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Posts posted by SuperBacon

  1. 8 hours ago, Carbomb said:

    Really? Then why haven't you ever debated me in threads where I've posted extensively about the topics mentioned? I may have had a bit of a nightmare regarding some subjects, but I've posted on here for years, had lively and detailed discussions with plenty of people on here past and present, and have even met a fair few with whom I've chatted at length over a pint about any number of things. 

    You're determined to behave like a snide cock-end carping from the sidelines. You've been taking pot-shots at me for years; I've tried to be civil and polite to you, because I'm tired of the old flame wars I used to get into, and because other people on here describe you as a "Good Egg", but for the life of me I'm seeing nothing here to tell me why. 

    Maybe you are a good egg in real life; I wouldn't claim to know you as a person on the basis of what I've seen on this forum. As it stands, however, purely in terms of my interactions with you here, I have no reservations in saying: go fuck yourself. Maybe you think ol' Carbomb is easy pickings because of the odd past pile-on, but I didn't put up with Seven's bullshit, and I'm not putting up with yours. You're not better than me, you're not better than anyone; you're on a forum about wrestling, for fuck's sake. 




  2. 7 hours ago, Loki said:

    I don't know a nice way of saying this, but... don't fucking send naked pics of yourself to anyone.  It's awful when they leak, and I completely agree that it's not fair, but... just don't make yourself such a hostage to fortune, particularly if you're hoping to make a career in the public eye.

    I don't get the attraction of it.  If it's someone you're already intimate with, they see you naked anyway.  And very, very few people look better naked than they do in their underwear.

    I don’t get this. So just because they’re famous, they shouldn’t partake in something sexual that plenty of people find pleasurable? YOU don’t find the attraction of it, clearly lots of people do 

    How about authorities/ tech companies work on encrypting their technology better rather than saying “well they shouldn’t have done it then”?

  3. 8 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:

    Some right odd hosts on BBC Wales now. Benji from Skindred hosts a show about dog adoption.

    That sounds excellent to be honest.

  4. Does anyone know how I can go back and revote for this as worst thread? Fucking hell. RALPHY DIDNT UP HIS BOOK PRICES FOR THIS. 

    Anyone know of any good vegan yoghurts? I’ve tried the Koko one and the Waitrose own brand ones but not keen to be honest. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, Brewster McCloud said:

    I would very much like to make love you as I'm quite incrediby drunk. I will regret this later, but here goes: beans do not belong in a bowl as it takes away one's agency. It's the cook saying "only have a little bit of beans becase I don't trust you." Sausages can act as a breakwater, that's up to me, the breakfaster. When you put the beans in a pretentious little cup, well... I think we're almost on the same page, sir. 

    The beans belong in a cup, with a sausage as a spoon. Could call it a Michael special. Don’t you think? 

  6. 2 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

    Not sure if she’s been mentioned previously but whilst binging on The Office recently I’ve fallen in love with Ellie Kemper. She’s so warm, charming and so beautiful I want to be sick. 


    Boy are you going to love The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt then my friend...

  7. 12 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Fucking love it. How many has he done from previous years?

    It’s usually this guy but I think the other lad beat him to it this year. This dudes definitely had a 2016 (which had the best ones, Ed Miliband saying hi, the Levi jeans one and the funny drive through McDonalds employee all of which I can’t find right now). Enjoy 


  8. Bros: When The Screaming Stops

    Undoubtedly the TV highlight of the festive period, and an instant quotable classic (conkers, the bath, Genesis of worlds)

    Luke seems like a fairly decent lad whilst Matt is the Brent like egotist who comes out with the gold. 

    The only memory I have of Bros is being sat in a car with my dad outside Wembley whilst my Mum and sisters attended their concert, only to come home to find our we’d been burgled and the only thing they’d knicked was the hi fi and my Mums underwear drawer.

    This doc has gone a long way to repair that damaged memory. ******

  9.  Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

    Try and keep this as spoiler free as possible. This was pretty entertaining to run through (clocked about an hour), and it's certainly a very fun concept, although I'm not sure if I'd want it to be a regular thing. It got quite voyeuristic for me, knowing that I was 'controlling' what happens, but don't know if I can be arsed to go back and try out different scenarios.

    For anyone that's interested, that wants to compare, I kept a check on the 'choices' I made

    Sugar Puffs
    Thompson Twins
    Refused to accept job
    Yes, spoke about Mum
    Phaedra album
    Threw tea over computer
    (which prompted a ‘go back?’ question so you have to choose Shout At Dad)
    Followed Colin
    Took the tab
    Stefan jumped over the balcony (which prompted another ‘go back’ so you have to choose Colin to jump)
    Pulled earlobe
    Flushed the medication
    Destroyed computer which means you have to go back and hit the desk instead
    Picked up book
    Pax password
    Destroyed computer but it doesn’t let you as this ends the episode
    Cliff symbol
    Killed Dad
    Chopped up body
    At the end, went back and buried the body
    Said the game would be ready at the end of the day
    Killed Colin
    Went back and chose the Netflix symbol instead of the cliff one which takes the episode on a fun little detour to end it

    Not really sure how much 'free will' you have as like I mentioned, if you choose one thing it quickly takes you back to correct the decision for the path to work

  10. 21 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    I liked it. It was nice to see some original comedy written for Xmas that wasn't the five hundredth special of an existing show or a fucking panel show. It wasn't big or clever and it acknowledged itself that it was a rip off of Jingle all the way but it was perfect Xmas Eve family TV. More of this please.

    I didn't finish the series. It was very good but I just felt uncomfortable watching it. Real life is uncomfortable enough. I like escapism in TV too much.

    That’s fair enough. What made you feel uncomfortable? The subject matter?

  11. Flowers

    This completely bypassed me when it came out but I watched all of series 1 today. What a beautiful, brave, honest little show. Mental health in comedy is hard to pull off, but this was handled so well.

    Some of it was a bit close to the bone for me (especially Maurice’s confession tapes), but I was honestly blown away by this show. Everyone is excellent, but especially Julian Barrett and Olivia Colman, and the lovely Sophia Di Martino. Well worth watching.

    Click & Collect

    This was...OK. Had it on in background whilst I was cooking and it was a pretty easy watch. Got a bit heavy handed at one point, but great to see Asim Chaudhry in anything (Hounslow represent), and the aforementioned Sophia Di Martino (as if Merchant could bag himself a woman like that), but lolz at him recycling the ‘only got a note for a homeless person’ gag from Extras. For shame.

  12. 39 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    You see it more on Facebook, some people have their birthdays listed publicly and are unwittingly helping fraudsters with these fun little name games. It's scary.

    All I can see now is Jaaaaw from Eastenders on a ledge whilst the Ace of Spades is playing and Phil is screaming in the background 

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