edition with DLC and whatnot for PS4 going cheap, and I loved Two Point Hospital, so I picked it up even though when I played it previously I struggled to get on with it

    My girlfriend felt exactly the same. She loved Hospital but this didn’t click at all and was very disappointed. I can only draw the conclusion that a lack of Sir Nigel Bicklesworth added to the misery. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Arch Stanton said:

    Very gracious of you Houchey. Nice to see you taking it well whilst the rest of the ABUs on the forum are rattled. I felt fully embarrassed watching United win that, Coventry would have fully deserved that late winner had it been onside.

    Thanks. In the spirit of reciprocity, I hope City absolutely steamroller Utd in the final. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Scott Malbranque said:

    Someone check on Houchey. By Jayus

    I have something resembling a pulse again. 

    Well, after 70 minutes it had gone as expected but I did not think Man Utd would crumble like they did. There is taking the foot off the gas and there’s ditching the car and legging it. 

    Honestly I thought the penalty for the equaliser was soft and as for the disallowed goal at the end, that’s exactly what VAR was brought in for. We had a couple of chances in extra time that we could’ve taken but ultimately I can’t complain. If anything I think we gave them too much respect in the first half. 

    Top marks to Onana. There was some first class shithousery from the lad. From getting booked for time wasting (Man Utd shouldn’t be time wasting against a championship side with that long on the clock, but that’s another matter) to the booking for the shenanigans before the missed Sheaf penalty. Brilliant stuff. 

    1 hour ago, TheBurningRed said:

    Call me mad, but I prefer watching us not play like absolute shit. 

    I’d rather win games. How you win them is a bonus. 

    EDIT - Oh yeah, FA Cup bonus edition. Those Utd fans who left when they thought we’d won it at the end would’ve got home by the time the last penalty was taken!

  9. The Killer. 

    Really really enjoyed it. The Fass is a brilliant actor and I think his resemblance to later years Scott Walker added to the performance. I really enjoyed the monotony of the job, something you don’t often see in films involving assassins. 4 broken noses out of 5. 

  10. Our Jackdaws are still visiting a few times a day to nick the monkey nuts and now a crow has started coming as well. And delighted that the collard doves have made a return!

    And not birds of course, but the bats are back at dusk as well!

  11. 8 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:

    Yeah, thanks for removing that. 

    If this was Twitter, they’d already be about 5 hilarious accounts called redacted from Crewe asking why she’s getting loads of local wrestling, chippy, and McColls flyers through her door and preferred it when it was just perfumed dog shit. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, Donald J Trump said:

    This is why referring to him as "Rishi" is to be strongly discouraged. What a massive dickhead. 


    Can’t remember if it was the BBC or The Guardian, you know, the lefty media, who tried to get Dishy Rishi to be a thing. 

    (FYI Media types reading this, if you need help coming up with a nickname that sticks, I’m an expert, available, and my rates are competitive.)

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