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Posts posted by Loki

  1. Good thread, and I'm very sympathetic to Woyzeck (who I realise now is Sickboy??). I really want to believe.BUT but but, the problem is that whilst I firmly believe that there are plenty of things out there which are not currently documented or explained in mainstream science, the whole area of Fortean, cryptozoology etc is just awash with fraudsters, kooks, criminals, wackos and zealots. Trying to tease out any valid argument or evidence from the sea of shit is extremely difficult. One main problem is that these conspiracy/Fortean ares of interest seem to attract devotees who are neither particularly bright or particularly discerning, and so incorrect information and rumour circulates almost endlessly on the internet.Even those who have the appearence of proper scientific rigour often let you down. I was hugely influenced by Fingerprints Of the Gods by Graeme Hancock when it was first published, but for all its elegance and seductive science it was basically a big load of bullshit, as even he has now admitted. Same with Bob Dean, elder statesman of UFO investigation. I head him talk at Manchester Uni in 96 (I have the recording if anyone wants it), but over the years his fascinating story has been slowly teased apart by more rigorous debunkers.There are a few things that I still hold onto though. I believe the Great Pyramid at Giza and the Sprinx are a lot older than currently dated, and point to the mouth-watering prospect that civilization is a lot older than we think. I believe that Mokele-Mbembe is out there, and is quite possibly a fragmentary population remnant of a long-thought extinct hominid species. But I don't buy this Bigfoot discovery. There is too much flimflammery and drip-feed information, too much carny about the whole thing. If they had anything real, they would have had it rigorously tested by top men (top men) by now, and the whole thing would be out in the open. As Woyzeck said, we're halfway to the Hamptons.EDIT: "However, since their discovery, Whitton and Dyer have started offering weekend bigfoot search expeditions in Georgia for $499." This is why they are still stretching out the reveal. As long as they don't produce a body, there will be people who not only believe them, but will pay 500 dollars a pop to be driven out into the bush to look at some trees.

  2. Great publicity for their business though. There are enough kooks out there who'd believe this to keep them in customers for years.


    I love a bit of cryptozoology, but the whole idea of Bigfoot being out there is preposterous. Firstly, there's no fossil evidence to suggest any great ape species has ever lived in the American continent (apart from us). Secondly, no bodies have ever been discovered, indeed apart from the occasional out-of-place hair no physical evidence at all. Thirdly, given that all other species living in those areas have been long identified, and those areas are at least intermittently visited by hunters, etc, it seem highly unlikely that an animal as large and dominant as a great ape would remain undocumented.


    My personal belief is that Bigfoot is a race memory passed from the Native Americans to the newer Anglo-saxon population of Gigantopithecus, huge bipedal apes who co-existed with early man and who probably gave rise to our many myths of giants, ogres, etc.



    EDIT: it looks like it's this costume in a freezer box.

  3. I loved it from start to finish, if that's any help Rick. I can't find my post on it though as Search is still fucked for me.On the ending, I'll pose this for you to think about. When does anything ever really come to an end? For most of the characters left alive in that film, life will go on. Chigurh is a professional hitman that will continue to do his job. Only for Tommy Lee Jones' character have things really come to an end - disillusioned with his ability to change anything for the better, he's retired and faces a long slow deterioration to death. His only solace is that all old men go through this at the end of their life, when they have ceased to have anything to give society - hence the title, No Country For Old Men.The book is the last of a trilogy, and as such its ending wraps up a whole metaphysical contemplation of the changing nature of life on the old Frontier in America, so what you get in the screen version is a conclusion to a far longer story, if you will, than is actually present in the film.

  4. Who? I only remember it because Miss Robinson asked if he'd ever won anything, and he said "I was World Champion" with this huge look of embarrassment as he knew that it sounded ridiculous and had obviously one some local fed's "World" championship which now seemed rather a hollow victory when relating it to a huge audience of non-wrestling fans.

  5. I don't find that funny, it's just someone doing a poor impression and hoping the public are too polite to mention it. Apart from his Bush impression, I actually think Colshaw is a pretty poor visual impressionist, he should have stuck to radio/voiceover.

  6. Reading the thread about the Tommy Boyd show reminded me of something. I could have sworn that a few years ago (around 2000) there was a wrestling show on in the afternoon on one of the terrestrial channels, ITV I think, with some American "names" on and British talent. It looked like it was filmed in a tv studio, it had a couple of commentators at a desk, but that's about all I can remember. As I wasn't hugely into wrestling at the time (apart from WWE) I can't remember anyone on it.Am I thinking of that same show, or was it a different one?

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