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Posts posted by Loki

  1. I didn't see the original Halo coming, but I guess 2 will also appear now.




    it was the worst in the series, from both a multiplayer and single player POV.


    it's the reason Halo 3 has a theatre mode, and a huge contributor to the reason you can report cheaters on live with a few button presses.


    Yeah, I'm shocked to see Halo this low down. I assumed it'd be a lot higher. If Halo 2 comes the top of the series, some of you need your head examined! It'll be interesting to see what FPSes come in above Cod4 and Halo.


    Some good titles so far - Mario 3 and Silent Hill 2 are both worthy.


    Good shit so far, Black2 you hunk of gorgeousness.

  2. The two ISS titles of that year were by completely different teams. The N64 one was arcadey and Japanesey, the Playstation one was fucking awesome. It's the football game I've spent time with, and I've yet to play another one that was so much fun. 2 player was a riot.


    I think the screenshots are PSOne.

  3. Signs - Mel Gibson + Joaquin Phoenix

    Granted I didn't see it right from the beginning which can make a difference with the enjoyment of a film as it might not make sense but this was rubbish. When the alien turned up at their house towards the end they boarded up the place instead of getting tooled up. Gibson's acting was very poor, he just looked dopey as did Joaquin who seemed to be playing Gibson's backward brother. I get the impression they had all been told to under act when the alien arrived the 2 kids were unbelievably calm. Oh yeah despite the use of Joaquin's baseball bat on the alien it was good old strategically placed H2o saving the day.

    The matter of Gibson's faith being questioned seemed to be the most important factor of the film. I'm presuming Gibson directed the movie himself. The best scene of the film I saw was Joaquin and the 2 kids sitting on the sofa wearing tin foil hats :p

    Joaquin has been so good in other films I couldn't believe it.


    Anyone else seen this, what do you reckon?


    It was M Night Shymalan, not Gibson who directed - you can tell by the big twist that's in every Shymalan film.


    It's not really very good, is it? I still like 6th Sense, Unbreakable and The Village, but the rest of his stuff is derivative.

  4. I'm currently thumping through Angels & Demons, as a mate gave me his spare copy (he bought it twice by accident). It's actually a better book than The Da Vince Code. His style may be bordering on bloody awful a lot of the time, but he has a knack for writing like a series of Alias, one cliffhanger after another, which keeps you interested.


    It also has the potential to make a better film than DVC, which made for a really boring 2 hours.

  5. I've just finished watching Dune. As I'm at a location without a DVD player, I had to choose from a small selection of VHS. I only point this out because I assume/hope the DVD release has been remastered. The print this VHS version was taken from is filthy, shakey, and the colours aren't consistant throughout various scenes. This is a poor quality release.


    Anyhow, the film's enjoyabe enough, although it does drag in scenes that feel like they're there just to show how epic the film is, and how much it cost.


    The special effects have dated quite badly, with colour castes on the bluescreen scenes, sub quality Dykstrascope style shots and rotoscoping. The computer generated shield suits still look pretty good though, with the eras limited CGI ability giving it some style.


    The soundtrack still holds up though.


    I've got the good DVD release, and it's pretty good. The colour balance is fantastic, the effects and bluesceen all sits pretty well. The best thing is the proper widescreen - if you were watching the old 4:3 VHS, you literally missed 1/2 of the set design, which is one of the film's strong points.


    It's an uncompromisingly hardcore scifi, plus it's Lynch, so it's not exactly a mainstream film, but I still think it's enjoyable.

  6. I agree with Steve.


    I also didn't like Raging Bull because it was black and white (couldn't afford colour film? cheapskates), and thought De Niro's performance in Taxi Driver was a bit over the top for an action hero movie.


    Plus, how come in Reservoir Dogs you don't even get to see the heist? I know it was low budget, but that's ridiculous.

  7. Wolverine sounds like the sort of film I hate, one where the filmmakers completely fail to grasp the concept of internal consistency, something that not only underpins the art form of cinema but that is of even greater importance to the scifi/fantasy genre, where a credible metaworld is vital.

  8. Games were simply much harder in those days; no such thing as playtesting. I remember Thundercats on the Speccy being insanely difficult, just getting to the 2nd level and the hoverboards was a massive achievement.

  9. Anyone who picks anything other than Under Siege is a fool.


    On topic: Go and see Star Trek, when the masses are allowed in. I saw a preview screening in Australia a couple of weeks ago and it rules. I had to sign a thingy saying I wouldn't tell people what happens in it, but I can say it finally makes Star Trek cool and even if you're not a Trek fan, as I'm not really, it's a great, fun movie..

    You know, I really hate you. You went to Australia to see behind the scenes of Superman Returns and now your telling us you've been back out in Australia and have seen the new Star Trek movie.


    Your a bastard! :)

    Erm, yes... that'd be me. :D


    My colleague Andy and I were sent to do the official online edits ("domestic" (plenty of interviewee soundbites) and "international" (as little talking as possible for "no habla ingles" countries)) of the world premiere at the Syndey Opera House by Paramount as they liked the work we did on the UK prem of Watchmen. Andy was also the interviewer for the "official generics" at the junket. When a media outlet isn't invited/can't make it to the interview junket, they can ask for the generics tapes to cut a piece for their TV show/website. Andy was given so long (an unheard-of-in-the-UK 15 minutes (most UK junkets, you're lucky if you get 5 minutes)) with the talent (who are all really nice) that he was able to do the generics and then effectively interview them again for our own exclusive piece.


    Anyway, we didn't ask why they wanted to send two Brits to the other side of the planet, but went with it and had an awesome week.


    The "domestic" edit of the world prem is here, our "domestic" coverage of the UK premiere is here and when I find out where the "international" versions got placed, I'll pop a link in here.


    Also, if you become a fan of Moviebeat on Facebook, you'll be able to see photos from the prem and the trip, a couple of Facebook-exclusive "extra minutes" from the UK and Australia premieres and a video of our trip to the Sydney Aquarium. :D


    Gratuitous plug over.


    Haha! That's top ligging mate, hats off.

  10. 2nd series of Mad Men starts this week. The first was a real slow burner, a brilliantly understated drama. Reminded me of the old BBC style of dramas, with all the repressed emotions and tensions being played out through decent acting rather than long expositional dialogue as the Americans tend to do nowadays.


    Also, finally got going on The Wire. Jury is still out as to whether it's DA BESTEST EVA, but it is really, really good so far.

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