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Keith Houchen

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Posts posted by Keith Houchen

  1. The new series of Hunted started on Sunday, obviously ACAB so you want everyone to win but there is a pair of posh boys who you hope fall down the stairs a few times before being processed. 

    Also, there was a pair of older women who the helicopter was trying to spot in central London. Gee, I wonder if that’s them on your screen or do loads of people have a bloke with a camera running alongside them and filming them as they go. 

  2. There is no way Man Utd have ever had a worse fan base than for example Millwall or Rangers. Worse fanbase in football isn’t the most annoying, it’s the most violent, racist, homophobic and horrible cunts. The ones you fear for your town getting ransacked when they go on the rampage. Man Utd have never been in that conversation. 

    Sure, plenty of dickheads showed who they were by ignoring or turning a blind eye to people on the books being sex pests, but I bet you’d not get wrestling fans do something like that. 

  3. On 3/16/2024 at 3:16 PM, hallicks said:

    Checking in on @Keith Houchen

    Only just regained consciousness!! Thought we had blown it after not killing the game off but the amount of times we’ve scored in Robins Time should’ve told me that wasn’t going to be the case!!

    Got probably the best draw for the semis as well.  It’s a massive massive ask to win it, like, it’s Man Utd. Sure they aren’t what they used to be but they should win it comfortably. Hopefully our magnificent travelling support can equal out their hometown advantage and we somehow make it to the final! It’s surreal that we are in the last four!

  4. 19 minutes ago, Chili said:

    Booker is a bit daft and very 'DM me babez' but I reckon, in an actual ruck, I'm taking Booker. He could lamp Punk had enough that Sammy Guevera would sell it hundreds of miles away.

    Then he’d throw his discarded food wrappers over his limp body. 

  5. I might be misremembering, happens a lot when you get to my age, but I’m sure that when they announced she was having surgery or a procedure, they said she would step away from royal duties until Easter at the earliest. But there’s no fun in that. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Of course it is. I don't think that's what is being questioned here is it?

    Exactly. Abbott has been the victim of appalling abuse from Labour employees and staffers, as well as members of the PLP. It’s been nearly a year since she had the whip removed, she apologised the same day yet the investigation is still ongoing? Even though since there have been white blokes having the whip removed for the same charge but restored? It’s factional and it’s horrible. 

    If Starmer really cared about the abuse Abbott receives, he’d deal with the people within his party who dish it out to her. To use her situation to fundraise when you won’t even help her with the abuse is galling. 

  7. Coincidentally/tin foilly, there’s been a few puff pieces on the the Marchioness of Chomondeley in the papers in the last week. She is William’s pegger and has a 13 year old son that’s rumoured to be his. If he acknowledges it’s his kid, there’s a claim that he is William’s heir. 

    I doubt the above but I wouldn’t be surprised if Kate has had enough of his cheating and won’t play ball, so they’re doing a soft launch of the woman who will be his new wife. 

  8. 31 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    Alright, I've played along and edited my post to piss off SuperBacon, smart guy. 

    To be honest, I haven’t played in years and years so I can’t comment on the current feeling. Maybe @TheBurningRed can help?  (EDIT - Ha, as I was typing he replied!) When I played it was more team based, with men and women’s divisions in county and super league. Individual tournaments were open to all. There was always a stigma/piss taking if you lost to a woman though and I’m sure that persists at local level. Sure we discussed it earlier in the thread but darts is about opportunity more than anything, and because it’s a male centric game with male centric culture, those opportunities aren’t always there for women. That’s why, like chess, the women’s game is to try and entice women into it. 

    Regarding the women playing in top tournaments, it’s not really an issue as it’s all merit based. Saying that though, Sharrock got a bit of favour as she was part of girls getting into the game, like Littler is with youngsters. It would only be an issue if someone born male took part in a woman’s tournament to be honest. 


  9. 20 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    What's the general attitude about darts

    The consensus is that it’s the finest sport known to humanity. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    Probably for the same reason men and women's chess was separated. The men are scared of the embarrassment of being beaten by women. Dickheads.

    Men and women’s chess was separated because of systemic misogyny and abuse toward women, and in an attempt to attract women back to the sport/game. I’d warrant the same goes for eSports given some of the conversations I’ve seen about the abuse female gamers get. 

  11. On 3/1/2024 at 9:59 AM, TheBurningRed said:


    A mate who I used to work with has posted on his Facebook that he bought this of his own free will and with his own money. He’s got a daughter, for fucks sake. 

  12. When they gave me a mobility scooter at the baseball to get to the stadium, that was the signage they used for the accelerator. I really wanted to take the thing home with me, it was well skill. 

  13. “Wilfully Oblivious” is essentially a don’t ask don’t tell. It isn’t trying to say he’s completely innocent and all the wrongdoing went on without him having any knowledge of it. It’s more a “Don’t tell me about any of that stuff, please”. Like if you knew a mate or work colleague was having an affair but didn’t want to know details or have it talked about around you, so it’s all just rumours and innuendo should it ever be asked what you knew about it. 

    That’s how I read it anyway, and it doesn’t make it right or anything like that. 

  14. 30p Lee defects to the Reform Party. He’s changed his mind again about which party to be a part of. It appears he’s also changed his mind about defectors having to have a mandatory bye election as well. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    I had two sisters who had a different Dad to me (they both had the same Dad) and I have never ever referred to them as anything other than my sisters. 


    But it’s different calling someone your son when his actual dad is still in his life. 

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