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Posts posted by stumobir

  1. 57 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Didn’t everyone from Rwanda who was seeking asylum in this country have it granted? I wonder if those liking this policy saw the bit in the small print about how we will be taking some of their asylum seekers in return. 

    Guarantee you there won’t be any Ukrainian applicants being sent there, not qwhite sure why. 

    And our own Government appointed Ambassador for Human Rights criticised Rwanda’s violation of HR for those in custody, up to and including torture and death. 
    But don’t worry, the asylum seekers we’re sending are probably going all-inclusive if the Daily Heil is anything to go by. 

  2. Yeah, their fight was completely pointless, I’m enjoying this but the eye roll moments are stacking up.  The two Leia chase scenes were painful and watching Vader let a droid carry Obi-Wan away when he was about 5ft in front of him was just daft, as was Reva beating Leia to the other end of the same tunnel without passing her. Small points but does take me away from it somewhat. 
    Loved every minute on Daiyu, hope we see more of Haja and maybe even up back there at some point. 
    I love how immersive these shows are compared to the movies, it’s all the little interactions with the side characters that really get you in to the “Universe”. 

  3. 4 hours ago, PunkStep said:

    Yeah I thought that was a decent final. Wouldn't have thought of calling it boring at all. 

    I guess I was just expecting a few more goals considering the goalfests that got both teams to there. Finals are rarely like that tbf and nothing was getting past Courtois last night. One yellow though? Madrid are missing Pepe and Ramos. 

  4. The SPL being dominated by two teams is far from unique in Europe, in fact it’s pretty much the norm in most leagues (with the odd outlier every 10 to 15 years). It also wasn’t long ago that Celtic and Rangers were taking English scalps in Europe, before the blood money started pouring in. 
    The how would Celtic and Rangers fare in the Barclays conversation is about as tired as Messi/Ronaldo. And to be honest I would fucking hate it if it was to happen. I work with a lot of guys from Hull (not Rick, sadly) and the number of them who support either Utd or Liverpool is mortifying. It was the same when I was at Uni in Southampton although they were mostly Arsenal fans. Fuck having those fair weather, never seen inside the stadium, cunts trying to have bantz when we played. 
    I’ve spent the last few seasons following a  lower league Scottish team my mate plays for, watching them take 2,500 fans 150miles from their small seaside town to the last away game of the season on a Friday night and the atmosphere they created was an absolute joy. I’ll take those Wee Jock McPlop games over your #anditslive contrived shite any day of the week.


    (I know that’s Champions League but I’m too lazy to find another pic that makes the same point)

  5. Yeah, I’m not here to defend him, there’s no doubt some of his material is awful, particularly the older stuff. It’s why I said I don’t find him that funny.  I’d still say it wasn’t central to his gimmick unlike the other two that are mainly being discussed, not that that excuses him from the shitty things he has said. You could find material from almost any comedian that would be in poor taste, the issue lies when that becomes the act, like it has with Carr and Gervais.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Factotum said:

    Is Frankie Boyle OK now because he said some left wing things?

    I don’t find Boyle particularly funny but I wouldn’t say he’s ever been in the same category as others at punching down to minorities, rape victims etc. 


  7. Went to see Stewart Lee’s Tornado/Snowflake a few weeks ago and he had Carr and Gervais in his crosshairs for exactly the sort of stuff you’re talking about. His whole bit on Gervais trying to say the unsayable had he creased. These schmucks couldn’t lace his boots. 

  8. I, for one, will be absolutely shocked when he faces no consequence whatsoever. 
    People want to move on to the real issues and leave all that trivial, not being by loved ones side as they died, stuff behind them.

  9. Alan Sugar. A miserable old twat but still loved by the masses for delivering scripted one liners on his done to death TV show. 
    His only redeeming quality is providing a perfect example of why the notion of a cancel culture is little more than Daily Mail froth.

  10. 53 minutes ago, Ultimate Hitman said:

    perhaps promising a referendum on reversing/rejoining the EU.

    You do realise this was probably the biggest reason for Labour’s defeat in 2019? He caved to the centrists like Starmer who were pushing for an absurdly named “People’s Vote” which led to the massive collapse of traditional Labour strongholds in the North, seats he held (and even made gains) just 2 years before against May.

    It’s almost like you don’t have a solitary fucking clue what you’re talking about.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Ultimate Hitman said:

    More the Corbynites than Corbyn himself although I like many others view him as weak, sympathetic towards enemies of our country, virtue signalling at every opportunity but remember just like Johnson, Corbyn is a career politician cut from the same cloth as them all.

    But he opened the door for Labour to be overrun & dictated to ignorant, offended by everything, socialists. He made a party of the working class a byword for communism.

    I shouldn’t but I can’t help myself.

    Which Labour policies do you consider to be far left? 
    Which of our “enemies” was Corbyn sympathetic towards?

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