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Posts posted by Loki

  1. I loved it from start to finish, if that's any help Rick. I can't find my post on it though as Search is still fucked for me.On the ending, I'll pose this for you to think about. When does anything ever really come to an end? For most of the characters left alive in that film, life will go on. Chigurh is a professional hitman that will continue to do his job. Only for Tommy Lee Jones' character have things really come to an end - disillusioned with his ability to change anything for the better, he's retired and faces a long slow deterioration to death. His only solace is that all old men go through this at the end of their life, when they have ceased to have anything to give society - hence the title, No Country For Old Men.The book is the last of a trilogy, and as such its ending wraps up a whole metaphysical contemplation of the changing nature of life on the old Frontier in America, so what you get in the screen version is a conclusion to a far longer story, if you will, than is actually present in the film.

  2. Who? I only remember it because Miss Robinson asked if he'd ever won anything, and he said "I was World Champion" with this huge look of embarrassment as he knew that it sounded ridiculous and had obviously one some local fed's "World" championship which now seemed rather a hollow victory when relating it to a huge audience of non-wrestling fans.

  3. I don't find that funny, it's just someone doing a poor impression and hoping the public are too polite to mention it. Apart from his Bush impression, I actually think Colshaw is a pretty poor visual impressionist, he should have stuck to radio/voiceover.

  4. Reading the thread about the Tommy Boyd show reminded me of something. I could have sworn that a few years ago (around 2000) there was a wrestling show on in the afternoon on one of the terrestrial channels, ITV I think, with some American "names" on and British talent. It looked like it was filmed in a tv studio, it had a couple of commentators at a desk, but that's about all I can remember. As I wasn't hugely into wrestling at the time (apart from WWE) I can't remember anyone on it.Am I thinking of that same show, or was it a different one?

  5. I love Nolte, and totally agree that he's underused and underrated. I guess his personal problems have held him back from a more productive career. I don't know if you've seen The Good Thief, one of his most recent outings, but it was pretty good, and he was excellent, showing that he's still got a lot to give. And, boy, is he ever grizzled now.

  6. Saw 'This Is England' the other night on film four.Really thought it was a good film.

    Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by this. It was quite unsettling the way it morphed from a nice, heart-warming rites of passage movie into a violent trip into the fascist underground. Really great performances throughout. It was top drawer, really.

    Oh yeah I totally disagree with Loki's assessment of Brad Pitt and believe that Jesse James is the better film, just saying that I thought TWBB was better than No Country.

    Well, you're both wrong :ninja:
  7. I'm more of a realistic racing type, and I thought from the reviews that it was more that than power-sliding craziness. If it isn't, I may well be dissuaded. They're doing F1 next, so if this is good it bodes well for the recently-shit F1 licence.

  8. 360 is the best version, followed by Wii, followed by PS2.Anyone thinking of getting Race Driver: Grid? I was a big fanof Gran Turismo back when I had a PSOne, and this looks like a very similar game for the 360/PS3.

  9. Yeah, I really enjoyed it. Macy is an acting God.The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeely long and drawn out. I love a good western, I love a slow-paced character piece, but this one tried my patience to the limit. The premise was fine, in that Robert Ford was a more complex character than his infamy suggests, and the actor playing him did a good job, but the whole thing could have been done in an hour and a half, not the bloated 2 1/2 hours it took. Any sense of growing destiny or danger or anticipation was leeched away by the huge amount of time people spent on-screen together before anything happened. To me this felt like a director noyt sufficiently reined in by the more experienced producers (though one of them was Ridley Scott, not known for his brevity and conciseness).My other problem was Brad Pitt. I really like Brad Pitt, I think he's a great movie star, but he exudes "acting" through every pore of his body, you can see him acting. In his best roles, the quirky characters of Twelve Monkeys, Fight Club or Ocean's Eleven, it works well. In a totally serious, heavyweight drama like this it really jars. I was like "ooh, look, there's Brad Pitt) every time the camera hit him. Compare that with someone like Daniel Day-Lewis - he inhabits the character so such an extent that you forget who is acting and concentrate entirely on the film.So, 5/10. Disappointed as I'd heard good things. It's not the epic that it thinks it is, and Brad Pitt is miscast.

    Wow, just wow. Alarmingly wrong, especially the Pitt/Day-Lewis comparison. I like Day-Lewis, but come on, what you wrote about Pitt exuding "acting" and looking like he's acting to the point where it's distracting is pretty much what Day-Lewis does in every single one of his roles. He overshadows the films he's in because his performance is straight out of the Greek theatre, consistently dripping with bombastic ostentatiousness. Pitt was not miscast in JJ, he was stunning. Subtle when he needed to be, conveying more emotion with a downcast look from his eyes than Day-Lewis with his BOOMING VOICE and distracting John Huston impression in TWBB. You're so wrong on this one Loki, it's actually unacceptable.
    :laugh: God bless you Nev, things are always black and white for you when it comes to film!You'll never convince me that Brad Pitt is a better screen actor than Day-Lewis, so don't even bother, and I'm a big fan of Pitt. He's one of this generation's best film stars, but he is not capable of making the switch to serious acting in the way that his fellow film star Clooney is, because he is incapable of turning off his own magnetism for the sake of a role. I haven't seen There Will Be Blood, but apart from Gangs, I don't think your description of Daniel Day-Lewis' acting style is valid at all. You seem to have forgotten about all his other many excellent and subtle performances from My Beautiful Laundrette on, I need not list them here.This was not a great film. It clearly thought it was something special, but it actually diluted its message with unacceptably slow pace and poor casting, and I stand by that. But if you thought it was a major work of modern cinema, then we'll just have to agree to disagree.
  10. God, giving your child a misspelt name is just a horrible thing to do. Just because you didn't realise it was a misspelling, doesn't mean you have to inflict that question on him every time somebody asks his name. With one simple admission of ignorance, you can make his entire life happier; why wouldn't you?I think Dylan is a fine name - don't spoil it.

  11. Just got back!Everything is going well! We're a bit less pregnant than we thought we were, moving the due date to....24th december!!!! Looks like i'm not cooking the xmas dinner then. Had the scan, everything is moving along nicely and no problems at this stage. Got to admit, i started welling up when i heard it's heartbeat! Currently measuring 1.67cm...bit like a bean. Didnt realise - we got a 4D scan with this!! My scanner isnt working so i cant show it off at the mo, but i'll try to get it onto the computer. It was amazing - could see the face, arms and leg stumps, even though it still looks a bit alien. Dead chuffed :thumbsup:

    I admire the "we" attitude to pregnancy a lot, however it'll all go out the window when it gets to the birth and you're making rounds of toast while she tries to shit a melon. I think at that point you'll be under no illusions that she's the one doing all the work.
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