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Sergio Mendacious

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Posts posted by Sergio Mendacious

  1. 46 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    Either that or, every time someone comes close to sitting next to you, just invitingly pat the seat, while maintaining eye contact. They'll soon move along.

    Amateur-level — nob out is the way to go.

    Actually, nob out on the train is a blinder for this thread.

  2. Filled out my bingo card of ridiculous shit today — first of all, got a fantastic followup on this picture, from late last year:


    Turns out that George is out


    And then, cycling back from doing some stuff at dinner time, I helped out a lovely Uruguayan couple who were trying to figure out the local bikeshare that I use. Helped them out, felt good about that. Was all paid in full when I asked where they were from.


  3. 3 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    I did Quorn toad in the hole yesterday and my wife and daughter didn't even notice.

    Shame to see food go to waste, but that's a cracking story.

  4. I did start a thread about editing or similar, a long while back — I regret to admit that I'm still useless and haven't even shot stuff to edit. I am forever hopeful that I'll wake up a different person one day, spend the $20 or so that I need to get a VHS camcorder, and that's the final link in the chain that leads to me shooting scads of footage, and self-teaching Premiere Pro and After Effects, in order to become a real pretentious twat.

  5. I had a demented cookie the other day — two massive chocolate chocolate chip cookies, wedged around a load of nutella and the edges rolled in chocolate sprinkles to make it into a brigadeiro cookie sandwich. Made the mistake of having it with a similarly styled iced coffee and then going on a boat, but it was cracking whilst it lasted.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Gus Mears said:

    Same one I went to! Must have had fish and chips from there for 20 years or so.

    Yeah, Woolacombe is glorious. Going to spam up the holiday thread in a few days with pics. Saw probably the best sunset of my life day before yesterday.

    Not a proper chippy if it's in a town where the sun sets. That's a caff, mate.

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