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Posts posted by Kfogg1991

  1. Don't know if many of you have heard but bring me the horizon have been nominated for a brit award in the best band category

    Jesus remember when they said they hated the mainstream media and how it was all bullshit. Yeah I remember too

  2. I think from the little bits we have seen from conor he looks really motivated again which is great too see. I think he definitely comes across as a fighter that really puts time and money into the right training camps to prepare the for each fight separately instead of what alot of them do which is have a general set regime. From what I've seen from him and what john has been saying I'm more excited too see if he really comes into this with the main goal of proving the point to everyone he has turned against him over the past couple of years and prove that the khabib fight was not a true to form McGregor we all know 

  3. 19 minutes ago, AdamTH17 said:

    How detrimental do we think that'll end up being to the buy-rate? 

    I'm not sure how much the Khabib loss will impact his drawing power. It's hardly like he's responded to it in a great manner, where he's come out swinging. Considering he's their biggest ever star, it really doesn't feel like anything resembling a big deal. Not sure if I'm just living in my echo chamber, but I'm not seeing anything productive from any party to try and get people to part with their money for this.

    How much is it on BT Box Office anyway? No chance I'm forking out, but it'll be interesting if they ramp the price up because of the attachment to Conor's name.

    Its 15 quid sky box office. I get what everyone is saying and its funny how you guys are saying your completely disengaged and not excited at all for it and I was having the exact same conversation with my mate last night. I feel the entire length of last year had me desperate for Conor to come back and for me too see my favourite fighter back at it again but honestly after everything he has done and said and the obvious fact that he really doesn't care at all about his army of fans and supporters at all he has become famous and bigger than the UFC now and he didn't care at all about letting everyone know that so I've found myself having to move on.

    With fighters like masvidal having the absolutely career changing year he has had I don't agree at all with the UFC on this one thinking this needs no promotion or hype at all like any other show I think if anything it needed more than anything for Conor to try and win people around again and try and grovel and do what he does to convince us all he does care 

  4. Are we just not getting a press conference for this show at all. I think its the biggest middle finger from the ufc with this show. We will give you no build up, no press conference, a shitty poster and on top of all that make the uk pay for it on box office after we just moved to ESPN and bt sports which you guys in the UK have to pay extra to get 

  5. 58 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

    I could even get behind a Khabib vs Conor rematch, maybe, if there was nobody for Khabib to really defend against. Like if he’d cleared out the division and the top contenders were all rebuilding. Just going with the ‘money fight’ for the sake of it in those circumstances, I can live with. But 155 is so deep and quick moving, you’re never going to run out of contenders. Khabib vs Ferguson is an absolute must. But even if that fell apart, there’s Justin Gaethje waiting in the wings. 

    Like you say, let’s just see how the first few months of 2020 play out. If Conor looks spectacular against Cowboy, we’ll see from there. I have a feeling he might not even go for the Khabib fight anyway. I’ve got a feeling he’s got his eye on Jorge Masvidal and that BMF bollocks. That would tally up with why they’re doing the Cerrone fight at 170 as well. 

    I just genuinely see the conor/khabib rematch going exactly how everyone sees it and ending Conors career because he will quit. I think the UFC have to look at the bigger better picture with McGregor and use him to his full potential for the next 2 years or so while they have him. A conor vs masvidal fight is something so exciting to me I am drooling just thinking about it. Even Conor looses that fight which I really think he might, the lead up/press conference back and forth between them two would be priceless and I think would have Conor in a far better less risky/controversial position than he would be in a khabib rematch. Remember the angle that he went down with the first fight well chuck into that mix the fact he lost in the way he did and the suspension and shit that followed conor is now that guy that takes too much coke and fucking says anything and everything he wants or feels and doesn't care who he offends. That never ends well for the future of Conor McGregor a fight with masvidal or anyone else does 

  6. 2 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:

    Dana’s always been a nob for that. It’s like he picks and chooses who ‘deserves’ an immediate rematch based on if they sent him a Happy Birthday text that year. He thinks Max should get an immediate rematch. He also tried to spin a potential Khabib vs Conor 2 as a legitimate immediate rematch despite Conor not winning a fight in years and getting spanked last time, to the point of audibly asking Khabib for mercy mid-fight. Meanwhile, after Amanda Nunes knocked Cyborg out he initially said he wasn’t interested in a rematch. Then later tried to argue that he’d moved heaven and earth to get the rematch made. This all despite Cyborg being a dominant champ who hadn’t lost in over a decade. He’s a big pink faced baby. 

    And I hate that ‘don’t leave it in the hands of the judges’ bollocks. I get the sentiment but it’s so easy for him to say sitting on his fat arse on the sidelines. A fighter would obviously always prefer to finish a fight but it’s easy for Dana to tell them to take a risk to finish a close fight. But if they take the risk and it backfires and they lose, not only do they not get their win money, he’ll also be the first one to jump on them and criticise. 

    ‘Don’t leave it in the hands of the judges’ is almost as bad as when dumb fucks go ‘that should’ve been a split decision’. 

    I couldn't agree more with you here. When he came out with the Conor/khabib rematch I shuddered at the idea. Why would you say that is the plan because that doesn't benefit anyone but the pockets of him and the UFC. I would honestly believe if that rematch happened Conor would get killed again and that would be the end of him. What they need to do with Conor now is see what happens with the fight with cowboy if he wins then you build conor back up and show him to be the monster draw he can be. If I'm the owners of the UFC I would want to get Conors energy and passion back in fighting for us and getting 2/3 big fights each year while we can before he gets too fucked up on coke and raped someone and ends up in prison. There is nothing good that will come out of the rematch with khabib 

  7. I don't understand for a second why dana is saying there will be a rematch for holloway/volkanovski when yes it went to the judges but max lost very clearly it wasnt exactly a close fight I gave 4 rounds to Alexander. I don't really see what you get out of a rematch, we should be looking to the next chapter straight up title defense.

    Also and I know this will be split with people but the Aldo fight once again dana said he didnt agree with the judges decision and he is next in line for the shot with cejudo. You have just made the winner of the fight seem like a chump and said no matter what the judges said the loser gets the title shot.

    2019 has been a very up and down year for the UFC alot of records broken and some fantastic fights and new world champions have been born and established but dana has been extremely unlikeable this year and contradicts himself whenever he feels. He always says don't leave it in the hands of the judges then he makes any fight that goes to the judges seem irrelevant now because they will do what they want win lose or draw.

  8. I was talking To my friend yesterday about this card and it being on sky box office. As a whole the card is very weak this would struggle to get mass interest for a fight night card if you take the main event off it. 

    The fact we have had no press conference like you would normally get for a numbered ppv show for the UFC but yet we had one for the ppv after this with jon Jones this past weekend is something that is unbelievably confusing and really shows how much the UFC is relying and over confident with this being the Conor comeback fight so everyone and there mothers will be watching so why would they put mass hype into this show and give it the build up it deserves.

    I genuinely think they are going to have the shock of a lifetime when they realise people have really lost respect and the love for Conor that they once had, they wont be fighting to go and pay box office prices for this and showing support that he once had like no other. 

    I'm saying this as someone that was the biggest fan of Conor he sucked me into this sport and I loved everything about him but his recent actions and his obvious lack of appreciation and respect for his fans, the sport that made him and everything else that he always said he stood for that turned out to mean nothing to him really has made me feel jaded and angry and like so many others that was hanging onto the hope he would return i have become a fan of new fighters and they now have my attention.

    I think the whole situation with Conor is unbelievably sad and he has had such a fall from grace after being the most famous man on the planet 

  9. Honestly there is something weird about this connor comeback fight. The UFC arent making half the song and dance you would expect them to be doing for the comeback fight for conor McGregor one of the biggest ufc stars of all time. 

    We are just over 4 weeks until the show and it just seems so weird that the UFC arent doing much at all to really push this as the big deal it is with this amount of time to go 

  10. The build up for this show hasn't been what you would normally expect from the UFC. You can tell they are very much going off the fact that every fight on the main card could be a main event and that is a huge selling point.

    I'm also surprised that we haven't yet had a press conference for connor's comeback fight you would have thought they would be so eager to get that done

  11. 3 hours ago, David said:

    Texas is an hour behind New York, but two hours ahead of Vegas. So, it won't be on as early as a normal New York UFC card, but not as late as a standard Vegas UFC card either.

    In short, I haven't a fucking clue.

    Haha fantastic to be honest I've literally just this second been talking to my partner about it and I cant stay up and watch it, I've got motionless in white in Manchester sunday then the funeral in Sheffield on Monday. I cant stay up without sleep for 3 full days 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    I didn't really notice the entrance music on the night being quieter than normal. Are you sure you didn't just have your stream turned down a bit? I doubt anyone's investment in the match was predefined by them thinking it was an Airborne tune. Or whatever it is you're trying to convey. I honestly have no idea. 

    I wasn't saying they weren't invested because it was acdc or whatever I was saying the way they made there entrances didn't get the big crowd pop and push that energy you normally get for an entrance with a live crowd at a ppv 

  13. 12 minutes ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    Ricochet has been on Raw for 9 months.

    9 months.....fuck me I really have been out the loop slightly. Ok fair enough my point about ricochet is wrong and invalid but that point overall still stands with the whole brand loyalty and becoming super defensive with it.

    I suppose my point is even more valid with that when you look at Kevin Owens on nxt the night before.....why would he do that and help a team out on the brand he is supposedly hating so much he is taking part in a "fight" against them 

  14. 4 minutes ago, mim731 said:

    I'm not sure it's entirely fair to label Slipknot or ACDC as generic. Also, you would have preferred they do 15 entrances instead of 3 for those matches? The show would still be going now. 

    One of those songs was slipknot....no way seriously 

    I recognised the adcd one but I thought it was possibly like airborne or something because it was so quiet not like they have with the normal entrances so it was hard to make out. Obviously I didn't expect 15 separate entrances but it really didn't work and left it with the start of the match really flat and not engaging that crowd.

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