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Keith Houchen

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Posts posted by Keith Houchen

  1. 9 minutes ago, JimmyAnderson said:

    Darby Allin and Ric Flair - both of whom would be close to the top of the list of people needing to be removed to clean AEW's house.

    People’s differing reactions to that pair tell you how serious they are about their outrage over the allegations. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Have I wasted my life’s work thinking it was Loki who tipped his gardener with a PlayStation when it was David?

    Yep, and it was his cleaner. 

    But in answer to the question, we all get a choice of whichever one you want. However, your gaming choices will be monitored and all the Japan nonces with their knicker sniffing simulators will be added to the register. 

  3. 1 - Full Communism

    2- The people who want to bring back national service must be the first to do it, followed by their kids and grandkids. 

    3 - Death penalty for parking in a blue badge bay when you don’t have a blue badge. Double death penalty if you’re driving a 4x4

    4 - Bring back downvotes

    5 - You are 28 until you turn 29. 

    I just want my country back. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

    Does the change to vouchers mean that they've gifted a load of money to particular companies, which then needs to be claimed?

    It should be stressed that this is a proposal that more than likely will never see the light of day (Unless Starmer does his “Now isn’t the time for this, we must focus on the economy” bollocks) and is a straw clutching vote grabber. But yeah, massive concern about who would be the recipients of these contracts given their record for lining their donors pockets for shoddy equipment. 

  5. 23 minutes ago, CharlesTuckerTheThird said:

    Well colour me fucking shocked, The Tories are punching down on the disabled and long-term sick again. After Eliana Rubashkyn successfully claimed asylum in New Zealand because she felt unsafe in the UK, I have to wonder to myself how long it will be before disabled people and people with mental health issues will be able to do the same. I mean, fuck me running, I have a friend with Cerebral Palsy who can't walk more than a few feet unassisted, he struggles to even stand, he has to live hand to mouth because of how little help he gets from the Government, and now they're talking about taking away what little they give him? 

    Is this a kink? Does Rishi Sunak get off on being told he's a scumbag? If this is a kink thing, and I ask if it's a kink thing, you have to tell me, it's the law.

    I think it’s classic Tory divide and rule. Now they’re even dividing the disabled in the hope that “Proper” disabled will start blaming those who don’t deserve PIP as to why PIP is being cut. As long as there is a rung below you on the social ladder then that’s who will get the blame. If there isn’t a rung below yours, we’ll split your rung so there will always be someone else to blame. 

    Another suggestion I saw for PIP is how your disability aids that you spend your PIP on will have to be from a government approved catalogue and any that aren’t in the catalogue will have to be assessed when you send them the receipts. And I wonder who will get the contracts for them? Same arseholes who got the PPE ones. 

    They say that instead of doctors deciding if you’re well enough, they will have trained staff doing it. That doesn’t really fill me with optimism. My girlfriend’s niece recently was diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy so her sister was on the phone trying to sort out help. One of the questions the well trained staff member asked was “Has your daughter ever had a case of SUDEP”. She replied that the assessor clearly doesn’t know what SUDEP is if she’s asking. After a bit of “Don’t tell me about my job” she asked what it stood for. After not answering, the sister said “It’s Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy, so you’re asking if my daughter is dead”

    With all due respect to the people working there, I’d rather actual doctors led this. 

  6. Not sure if this is the appropriate thread but BBC just did a story that Francis Ngannou’s 18 month old son has died. Fucking hell. 



  7. 8 minutes ago, Donald J Trump said:

    Genuinely amazing work. When you look at professionally written lists like this, they don't come close to the standards, insight and soul on display here, not to mention the work that clearly went into compiling what is a tremendous list. Thanks to everyone responsible for bringing this together. You won't find a piece on videogames like this anywhere else. 

    Missed a trick by not naming the thread “Here are the best video games - YOULL NEVER GUESS WHATS AT NUMBER ONE!!” for that professional, modern feel. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, MungoChutney said:

    You know how the saying goes, Houchen. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you...

    Who said that? Were they talking about me? I bet it was in paid wasn’t it? WASNT IT!!!

  9. 19 minutes ago, King Coconut said:

    You what?

    This is probably the most high profile example. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/christine-gauthier-paralympian-euthanasia-canada-b2238319.html
    Personally I’m not sure if it was anything more than clumsy administration but many disabled voices in Canada are saying how because care is being cut for them and takes so long to get, MAID is the quicker and less painful option. 

    There’s the issue of competence as well, one guy was sectioned and six weeks later he was signed off to die. His family argued that he wasn’t of sound mind to make that decision and the only ailment listed on the reasons for euthanasia was “Hearing loss”

    I’m probably too paranoid about it but I would not trust the tories to take a humane approach to the issue but more one based on economic viability. 

  10. 44 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    I know it's not the point of your post but the idea of them co opting this and twisting the narrative around it is yet another thing that really gets me angry...

    Well, look at Canada. Don’t want to be all “Slippery slope” but when it started there, the same kind of provisions that are being debated in parliament today were there at the start. 2 doctors signing it off and the person in question has to be confirmed as having about 6 months left to live etc, but now disabled people are having it suggested to them if they feel like they’re a burden. Same for people with depression. I’m all for body autonomy but stuff like that does feel like a way to get rid of undesirables. 

  11. Yay! Let’s make life even harder for the disabled!! I suppose there’s some comfort in knowing this will more than likely not happen as they won’t be in office, but the way the tories always find new ways to be cruel to the disabled is vile. 

    And of course, PIP isn’t an out of work benefit, it’s there to give disabled people a bit of economic freedom to live life regardless of your employment status. Tin hat time, but I find the further demonising of “People who aren’t economically adding to the country” and the increasing conversation around assisted dying all a bit eugenics sounding. 

  12. 47 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    Full disclosure. I know Kriz a little bit. He was a friend of my dad back in the 80s/90s. I say friend, I mean they used to drink in the same pubs and clubs. If you look at the top of the poster it says Noel Gee Associates. Noel was another friend of my dad's, and was in a band with him for quite a while, and I knew him a bit more. Noel is trying very hard to be respectable these days but back in the day he was known as Nick it Noel, because if it wasn't nailed down he would nick it. I once saw him go across the road from a working men's club to nick a set of ladders off a building site, take them in the club and use them to take down a lighting rig, and then put the ladders and the rig in his van and drive off. Him and my dad once nicked two fully bound up tea chests off Hull docks thinking they must be worth a fortune. They had five thousand British Rail teaspoons in each one. So it does not surprise me that they both put their names to BC Sweet Black And White or whoever the band is. 

    Exactly the niche content you won’t find anywhere else. 

  13. 1 minute ago, gmoney said:

    Can't let talk of band schisms go without mentioning the incredible Trouble at the Top documentary about rival Bucks Fizz incarnations. Somehow David Van Day of Dollar got rights to the Fizz name, and as Taylor Parkes once described "layed his evil eggs" inside the band. Top notch telly. 

    That reminds me of when TV Burp covered Celebrity Coach Trip and Harry Hill was saying how he liked how people made it clear it was never personal when it came to nominating who should leave. Cut to Cheryl Baker saying “I vote David and David, it is personal, you’re a vile man” or words to that effect. Will have to check that documentary out as it sounds brilliant!

  14. 5 minutes ago, TibBo said:

    if you could get standard tickets and just have a friendly word with the security/staff I am sure they would let you up there

    They don’t, and it’s good they don’t to be honest. Otherwise the area set aside for disabled fans would be full of non disabled fans taking what very few spaces disabled fans have. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Donald J Trump said:

    After 5 minutes of "research", there are apparently 3 versions of this band. The "BC" in BC Sweet refers to Brian Connelly I believe, who was their lead vocalist. Our man Kriz Garrick thinks he was the lead vocalist. Perhaps the truth lies in the murky ambiguity of which band is which and he was the lead vocalist in BC Sweet Wolfpac. It would be a crying shame if we had an imposter on our hands. 

    I reckon he took over vocals of BC after Big Bri  drank himself to death, or at least was in them for a while. There were two versions of Sweet warring with each other at one point. Right Netflix docuseries waiting to happen with them.  Brian Connelys ex is now shacked up in Spain with one of his former band mates!

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