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Posts posted by Loki

  1. It appears that people are voting thinking this is "WHO DO YOU HATE THE MOST". It is for who is the most STUPID.


    Therefore everyone who is voting based on hate is, in fact, a dolt themselves. I despair.


    Surely it's for the person you regard as the biggest idiot? The guy who's posts make you slap your forehead in despair. Not necessarily the most stupid, there are quite a few dimwits who are harmless and not doltish.

  2. When Hankey is pretty much the best player left, you know the BDO is really drained of its juices. I'm not a darts fanatic, but even I can see that the wheels finally seem to have come off this tournament. At least when guys like Barneveld were playing in the BDO there was some semblance of quality. Now, it's shite.

  3. I was referring more to the generic Awards thread that went missing. It was really just an excuse for cheek-related innuendo if I'm honest.


    As far as the nominations, I have no idea because I'm not Paid member and therefore can't see that forum.

  4. It was all pretty tongue in cheek anyway, I think people took it far too seriously. It'd obviously be nonsense if he won dolt of the year.


    I think we all know whose cheeks that tongue was nuzzling into ;) I wish I was important enough to get threads deleted for me.

  5. If I vote for myself here, and I only get one vote, it'll be really fucking obvious :unsure:


    If I vote Butch and he wins, I'll never hear the end of it. He'll be like a man with two cocks.


    Hmm, choices, choices. I reckon I'll go with Woyzeck, who strikes me as the most intelligent man on the forum, and I'm very snobbish about stupidity.

  6. We love you Mab.


    Besides, Supremo has this in the bag this year with his spectacular fall from grace. From Best Poster to laughing stock in one graceful plummet. And on a personal note, I voted for him because he's got this weird obsession with me where he continuously tries to get some type of win back like he's Triple H or something, still annoyed that he had to look at the lights some years earlier. It's sad really as some of his "outrageously good posts" probably deserve to be nominated for Post of the Year.

  7. Ziggler. He's so natural in that character that he's unrecognisable from the various guises we've seen him in before. Plus he wrestles with real passion and intensity. Can he fail to be a WWE champ? Of course he can - this is the WWE.

  8. The most entertaining wrestler last year for me was Scott Steiner. He did most of the actual work in the MEM, was the most charismatic of the group, still comes across as dangerous and unpredictable, and generally is a paragon of the sort of mean, surly, overly muscled asshole that I want to see. The fact that he's quite happy to put anyone and everyone over should get him some votes from those who care about building up younger stars, too.


    Plus, his Screwdriver to Petey Williams complete with flipping off the ctowd was awesome.

  9. Beer Money from that list. They are the lynchpin of TNA's division, and are pretty much the most credible guys on the show. I still don't think we've seen the best of them either - if I was them I'd be looking to jump to WWE and make some big money for a while.

  10. I am starting to warm to Colin Murray, but Rob Walker has really got to go. Constantly referring to players by their nicknames when he interviews them (like he has been mates with them for years), constantly referring to his notes cause he clearly doesn't follow the sport, and there was one awful interview where he was calling Shaun Greatbatch (who was looking great by the way) a Legend. The guy should just stick to doing his lousy snooker intros.


    Is he the guy who does the wrap up at the end of the night, before Darts Extra? He kept reaching out and touching Bobby George on the shoulder in a really inappropriate way, it looked like Bobby was thinking about taking a swing at him by the end.

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