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Posts posted by SuperBacon

  1. 42 minutes ago, Uncle Zeb said:

    Survivor Series 2010 should cover the Cena-Barrett angle sufficiently, and then you might be interested in the beginning of CM Punk's short-lived association with the group (the initial angle, followed by his interaction with a cage match involving Barrett), but I don't know which episodes of Raw you'd find those on.

    Appreciate the input. To be honest, think I've seen the 2011 Rumble where they're with Punk? Might have remembered that wrong 

  2. 8 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    June 7th 2010 is the awesome angle that kicked it off. There aren't many more, the Raw before SummerSlam is good though. After they get killed at SummerSlam, it moves more towards Wade Barrett. The stuff where they employ Cena is decent but never goes anywhere.

    Thanks Rick. So what, it lasts a couple of months and that's it? Seems a bit of a wasted opportunity 

  3. 8 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    June 7th 2010 is the awesome angle that kicked it off. There aren't many more, the Raw before SummerSlam is good though. After they get killed at SummerSlam, it moves more towards Wade Barrett. The stuff where they employ Cena is decent but never goes anywhere.

    Thanks Rick. So what, it lasts a couple of months and that's it? Seems a bit of a wasted opportunity 

  4. I have a massive gap in my wrestling watching/knowledge between 2003/2011 and bevause it was mentioned in the Bret Hart thread im watching Summerslam 2010. 

    Now, the Nexus interrupt the first match between Ziggler and Kofi, and I've seen bits and bobs randomly over the years. 

    Was The Nexus angle/storyline any good? As it seems pretty bad ass and something that should've succeeded.

    anyway my question is regarding Nexus: what should I be watching, when did it kick off, angles, matches etc?


  5. 14 minutes ago, Thunderplex said:

    Just watching The Wolfpack again.  Is it just me who's amazed they haven't found parts of the Dad in the rubbish chute yet?  It's like a ticking time bomb.

    I never got round to this and you've just jogged my memory so will give this a whirl as it sounds a fascinating story.

    I recently watched West of Memphis and 13th, both of which were amazing and so well made. 

    13th in particular was incredibly emotional to watch, and took me a while to get over and if I wasn't so tired and on my phone, I'd post more thoughts but definitely one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

    It was a picture of her holding a dead cat, which is now her profile image.

    Anyway, that's got fuck all on the one above. I can't even comprehend that.

    Yeah but what I want to know, is the cat dead in the photo? Like did she pick up it's dead body and take a photo with it? 

  7. 44 minutes ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

    Xpac posted something on Twitter about how calling girls rats is bad. There was a reply to it from a fan saying the word "mark" is degrading and people should stop using it 😂


  8. 14 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

    I bloke I knows granddaughter unfortunately died a day or two after she was born. He then posted a picture of his dead grandchild on Facebook. And not in an open-casket, made up to not look so dead, kind of way. In a Laura Palmer, washing up on the shore, kind of way.

    That is beyond words. 

  9. Took the kids to see Despicable Me 3 today. Was OK, not as good as the 2nd one, and the jokes wearing a bit thin. The scenes with the baddie Balthazar Bratt were the highlights and there's enough 80s references to keep parents amused, but the charm has kind of rubbed off. Kids enjoyed it though and that's what matters I guess?

    also saw the trailer for The Emoji Movie and it looked OK, and now I  don't know myself. 

  10. Operation Doomsday is such a great album. I've been revisiting quite a lot of stuff from that era, 7L & Esoteric, Mr Lif, Akrobatik, Insight. All that good backpack shit.

    More recently, I've been listening to Styles P & Kwelis EP still, an album by a dude called billy Woods (known unknowns), a new name on me, but it features beats by Blockhead and Aesop Rock, and it's pretty decent and of course, the UK continues to fucking kill it with new albums by the GOAT Jehst, and Ramson Badbones, which are probably the two getting played the most at the moment. 

  11. 18 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Binge watched Glow in a few hours. Really enjoyed it, a nice little watch.

    just started El Chapo which is bloody excellent. Anyone else seen it? Netflix are on a roll aren't they?

    Off sick, so just finished up El Chapo. Watch this series, its bloody great. Good pacing, well written, well acted. Marco De La O who plays the title character is a sexy shit as well. 

    Starting Narcos now I reckon. See what all the fuss is about. 

  12. Oh god, I really want that to be true but has a sniff of the DHOTYA about it. 

    FYI: in 4 years of recruitment, if I've ever seen wrestling in interests on a CV, that person automatically gets called by me, regardless of how shit their CV is ;)

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