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Sergio Mendacious

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Posts posted by Sergio Mendacious

  1. I was really into it for a while, but I think I listened to much, had to give it a break. The Steve McLaren stories were fantastic, legit concern when I thought Fat Lass had killed Casper. The first time they did the nightclub comic Brass Hand jokes, I honestly can't recall having laughed more in years. Made a few quid from a really shit "Kiss The Alderman!" t-shirt until it got taken down for (spurious) copyright.

  2. 41 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    This is a very bizarre cross examination.

    Honestly, I think I hate Python now, and I like Limmy, who I hadn't heard of before. I'd best not look too deeply into him (her?), because I might change my mind.

  3. Had one of the most jolting experiences of my whole life yesterday, left me in a bit of a nervous state.

    Went shopping after work, near to my grandad-in-law's place. It's not super convenient, but I was over there, so went anyway. Got the subway to a few blocks from our place, and took the lift upstairs. There was a big queue for the escalator, so I got on the line. My bag slipped off my shoulder, so I put it back, and then I saw a couple of fingers sneak under it, and pull it off again. Looked around, saw a group of four lads, about 16 year old. Obviously, up to some stupid shit, so I put my phone and headphones away in case there was any nonsense.

    Got to the escalator, and after five seconds it ground to a halt, as one of them hit the emergency stop. Heard them saying stuff like "Let's watch this fat bastard climb the stairs" and (weirdly) "Donald Trump would sort him out," whatever the fuck that means.

    Got to the top of the escalator, and went out onto the street. Saw that the lads were following me, but thankfully I had a massive glass bottle of cranberry juice in the shopping. Took that out, and as they walked over, I told them that the first one to get close to me was getting that smashed over their head. That defused tension a bit, and they headed off.

    Ended up standing there for five minutes just in case they doubled back, and I've felt like a wreck ever since. Don't know if it's connected, but I could barely sleep, my bowels are going to hell, and I'm feeling in a proper state. 

  4. Obama had a Ed Leslian list of calumnies — Kenyan marxist racist furrin Bathhouse Barry Soetero HUSSEIN Obama — but the Marxist bit gets thrown onto any democrat, no matter how centrist. Hillary is a Marxist, Joe Manchin is a Marxist... I bet Joe Lieberman was called a Marxist a fair few times. Not that the left doesn't heave fascist at some pretty milquetoast GOPers sometimes, but it doesn't tend to come from the mainstream left media and the party apparatus, just some overzealous/stupid types on the left.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    For US politics, and loads more, https://fivethirtyeight.com is my go to site.  It analyses stats and data and puts it into terms that a schmuck like me can get my head around.

    They literally had to kill their voter modeling machine in the dead of night, because it was giving the snowflakes heart palpitations.

    @Sphinx — I'd recommend Gateway Pundit, and following the wise words of @mitchellvii on the Twitter — smart analysis, v. sane.

  6. Should buy seven of my Whitman, Price, and Haddad shirts instead. 

    Honestly, though, I'd definitely buy that when I win some sort of jackpot.

    Just did a tutorial in those wavy text vintage postcards, so I might do a beautiful Maui postcard image with the lads in the lettering of MAUI (with bonus Killian).

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