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Posts posted by Loki

  1. Aleks Krotoski (already mentioned in this thread, probably, by me) is my favourite computer-game-playing girl (apart from Olivia Munn off of "Attack of the Show", but she's both commercial and conventional):



    She's my least fave of the Bits girls. The order of fitness goes Booth, Netwon-Dunn and then Krotoski in third. Emily Newton-Dunn is the nicest in real life though :)

  2. I went to a special advanced preview screening thing of
    today. It's Drew Barrymore's directorial debut, not high brow or anything fancy but I really liked it. And I'm sure some of you [Woyczek] will like it as it's got girls in hotpants or skimpy skirts, fishnet tights and rollerskates battering the hell out of each other.


    Hey, that looks quite good! Cheers for the heads up.

  3. The Yakuza


    A total rare gem from 1975 that came up on TV. Ageing PI Robert Mitchum is hired by an old friend to rescue his daughter who's been kidnapped in Japan, where Mitchum lived and worked after the war. A fabulous film-noir plot full of twists and turns but enhanced by the clash of cultures in post-war, pre-modern Japan.


    Mitchum isn't talked about as much today as some of his contemporaries like James Stewart, but really he was an incredible actor. There's a scene in this film where he meets the love of his life after a 25 year absence, which is just an incredibly emotional moment told without music or dialogue, just pure acting chops from both parties.


    Mitchum once said of his own acting "I have two kinds of acting. One on a horse and one off a horse. That's it." This was the best off-a-horse acting you're likely to see.


    An absolutely top film.

  4. Yeah, thats a great moment in an otherwise 'meh' episode.


    Anyway here the bit I was talking about, the Fury of The Time Lord.


    See, that's what gets me about the new Doctor Who - that's about as scary and dark as Toy Story. The old Doctor Who series used to be really grim, and full of danger. Every time I watch new Dr Who I'm struck by the low-budget feel and general campy nature of it. It also feels very rushed with most episodes being complete stories, where older series had much longer stories "arcs".

  5. lol



    Waterboy, I really feel there's a book in all this. A collection of her greatest moments, perhaps with some amusing illustrations. Or a blog - you should start an Idiots blog. These are some of the funniest stories I've heard in a long time, and they have that ring of authenticity to them as I don't think you could make up such ignorance.

  6. I thought he did tremendously well, especially considering he broke his hand early on. I don't think anyone was expecting him to floor Valuev, but he came pretty close. Once he breezes through Ruiz (what is he still doing getting title shots?) I back him to beat whichever Klitchko he gets to fight first. He's a proper modern athlete like Lewis was, re-sculpting himself to fit the match conditions.

  7. What would be really scary would be if the one country to actually have used nuclear weapons in anger were to have the largest stockpile of them on earth, and to also be involved in the largest currently ongoing ground war.


    If I was a middle Eastern power explicitly targeted by that country in that scenario, and the aforementioned country announced it was setting up missile bases in Poland, I'd be even more worried.

  8. To paraphrase Will Bill in Deadwood, Griffin's eye reminds me of a cunt, and when he talks all I see is his cunt mouth flapping.


    He's fast becoming a national figure of fun, and really laughter is the best way to defuse and dismiss any real danger that he and his party represent.

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