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Sergio Mendacious

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Posts posted by Sergio Mendacious

  1. 4 minutes ago, D@mm said:

    I don't understand why you lot think i am racist, i am the first one to stick up for anyone of any colour.

    I was racially abused by black and Asian customers for no reason.

    All I was saying was that extreme Islamism is rising and Tommy Robinson is racist but he also makes valid points.

    Anyway I am sorry I caused any offense, I think I either worded it wrong but no I am not a racist, I just have a different opinion to you guys.

    I've been waiting years to meet the first one. 

  2. Just now, Fog Dude said:

    I'm guessing now might not be a good time to remind everybody that David Dimbleby will be presenting his last edition of Question Time a week tomorrow. Don't think they've announced his replacement yet. 

    Piers Morgan.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    So no interest in addressing the point that there's a difference between lying and actual illegal activity as part of the campaign?

    It's like there's a small measure of bad faith in some of David's arguments.

  4. Just now, Otto Dem Wanz said:

    Is ‘no platforming’ that clear cut?

    I agree that being off Twitter has immensely hurt him, and would hurt Robinson and Hopkins in a similar way, but a lot of Milo’s support dwindled because of comments he made that basically endorsed underage sex abuse, which was too far even for the far right. 

    I also remember the furore surrounding Nick Griffin’s appearance on Question Time, and what happened when he was given that platform? He was proved to be out of his depth, made a fool of himself by being conspiratorial and his ideas and belief were debunked and mocked in front of a national tv audience.


    It's 50/50 as far as I can tell — Milo being pushed to the social media margins (I don't know if he was actually even kicked off of Gab) hurt his visibility, but so did the removal of a lot of support from the right for various reasons — the celebration of noncery, the "being a total gadfly," and the combination of his various downsides with his basic incompatibility with where the right wing wants to be; they love having a gay around to deflect criticism, but they don't like having him actually come over to their house for tea.

  5. I was recently in a a conservative tea shop, and I witnessed several grizzled Trump fans cutting up their red hats with pocketknives and singing the internationale, so it's swings and roundabouts, anecdotally.

  6. Saying that the result of Brexit is untouchable because it'll gin up the far right smacks of people opining that the concerns of the midwesterners who were a massive part of putting Trump in the White House need to be front-and-center going forward because of some sort of righteous fury. Although that partially means a much-needed look at how the industrial heartland of the US can be put on a better footing going forward, it often also means "we need to bow down to a bunch of ne'er do wells who want to hearken back to a past that they only half-remember, at best. It's the worst kind of saudade, the kind that makes people want to smash up the machine just because it isn't doing what they like, and darkly pointing towards things "not ending well" and it boosting the likes of Tommy Robinson seems like a thin gauze covering the idea that bad policy ideas should be ground on with regardless, because it'll anger a segment of the population. Certainly, it was a slim majority win, but under shady circumstances where the system seems to have been gamed in several ways — so many parallels all over global politics right now. 

    Short version — what Dead Mike said while I was typing.

  7. Just now, David said:

    As C-Bomb mentioned, Tony Blair broke every fucking law in the book during his stint as PM and he's still free to lecture us all on how we should think. Shit happens, nothing is perfect, but the vote happened, the result was determined.

    Forget it, Jake, it's wadda. Waddaboudism.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bicurious Dad said:

    What exactly is 'less commercial  conventional' about a soap actress? 

    Anna Brisbin is cute but her impressions are rank awful. If you're going for internet personalities I would direct you to Barbara Dunkelman from Rooster Teeth



    I'd have loved her in 2001, because that picture would download quickly.

  9. Allegations (read: possibly fantasies and wish-fulfillment) that Trump fled the White House Christmas tree lighting ceremony last night because he got a phone call that pushed him into a panic attack. Who would possibly know this for sure, but it's fun to think of the twat breaking down because he's up shit creek without a boat.

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