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Posts posted by SuperBacon

  1. I've worked in recruitment for 4 years. CV writing isn't rocket science. If anyone wants to DM me or email me, I'm more than happy to take a look and give a few pointers if needed. Bear in mind, I've specialised in sales recruitment but happy to help. 

  2. Has anyone caught Dave Chappelle's new specials on Netflix yet?


    Just watched The Age Of Spin and it was absolutely terrific. Really challenging on the subject of Bill Cosby especially. Not as laugh-out-loud funny as his earlier specials but it's still some show. Might watch the other one later.


    Yeah, watched Age of Spin, thought it was great...the intro about the Detroit debacle was killer...lined up the next one to watch later too!


    Is it true that he got $60,000,000 for these?

  3. Erm, dunno about that mate. I mean, my daughter's 4. She still thinks Batman in a black suit (rather than a grey or blue one) is a baddie...


    But yeah I get your point. These are mostly popcorn filler films. If I was 13 years old, I would've absolutely loved Suicide Squad and would've thought it should have cleaned up at the Oscars and Margot Robbie should be damed or something.


    Just one last point....attacking Affleck for sounding dour or bored? It's kind of his thing.

  4. Thought that Justice League trailer looked pretty decent. My 4 year old lost her shit at Batman in it, until I realised that she probably won't be watching it until she's much older, as well as all of the other superhero films and the characters she's obssessed with, bless her. Maybe that's what it is, that we all need to watch these things with children and enjoy it through their wide eyed amazement.


    Gal Gadot as well...bloody hell...

  5. I know the attitude era podcast lads already did it, but I'd love the New Gen crew to keep going and cover the whole era, such an enjoyable show

    Agreed. Bit of a cliche, but the more you listen, the more you feel like a bit of a family. The pods humour has got me through some tough times when all I wanted was familiarity and humour. It's a good dynamic as Stuart is obviously very knowledgeable, as is Adam, but Scrivens knows nothing really but is funny and I enjoy his ramblings.


    I think they'll have a new angle once we get to the end of this era, which I presume will be WM14.

  6. New Gen Podcast have released Part 2 of their Montreal screw-job story arc focusing on the undercard of Survivor Series 1997. 3 and a half hours long which flies past, as it's very good, and the lads are having a right laugh. Can't wait for the next part. Definitely my favourite wrestling pod, and great to hear Stuart doing much better.

  7. "Hi hater, why you wanna diss man online, then say hi later" :)


    I think they're building Reigns-Taker brilliantly, and I am another that is looking forward to this the most, and most of that is down to Reigns, as I don't really care for Taker.


    Foley just needs to fuck off. So cringey.

  8. Do you make your own pesto? Fresh basil, extra virgin olive oil, pine nuts and garlic in the blender and that's mine. Stir it in with pasta and it's lovely. Pine nuts cost a bit but you get a lot of pesto!

    I don't mate, it's just a jar of broadbean, pea and mint pesto that was reduced, but once I get myself sorted, I definitely will do, as my ex and I used to make our own and yeah, it's easy and nice.

  9. Add me as another on a very limited budget until I get paid from new job. Thank fuck for pesto. I've just been having tomato pesto with pasta, with peas and sweetcorn and a squeeze of this hot Ancona sauce I've got. Literally had it every night for about 2 weeks and although I'm fucking bored of it, it really fills me up and sorts me out. Apart from  the lack of protein, that's a bit worrying but can't afford it at the moment.


    I'm 5 episodes in to Community and I really don't like it that much, so I'm ducking out for a bit. It's just not funny.


    Anyone else watch Simon Amstells Carnage on the iPlayer? Mockumentary set in the future where everyone is vegan. It's wry, but well written I thought.

    I'd give up now Bacon. If your not at least interested by 5 episodes in I'd say it's not for you. Try Modern Family instead

    Fair enough. I think the first 5 episodes raised a few wry smiles from me. I'm not expecting belly laughs, but nah, don't think it's for me.


    Modern Family might be a good shout. I mean, I love The Goldbergs so...

  11. My Dad, 60, still asks me if they're still in the WWF every time something wrestling related comes up or is mentioned on the news etc.


    They're more over with him than Hogan, Warrior etc. When I rented Summerslam 90/91 over and over from the local video shop, he'd tut at literally everything apart from them. And he voted for us to leave the EU...so....


    I'm certain a champ or two has snorted stuff off it or used it as a sex prop but there's no evidence.



    I'd be surprised if most of them hadn't at some point. I dressed as CM Punk for one night on Halloween and managed to do both (in that order)

    How do you fit a belt up...you know what, never mind...

  13. So I started the US Office on Saturday afternoon and I've just finished Series 5. I absolutely love it.


    I'll be honest in Series 2, I detested Dwight, to the point where I wasn't sure if I could carry on with the show, but somewhere in Series 3 he became one of the funniest characters I've ever seen and now he's a hero. There's too many great bits to point out and I'm awaiting the decline as some people have said, but I've loved binging it for 4 days or so.


    So, I've finished it. 9 series in 9 days. Fucking hell. What a show. I absolutely loved it, more than I ever thought possible to be honest.


    As well as being funny, it still had the same pathos and emotion that the original Office had, which was something I didn't think they could do somewhere around Series 3. The UK Office was so subtle in it's feelings and sympathy that I had for the characters, and the US Office is more about straight laughs but it had it.


    I'll admit the only bits I didn't really like were the episodes with James Spader (just incredibly unfunny), and the introduction of Nellie, but I even warmed to her in the end. The only problem I had is because I binged it so hard and fast (that's what she said), it's hard to pick out moments or even episodes that stand out, which I'll have to do at a later date, but yeah, I loved it.


    Now onto...Community I reckon.

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