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Posts posted by Kfogg1991

  1. 32 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    oh aye, good spot Kfogg. 

    As much as it'll be good to see, it still isnt ideal, Masvidal stepping in on a weeks notice to fight Usman is probably not a wise move. Id assume Masvidal is in decent nick because he was negotiated to fight him originally, but i wouldnt favour many people against Usman unless fully prepared.

    Any other person in this position i would agree but i genuinely think Masvidal will have been training for this fight as i just read this was originally supposed to be the main event for this ppv anyway then the whole money thing came up. Jorge Isn't a stupid guy by any means, he wouldn't offer to step up and fight if he didn't think he was ready, as we all know you can get 1 title shot and that's your lot for ages. He wouldn't squander that i genuinely believe that

  2. 13 minutes ago, Hoptimus said:

    Had the global Coronavirus pandemic not occurred it would be interesting to see how this would have played out this month. You had WWE NXT:UK running in Glasgow at Braehead Arena the same weekend as ICW was to run Shugs House Party at the O2 Academy. I'm guessing the landscape of that weekend would be pretty different from the speaking out movement. 

    Would there be fans snubbing ICW? Would the promotion take a serious stance and not be shying away from everything. How would WWE be handling this with having a relationship with ICW? Would Uncle Paul be walking away from it? 


    ICW is already in serious decline following their more family friendly product u-turn thanks to all the promises in the world by trips and nxt-uk. Only for wwe to run against them on one of their biggest weekends.

    i know we all just shrug it off and say its just Vince innit but some  stuff this company does is beyond scummy 

  3. So the wwe now owns evolve and the entire back catalogue library.

    With other indy promotions being in bed with wwe can you see them buying say progress to own their library too.

  4. 1 minute ago, AVM said:

    Conversion to NXT-Europe I bet. Dressed up as an expansion rather than the fact NXT-UK without a third of the talent it had isn’t viable.

    that could be a good shout, someone said on twitter today that they have contracts with bt sport and whatnot so it's not as easy as just disbanding the brand

  5. 5 minutes ago, King Coconut said:

    What proof of a rape would you take along to the police station then?


    This point exactly, You can't prove a sexual assault. when it happened to me when i was 23 it was my word against the guy that did it and because i was so upset and angry i was the one that got arrested and nothing happened towards him....... it is not a crime that has a trail of evidence and stuff for the victim to be able to use to get justice 

  6. 1 minute ago, Keith Houchen said:

    The threat of legal action usually does the trick, that’s the route a lot of people take who have the money, they don’t go the police about it for some reason. 

    I mean why go to the police when you can strongarm your way through it and get it "erased" from people's memories. 

    I'll be honest the stories about trent and jimmy havoc are ones that really bummed me out as i liked both wrestlers 

  7. I've just read on twitter one of the women that spoke out about Trent seven has deleted her previous posts about him and put a post up saying sorry if it caused him any halm and anyone with questions contact his lawyer.....the stuff about Trent was pretty serious too 



  8. 4 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    You don't need to rush to be a breaking news ticker thanks. Useful information but we don't need loads of one lines posts.

    sorry dude i should have put them all in 1 post i just read them and put them separately my bad

  9. 3 minutes ago, AVM said:

    If I’m honest I hope he does rehabilitate himself and revive his career. This movement shouldn’t be about cancelling people, it should be about reforming and safeguarding the industry. No longer should abuse be justified in the name of bullshit time honoured traditions. This whole movement has shone a light on the fact that there’s a real world outside the professional wrestling bubble with progressive values and safe working practices and recognition of that will see old abuse enabling values crumble.

    While i do agree somewhat i think some allegations towards some people should mean they are out and tbh i think they will struggle to get bookings now anyway.

    like they said on the brit wres experience the training schools that have had people speak out about them need to seriously stay closed until they can put stuff in place to make sure it never happens again, it's so simple to put out a statement saying it is awful and will never happen again in the hope it dies down in a couple of months and no one remembers but their needs to be some serious changes in an industry we all know is long since broken and outdated in terms of the mindset and behaviour people choose to subsequently live their lives because of.

    Some of those involved can work hard to prove they have changed, others have just gone too far and shouldn't be accepted back in the industry they have used to act like disgusting human beings in 

  10. the knight family have brought out some i stand with saraya t-shirts to help go towards legal costs......

    I'm thinking with what they have been accused of they are going to try and take everyone accountable for the accusations to court 

  11. The guys over at british wrestling experience podcast have done a podcast talking about all of this and even though im only half way through i will say its fantastic and a must-listen for everyone invested in this either emotionally or personally 

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