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Posts posted by SuperBacon

  1. Isn't Dave Meltzer an insufferable cunt? Honestly, the pious shite he spills on Twitter is too fucking much. I can't begin to imagine what he's like on his shows or pods or whatever.


    "Oh, I know the Mania card...and you don't" fuck off you weirdo

  2. That was one of the worst things I've ever heard in my life. Please for the love of God, do the right thing and tell them to give up. Atrocious. Not only is the singing terrible, you're right. The instruments are so low in the music. Thanks for sharing though. Needed a lift.

  3. Not sure mate, was it either of the Le Flow compilations? Have a look at their track listings. I know how frustrating this can be. I spent YEARS searching for a J Live remix that didn't actually exist.

    I heard a track on Westwood when Prime Cuts of the Scratch Perverts was on it to discover he layed an acapella over an instrumental, so my "remix" never actually existed!!!


    Is anyone else struggling to keep up with all the news/social media/what's happening? It's like information overload...

    That's almost certainly part of the strategy.

    Maybe it's because there are so many outlets/commentators etc but it's absolutely crazy.

  5. Anyone remember the all you can eat Mr Wu's chain??? Worst hygiene in a restaurant ever.

    This reminds me of the old Chinese place I used to order from. I once went in and asked for Lemon Chicken among the order only to be told I couldn't have it as they had run out of Robinsons...they were making it with Lemon Cordial!!! Please tell me this isn't normal

  6. Nice one Chest, much appreciated. I think I actually have that Le Flow album somewhere and heard a few tracks by Joke...yeah he seems pretty good, can't remember which ones, but they had Japanese names.

    Also checked out PLN, who apparently had their album go to Number 1 in the iTunes chart. Was OK, but overly aggressive for me tbh.


    I definitely want to expand on what I know, as I feel I get lazy and just go to what I know, and I want to see what else is out there as I have a tendency to stick to my 'backpack shit'. Having said that im sitting here listening to NORE cos he was excellent.

  7. Chest, re: your hatred of live hip hop with a full band, does this mean you don't like The Roots live, or have you not seen them?


    Anyhoo, let's get away from the pedantry, I'm genuinely sorry I posted the clip

  8. Crate Diggers!!! I've literally just discovered that, and watched a good 2 hours of it. The Mr Thing and Cut Chemist ones are great.

    Something I found from watching that was another series called What's In My Bag which is a more diverse range of guests, but still plenty of hip hop artists, shopping in this massive shop in LA I think. Well worth watching as well.

  9. How are you not all massive, fat cunts???


    Yeah we might have shit chippies but I once had pie and mash in Hull, and it was shocking whilst we have places like Harringtons and BJs so who's really winning lads?

    Bet our greasy spoons are better than yours as well

  10. Does anyone have any experience or advice on working in Dubai/UAE?

    I've been offered a 6 month contract there and am thinking of doing it, but just wanted some actual experience other than the biased company I am going with.


    Biggest one is: if I earn tax free money over there, ie.£4000 a month, can I send home £4000 a month? Or do I pay duty or something, and is it all a big scam?

  11. Beatnuts / Jeru should be good. I'm out of the country, otherwise I'd definitely be there.


    Who is your mate; it's not Woody is it? I saw his winning routine live, it was awesome.

    DJ Blakey, won UK DMCs in 2004. School mate, we then set up a crew (Crewcuts

  12. I look forward to that... I know the actual skills aren't unbelievable. I'll have you know that one of my best mates growing up is a former DMC champ *clang* ;)


    Shame about Rick, I heard terrible things from people. Couple of things coming up which I refuse to believe will be shit. Beatnuts & Jeru next month, and then Oddisee. Both will be fantastic. Was going to do the Cut Chemist/Charli 2na but can't afford it.

  13. Mos def is shit live, but The Ecstatic is a fantastic album.


    Edit: umm.. There's nothing impressive about that full clip preemo vid. He had all the cue points set up on the laptop and he's not actually doing anything on the decks. It's basically the same as if he was just playing it on the mpc after having chopped it.

    Oh fuck off Chest...go and have a wank over your Invisible Skratch Piklz tapes then... ;)


    Is it not impressive that he made the Full Clip beat? and I like simple shit that so there. When you've made a track as good as Above The Clouds, only then can you comment.

  14. Those things were amazing, but I had no idea that's what they were called.

    My eldest came back from a party the other day with a bag of Rainbow Drops in her party bag. They got confiscated.

  15. Yeah, Mos is one of the biggest disappointments ever tbh. From the early Rawkus/Black Star stuff, there was so much promise. Black on Both Sides is a great album. I bought it the day it came out, taped it, then took it to Majorca to listen to on my Walkman for a week. Was the only tape I had.

    Then he fell the fuck off.


    I know what you mean. It's taken me a massive effort to get back into, because I naturally revert to what I know (case in point: I'm listening to a 2001 UK hip hop mixtape but there is loads of great stuff out there. You just need to surf through the absolute shite that is at the forefront. I'll try and keep posting in here if it helps.


    You like any UK stuff? Check out anything on High Focus as I mentioned before. It's pretty much all good.

  16. Haha, Can I just say in my defence, I've never actually had a Twinkie, but from seeing them in films, TVs, they look a bit like the Barney Bears I've been eating, so apologies to all offended you weird bastards...


    As you were...go and buy some Barney Bears lads...they're on offer in Tesco. You won't look weird buying children's snacks without any children I promise...

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