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Sergio Mendacious

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Posts posted by Sergio Mendacious

  1. I went to the soul food restaurant in Brighton before and after Gordon's first visit, and if anything, they'd got worse. He had them do some sort of lunchtime sampler, and it was total crap. Remember her complaining that he wouldn't go back for a third time when they were going out of business

  2. Our shopping is a mix - I try to avoid the usual supermarkets, because they’re well overpriced in the city. We order the bulk of our groceries on Amazon Price Fresh, they have some crazy deals and the delivery is a bit ropey, which leads to discounts and refunds galore. Also, 5% cashback. Most of the rest I get from Trader Joe, which has nice bread and fresh food. The remaining balance is from various supermarkets in the projects, that I tend to cycle past on the way home. About $140 a week.

  3. It’s the Star Bar. I missed my flight home a few months back, and had to stay in a hotel at Manchester Airport. Felt miserable, went to the lobby to buy a toothbrush, and found the vending machine had Star Bars. Bought three, cheered me right up.

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