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Posts posted by Loki

  1. I always imagined that owning a Saturn was a bit like owning a Jaguar - disappointment and a sense of unfulfilled promise. With the exception of a couple of titles, all the cool shit was happening at the same time on the Playstation.


    My fave version of Bomberman was the Neo-Geo one. That was the machine that all the rich kids had on import.

  2. I still have mine, occasionally get it out for a burst of Brutal Sports.


    Good list there Whinehouse. The original Quake was the business; a hacked copy of it went all round uni, which at the time was probably one of the only places in England to have a decent internet infrastructure, meaning the computer rooms were awash with Quake players at about 1 in the morning, taking on the Yanks.


    I'm talking '96 here, and I don't think I played another online shooter until about Halo, 6 years later.


    Best thing about Quake? You could fire upwards.

  3. The controller was boss, each game came with a little plastic cover that went over the numbered controller, themed to the game:




    As JLM says, there were some classics on it: the best versions I've played of AvP, Doom, Tempest. The real downfall of it was that it wasn't designed to kick out millions of polygons, and came out just before the explosion in 3-d gaming. Though technically more powerful than the PSOne, it was totally outgunned in the polygons department, and lacked the capacity of a CD drive.


    They made a bolt-on one though - can anyone spot the unfortunate side-effect of it, visually speaking:







  4. :(


    I go away on holiday, come back and see the last 10 titles....


    What a disappointment. The diversity of the 50-30 range gave me hope, but as I said in the pre-thread, what's happened is that the vote is massively skewed to games in the last 10 years, and also massively to series. The GTA series, whilst good, does not deserve 4 top 50 finishes for goodness sakes.


    I said to Black that I thought my choices were really mainstream. How wrong I was.


    1. Frontier: Elite 2 (Amiga/PC)


    The greatest game ever made, it took the infinite breadth of Elite and added incredible graphics, storylines, planets, immense space battles. First Encounters, the sequel, is even better IF you can get a fully patched and working version.


    2. Super Mario Kart (SNES)


    Both a brilliant single-player and multiplayer experience. BattleMode in this original is the best by far.


    3. Halo (Xbox)


    Completely reinvented the shooter genre. Multiplayer and online set the benchmark for all other games. Sequels hugely disappointing on all fronts.


    4. Jet Set Willy (Spectrum)


    Brilliantly inventive, sprawling game that epitomised the joy of 8-bit games. The WRITETYPER poke opened the whole mansion up to prolonged exploration.


    5. Call Of Duty 4 (360)


    The pinnacle of modern console gaming. Immersive, exciting singleplayer story, and superlative online action. Better than film.


    6 Bard's Tale (Spectrum)


    The grandfather of modern MMOs, this huge game ate up your life for years on end. The graphics were genuinely spooky in their sparseness, and for the time this way a very tense play.


    7.Tekken 2 (PSOne)


    The king of fighting games. Every character was balanced, the graphics rocked, and it had bears in for the laydees. Yet to be surpassed.


    8. Gran Turismo (PSOne)


    A game so graphically advanced, it sent shivers through the dev community. Hundreds of hours of gameplay, and real racing control for the first time.


    9. Deus Ex (PC)


    A neglected classic. Attempted something really different, a large complex story with multiple pathways. Foreshadowed sandbox games, and the production values were high for the time.


    10. Medal Of Honour: Allied Assault (PC)


    The soundtrack for this game was inredible and immersive, and launched my towards my career in games. The Omaha beach assault is the best scene in game history, a jolting reality check.


    11. Target Renegade (Spectrum)


    Hitting girls with baseballs bats = fun for teenagers in the 80s. Rocking music that I hooked the Speccy up to a guitar amp to hear in all its goodness.


    12. Aliens v Predator (Jaguar)


    The best Aliens or indeed Predator game made, but on a very unpopular platform. Atmospheric, scary, and very very hard.


    13. Star Wars Battlefront (Xbox)


    My gosh this was fun to play. The shock of turning the tide in the favour of the Rebellion only for Darth Vader to turn up and slice you repeatedly to pieces was epic. An early online classic on the Xbox too. Deserves a thorough reworking for the next gen consoles. The best Star Wars game ever made.


    14. Sentinel (Spectrum) / Sentinel Returns (PSOne)


    Not a game as much as an interactive conceptual puzzle. The original C64 game was brilliant - astonishing 3-d graphics for 1986. Crammond went on make Stunt Car Racer. The PSOne/PC remake of Sentinel is absolutely brilliant too, and much more accessible for being on more modern platforms, with music by John Carpenter.


    15. Syphon Filter (PSOne)


    A lost classic, it and its sequel probably the best games on the original Playstation. Cracking plot, fact action and cool combat, it's really the perfect console game. The series didn't make the jump to next-gen, sadly.


    Fair enough nobody voted for Target Renegade, but where is Deus Ex? Where is Elite in any of its forms? Where is Gran Turismo? Tekken? I would have laid heavy odds on those being in there.

  5. Enough with the GTA, Mario and football already! I forget that some people just relentlessly play the same games over and over in slightly different clothes.


    Mario 64 outside the top 10 is a BIG shock. One of those rare titles where a genre is divided into pre-Mario 64 and post-Mario 64. I didn't vote for it as I really don't care for Mario titles, but I expected everyone else to :p


    I'm getting a sinking feeling that Target Renegade's not making it onto the list now.

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