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Posts posted by SuperBacon

  1. Edit: to Carbomb

    They do, there's one in Waltham Cross that has been open as long is I've been alive I think. I know there aren't that many around these days, but they're not service station exclusive. Can't beat a bender in a bun.


    SuperBacon, there's a Spud U Like in Basildon as well.

    Good to know Wokings not the only one. It's weird. It's in the food court along with the usual suspects and a great Mexican place, but it's so dark and drab, like it hasn't been updated in years. I never see anyone getting anything from there, which is a shame, because growing up, Spudulike was an absolute treat.


    Best place to eat in Hounslow until the absolute alien concept of Sbarro came along (my parents decided to get a divorce in Sbarro: true story)

  2. The new, re-vamped Wimpy's franchises you get at motorway service stations now do fantastic chips. Shame they don't have franchises outside the service station sector.

    There's one in the next town to me. Went about a year ago. Of course I had the fucking bender in the bun mate!!!


    FYI: There is still a bloody Spudulika in Woking as well. Must be the only one in the country left.



    I walked to the cashpoint at about 8pm last night. Midway down my road and I see a little fat boy chuck a pair of pants from a second story window. We made some awkward eye contact and I gave him some brief Evils as if I was walking 4 or 5 steps ahead

    Happened a few times to me. Years ago it was eggs and water balloons. Last thing I was hit with was the "Paranormal Activity" DVD, so I said "thanks very much!". I didn't really. Full DVD. Cover and DVD. It was rather odd. Must have came from some height.

    This sounds like you're actually being targeted by the poltergeist from the film.

  4. Completely agree, I mean it's all I was into from age of 16-19, Jehst, Taskforce, Terra Firma etc and whilst I still love all those acts I have to balance it these days.


    Out of all of them Ocean Wisdoms the most interesting, and I'm not normally a fan of fast flow rappers, but he knows when to switch it up, and is a funny lad as well.


    But I know what you mean, a few UK tracks usually has me reaching for the Ugly Duckling and MC Paul Barman records ;)

  5. I'll countenance my post by saying a lot of what I posted is what I'd call serious hip hop, so for a bit of balance check out Dr Syntax & Pete Cannon-The Tonic EP from last year. In fact, everything they do is great. Pete recently uploaded some vids of him sampling/creating through an old Amiga which I'm sure you'd appreciate. I'll try and link them.

  6. Nice, I'll check that out. Not much to report States wise recently, struggling myself for new things to listen to. I rediscovered J-Zone recently and enjoyed his Fish & Grits album.


    UK wise, think I mentioned it before but for me, the standout UK release of the last few years is Ocean Wisdom-Chaos 93.

    Leaf Dog from Four Owls has just released an excellent single-My Scene

    I've just discovered a guy called Trademark Blud who's new EP is produced by Micall Parknsun, and is a decent listen.

    And Klashnekoff has released a new single Hand on Heart which is pretty good too.

  7. Thanks guys. I'm really glad I shared it with you.


    I just want my children to do what they want and be who they want to be. Don't get me wrong, we're not parents who let them run riot like Ned Flanders Mum and Dad. Trust me they get told off, but it's important to allow them to be individuals. As long as they don't support West Ham. That's something I will never allow ;)


    I will caveat this by also admitting that our eldest has the same name as a Disney Princess and she's never really been into princesses that much, despite all her friends loving that she's named after one.

  8. Absolutely the business needs more Goldberg, Brock Lesnar Roman Reigns types. That's how the business was for nearly 40 years and there was nothing wrong with that model.




    But I'm not gonna sit and argue about it. I've given my opinion on the business, why it is the way it is, I get attacked on here for that opinion, I've said why I think that is. And if you don't like my opinion that's fine but stop acting like a bunch of marks.

    You need attacking for your homophobic, misogynistic thoughts and rants you fucking weirdo.



    I am about to watch cult classic House Party for the first time in about 15 years. I'm excited. I hope it stays the test of time

    I still love the first 2 House Party films!


    Round my neck of the woods, House Party was like our generation's American Pie. A film that we had all seen but deren't let our parents know whe had, as we were certain they wouldn't agree with it...

    Absolutely. As a massive hip hop fan, the genre is actually quite well represented from that time (Juice, Boyz N The Hood, Do The Right Thing, Menace II Society) but this was a funny film, and that's what was lacking. The second ones getting watched tonight, and having never seen the third I might just watch that too...


    "I smell...I smell...I smell PUSSY!"

  10. That's lovely, what personality she has at such a young age!


    As for the name Theo, well I can guess why she wants that name... ;)

    God, I hadn't clocked that, and she's the Spurs one! It's her traitor sister who's followed her Mum!


    @Monkee, that's so sad. A lot of the parents at my eldests school are exactly like that, and it's tough to deal with, because like I said, I'd never tell anyone how to parent their children.

    We've never pushed anything on to them, but of course they got introduced to wrestling and Star Wars because of me (even with the wrestling, she loves John Cena, but it's not like she's asking to watch Starrcade 97).


    A lot of companies and campaigns are trying to rid gender specific toys but there's still a lot to do. Literally everything we bought her for Christmas was from the boys section, and it must be so disheartening for children (and adults) who are able to read and walk round shops and supermarkets and see these labels, and feel excluded.

  11. I wanted to share something with you all as it's a bit beautiful and it makes me proud to be a parent.


    I have two girls, one is 7, the other is 4 in a few weeks. They're very different, from everything from personality to films, music, temperament.


    Me and my (separated) wife are pretty liberal. We have always from the moment we met had very similar ideals for our children and don't really care what anyone thinks, as they're our children, and we'd never tell anyone else how to raise their kids.


    Anyway, our youngest has, from an early age been into Star Wars, wrestling, superheroes etc, what are traditionally labelled as (ugh) boys things. Don't get me wrong she loves a bit of Shopkins and My Little Pony, but she's always loved those things more (obviously she's got it from me) as I like all those things too.


    Anyway, we've always let our kids choose their own clothes and what they want to wear (unless they go batshit crazy and want to wear Spider-Man costumes to a funeral), and since the age of around 2 and a half, our youngest has always picked boys clothes, shoes, hats etc. Fine, that's what she wants, that's cool with us.

    Then about 6 months ago she asked her Mum to cut her hair short "like a boy" (specifically like Willy Wonka, another obsession of hers). Again, fine, Mum cut it to just shorter than shoulder length and she loved it.


    Then about 2 weeks ago she told us she didn't want to be called her name and she was now Theo, a name I have no idea where she got. She insisted that we called her it, and then her Mum asked her why, did she want to be a boy?


    This is what I wanted to share, she replied:"Mummy, I'm not a boy or a girl, I'm just me" I don't live with them and when their Mum told me, I thought that was one of the most innocently beautiful things I'd ever heard. So simple.


    She's still asking to be called Theo and it's fine. It's probably just a phase of hers but to be honest I wouldn't give a shit what she is when she's older as long as she's happy. But what she said has been playing over and over in my head, and I just think it's the best thing I've ever heard.


    Anyway, that's my essay. This is literally the only place I wanted to share this as I know on other social medias this will be seen as bullshit or didn't happen and thought some parents and non parents might be interested.

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