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Posts posted by Wideload90

  1. More Wandavision thoughts: 

    Every episode ends far too quickly for my liking and each episode still doesn't give much away which is great but considering the number of episodes left I'm worried there's going to be more unanswered questions...

    The credits take up a third of the episode which doesn't bode well for future series (Kenobi)

    Will there be a second series? 

  2. Only caught up with this via results and highlights.

    Quick thoughts - Carlito looked the fucking man. Great build and facial hair. Stunning.

    As a Goldberg mark even I think he should pack it in.

    No interest in an edge win but a harmless event by all accounts.

    Despite all the moans, it's still got fans talking so that's something.

  3. Episode 4 of Wandavision has ramped up the intrigue and has provided a nice pay off for people's patience. I can only see it getting more intense and that's a good thing.

    I like how it's interweaving with the MCU whilst also playing to the TV audience. 

    For those who didn't get on with first 2 episodes, stick with it. 

  4. This thread makes my star wars lego minifigure collection seems paltry. Hats off to those with commitment to shopping lists and Grease 2...


    I fear we've only just scratched the surface...

  5. Goldberg's 2016 return was the greatest wrestling storyline in the last decade. Unfortunately he's been milked too much and that teat is weathered and maybe it's time to call it a day... That being said, I still love seeing the doddery old bastard and despite the shoddy delivery, I don't mind him coming in for the odd match as long as it doesn't go on for too long to expose his decay... hopefully Miz cashes in because there is no way your champ should be losing to a part timer even if it's Goldberg.

    @tiger_rick was bang on with how the challenge should go down. Beggars can't be choosers.

    Legends night is overrated.

  6. As promising as the second vaccine is, I can't help feeling shit that there's 50k+ cases and very little seems to be done about it. We have updates from Williamson and Hancock later today... Where is the PM?

  7. I've got Christmas spends and want to invest in some graphic novels. I've not collected anything for years now and an wondering if people have read and would recommend civil war 2 and the marvel rebooted Star Wars series?

    Open to suggestions - Fan of Batman, Cable, Wolverine, Punisher...


  8. This press conference is a waste of time. Our cunt PM is trying to frame disruption from imports as minor and the vaccine rollout is a huge success. 

    What's the biggest virus - This government or covid?

  9. Fucking hell. The only logical conclusion to Grogu's story is to be adopted (kidnapped?) by Luke Skywalker. Watching the X wing arrive and the subsequent destruction of the dark troopers is everything I wanted to see from Skywalker in his prime. I can totally see how people would be pissed with that, especially as the mandalorian felt like the freshest thing to happen to Star Wars and it feels like a possible backwards step. It's not though.

    There is still plenty to explore now we've lost the baby Yoda hype. Who's going to re-establish mandalore? Gideon lives! What's next for the mandalorian? 

    It was pure joy from start to finish and although I'd love to see more I'm happy if that's the end. It won't be though as it's a cash cow. 

    The post credit reveal also excites me and I never thought I'd feel that about Fett. Bravo.

  10. It's an old advert which has been replayed with a pre covid warning along the bottom. Those two hipster douche bag cunts butchering together in electric dreams with some acoustic flavouring to promote the teenage tipple of choice, Strongbow. 

    It was shit then and it's even shitter amidst the pandemic. 


  11. 22 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Wasn’t it because he knew Mando had it and didn’t know Cobb had it before him?

    It just doesn't make sense. Fett was on tatooine for a long time... It doesn't detract from how good the series is, I'm just confused.

  12. Fett is getting the Maul treatment; a character who looks good but does bugger all suddenly gets a rewrite and becomes the best thing since sliced bread. My opinion on Fett has changed and this episode topped last week for me. It just gets better and better.

    The show is wildly unpredictable and tremendous fun. Will it ever dip in quality? I doubt it. 


  13. 2 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

    I actually like the Tesco 'no naughty list' adverts. I think they are the best of the Christmas ads I've seen so far this year. You can't expect any companies to be making Christmas ads this year without trying to offer some light for people at the end of a year like we've been through. 

    Give us something traditional to take away from the doom and gloom. The last thing I want is a reminder of the dumpster fire this year has been. 

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