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Posts posted by Loki

  1. Has the UKFF been advertised somewhere recently? There appears to be an influx of new members, and some truely awful posters amongst them.


    yes i'm new, i only logged on here to try and trace an event held on 16 th jan. I'm new to the scene, so might ask some stupid questions, but any help is appreciated.


    I'd like to apologise for some of the idiots who've replied to this thread. You have to appreciate that some of our members are pretty socially retarded and struggle to imagine a life away from a wrestling forum.


    I hope you get your question answered :thumbsup:

  2. His Buffalo Bill gimmick grates quite quickly though. That detracted somewhat from the sense he was making. I loved his questions to people about "Describe the character of Han Solo" and everyone went rogue, handsome, obsessed with money or whatever and then he asked them "describe the character of Qui-Gon" and everyone looked blank.

  3. The Marine

    Well, I say watched, but have to admit I turned it off after 25 minutes. It's really cosmically bad, and it's not even Cena's fault. The script is appalling, absolutely barrel scraping, and the actors are left struggling with clumsy and unamusing lines. It's also really low-rent action - it feels like one of those straight-to-DVD Segal movies, but without the attraction of Segal. Finally, the action is edited so badly that it generates no excitement at all. The fight scene in the foyer kept having a shot of fat security guard tackling a baddie, followed by a shot of Cena taking a baddie down, and vica versa. Incredibly amateurish and confusing.


    The worst bit though was the music - a rare example of film music being so bad it makes things worse. Clich

  4. That's true, except for the fact that Kenny is obviously an intelligent guy who's given the subject a lot of thought and has decided after all that to STILL stick dogmatically to the Catholic faith in all its myriad eccentricities. I honestly think if he hadn't spent so many words eloquently defending the indefensible like homophobia and sexism (though he wouldn't desbribe them like that) then he'd not get shit for it.



    EDIT: mongs though, eh? Mnnerrrr, benny.

  5. From what i've seen of it, it simply looks as though Supremo's posting style rubs Loki the wrong way.


    I'm not sure about him trying to "get one up on him", or any of the Triple H references though.

    To put my neutral hat on, it's always seemed to be that Loki and Supes used to have disagreements quite a lot, and Supes never *EVER* backs down, even when the other person has stopped caring. It's never been about wins or losses, it's about the fact that Supremo seems to genuinely love arguing a point, more than most people, and after a while, Loki gets fed up and can't be bothered with that much discussion over, let's face it, wrestling. (He may very well post that all I've just said is bollocks, and I'm fully prepared to accept it is) I've never been on the other side of it, but I can see why Loki then doesn't want to deal with it all again. But I've always found Loki to be the one looking for the argument when Supes posts in a thread.


    But yeah, Dolt? No.


    You're not far off really, but the reason I've given up is that there's no "genuine love of an argument" with Supremo, no back and forth, just him insisting that he's right again and again until everyone else has lost interest. That's not debate, it's borderline autism. The reason he (and you) think I have a personal grudge with him is that, until recently, I was one of the very few people on here willing to call him on it, rather than gently massaging his balls with my mouth every time he posted. Thing is, when he's right he can be quite eloquent, but when he's wrong he makes it worse with his arrogance.

  6. Ignore the paranoid thoughts, otherwise you'll convince yourself you have AIDS or something. I had a skintag on my ballbag once and convinced myself I had genital warts, never good.


    It's how my mind works... Eg, anytime I shag a girl and don't bag up I'll be paranoid for a good couple weeks about even the slightest discomfort caused by anything so slight as a shift in the way my junk is sitting in my boxers.


    Tut. In this day and age there's no excuse for not donning a blob. The one time I didn't, I learned the next day that the girl in question had 2 kids by 2 different dads, which totally panicked me.

  7. Hang on, JLM, I wasn't chastising rick for anything! He posted after me, for starters. All I was saying in that, whilst I don't personally post drunk on this forum at 4 in the morning, I didn't have a problem with people who do. Which is exactly what Chest said, but you didn't rip him a new asshole. And coming from you, that hurt :(


    What happens if you mix cherry and cola flavoured baccy with some weed then? Presumably that'd be the best of all worlds.



    EDIT: your PM Inbox is full btw. That's how much I love you.

  8. I did think Fleet was drunk, I know nerves make you miss but they don't make you lurch all over the shop like a pisshead.


    Just caugh up with the Hankey game. He may not be firing on all cylinders yet, but he's got good grouping and makes a lot of this year's players look like amateurs. Plus I like his aggro with the crowd, and it gets him going.

  9. I voted Religion In The UK as it really showed who could debate properly and who couldn't. I learned more about fellow posters in that than any other thread. My one wish was that more Christians had leapt into it in defence, but maybe wrestling fans are just a godless lot.

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