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Keith Houchen

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Posts posted by Keith Houchen

  1. 2 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Now i know that my opinion on podcasts (that they are all degrees of shit and are the reality TV to audiobooks' scripted shows) is reasonably unpopular

    It may be unpopular but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Something I’m reminded of with every passing post. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, RicFlairLegend said:

    Give it a couple of years and someone will do another one with him and that won't last either unfortunately.

    Hopefully this won’t happen due to the rancid old cunt dying a protracted and painful death soon. 

  3. A few people (nothing official though) saying Bernard Hill has died. He was great, wasn’t he? Yosser Hughes is one of the most memorable sympathetic characters ever created. 


  4. 24 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

    I've seen schools were you need to buy bags, pe shorts, pe trousers, pe jumpers and shirts. All with logos and totalling over ÂŁ100. We just used to wear white shorts and tees.

    Yep, was shocked when my girlfriend’s sister was telling me how she had to get specific items from specific shops. Rotten. 

    When I were a lad, we were povvy and got money from the boot fund. You know how Heartbeat signalled the end of the weekend? Well us all getting marched into town to the Co-Op to use the vouchers to get uniforms for the new school year told us summer holidays was over and hell was about to begin. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Donald J Trump said:

    Seconded. That's exactly the sort of nonsensical shite I want to see. 

    Don’t think anything will top the Rocket City Trash Pandas. If only shipping wasn’t so much I’d have one of their tops. Although I do love how when Calgary Cannons moved to Albuquerque, they had a vote to name the team and Isotopes won at a canter!

    3 minutes ago, MungoChutney said:

    Ban school uniform. The argument that it helps fight inequality is nonsense. 

    Dunno. Poor kids with cheaper clothes always suffer with this. What I’d do is say if there is a uniform, it has to be provided free of charge. I’d also make all school dinners free. If it’s the law that children have to be in a place for 8ish hours a day, they should be fed. 

  6. 32 minutes ago, Vamp said:

    That's what's wrong with this country these days. 

    Reminds me of a fella I knew who always moaned about “Them lot breeding like rats”. At the time, he had 7 kids, and three of them were with two ladies from Eastern Europe. And of course, he didn’t mind that kind of immigrant. Can’t qwhite work out why. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Yes and got off because of the wording of the law in that state which, post trial was changed so it would never go unpunished again.

    Yeah he was one of those post Brock Turner incidents where the NCAA essentially turned a blind eye to athletes  assaulting and raping women. Unsurprisingly legislators were so slow to act, probably because it’s only women and we don’t want to ruin these promising athletes lives for one little mistake. Wankers one and all. 

  8. Just now, Chest Rockwell said:

    You reckon? I think he's like Hogan, he's always working when he steps out of his house.

    Absolutely. If this was planned his client media would’ve been there to capture it, brother. I bet he’s pissed off he missed a trick there. I’ve also just realised that this whole analogy makes Harry Cole that Bubba Sponge bloke. 

  9. Just now, SuperBacon said:

    And as I always maintain, there is a world of difference between "fit to work" and "ready to work"

    Two completely separate things.

    And of course it never takes chronic conditions into account. It’s all well and good saying part time work would be better, but a lot of disabled people don’t know how they will be on a daily basis. So it’s one thing saying I could probably work four hours a day for three days a week, but I have no idea when those days will be, or even if those hours will be consecutive. And what employer would make those adjustments for someone? Even zero hour contracts are based on when you’re needed, not when you are available. 

    I read something that summed the whole thing up with “Reasonable adjustments for disabled people tend to be what is considered reasonable by the employer and not the employee”.

  10. He wasn’t the only one, Tom Hunt (yeah I know) is a sitting Tory MP and he did the same. I think they genuinely didn’t think they’d have to supply it because of an everyone knows who I am attitude. And I think if Johnson did it deliberately, he’d have had multiple media crews filming it. 

    There’s also a kerfuffle about Veterans Cards not being a valid photo ID, which given how the right fetishise the military doesn’t look good. 

  11. 31 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    I know we all love Seinfeld the show but let's be honest.. His stand up has never been that great, he can't act, he's not really done anything particularly good since Seinfeld, and that went downhill after Larry left. Why should anyone really care what he thinks?

    And a bit noncey with 17 year olds. 

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