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Posts posted by poetofthedeed

  1. Nah, normal people was shite, just terribly written, completely unlikeable characters who were clearly written as clichés but a different type of cliche, and utterly all over the place. 

  2. 14 hours ago, simonworden said:

    An odd one I admit but 20-30 minute main events, not big well promoted matches on TV but when it's things like thrown together tag matches. I can sit though snappier mid-card stuff but when I've got little investment in the story lines or it seems pretty obvious what's going to happen. I'll say to myself "right, that's it ill skim to the last minute of Raw and have look if I missed anything." but most of the time I haven't and saved around half an hour. 

    I'm with you, 95% of wrestling matches have no need to go over 12 minutes, main events included....... 

  3. 24 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:

    Oh, also Grease 2 pisses on Grease 1.

    Yes!!!!!!! Back to school again, the bunker scene, ghost rider, the entire luau section........ Fucking amazing 

    26 minutes ago, LCJ said:

    I tend to agree that musicals are rubbish. I watched Rock Of Ages (the film) as it’s the genre of music that I tend to like but that wasn’t the best either. Just pure cheese.

    I've seen the rock of ages musical 4 times now, it's a bit dirtier and seedier than the movie, and fits with the music better...... I realised that julianna hough has a tendency to clean up dirty girls, Sherry, sandy, the preachers daughter in footloose. Stop putting her in remakes..... 

  4. 1 minute ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

    I have indeed

    Fair enough, I suppose it's not enough money to start a row over...... But I'd want something more than a promise before I handed over cash to that..... 

  5. 3 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    The problem with Omega for me - and I will preface this by saying I've also only been familiar with him from AEW onward - is that there's nothing genuinely dangerous about his character or personal about his feuds. Every big star down through the years has had that about them at one point or another, and we feel it in good angles long after the Santa isn't real moment has happened us. Hogan, Austin, Cena, Hart, Michaels...they've all had that weird x factor intensity to them that's made their best shit seem marvellously well worked but also proper he-means-it.

    Even some of the indie big hitters from this generation that initially struggled with that have gotten there now. Rollins shithousing on Twitter, that smirk Reigns properly means when he's shrugging off 10,000 boos, Owens on the mic and Joe in the ring. They all generally excel at being blokes I probably wouldn't hassle at the airport. 

    I just don't get that at all from Omega. He seems like he's trying to be the best character in a wrestling video game there'll ever be. Nobody will work harder to max out their stats, but everything feels like this weird, nerdy imitation of reality and proper stars. He's just a goof. I think even in modern day WWE his character would probably have stuck at that Ricochet level. 

    This is a fantastic point that highlights one of my biggest criticisms of aew. If you only watch the product there has been absolutely nothing to paint omega as the saviour of wrestling, the best bout machine etc......... But if you watch bte he's literally a little bitch who's afraid of a production guy. Pick a Canon and stick to it........

  6. Did that lucha brothers reveal feel off to any one else? For all the talk of wwe over producing everything they would have perfectly nailed the camera pull back after the butcher and the blade challenged ftr, and they would have turned into the attack, instead they just kind of noticed the lucha bros and stood awkwardly facing them and had to ignore the other team challenging them to a match....... 

  7. Is it true that scurll is straight edge? If so then at the minimum he targeted a drunk girl for sex, which is sleazy as fuck. Also she's called bullshit on him not knowing her age, claiming she trained under him the year before..... 

  8. 5 minutes ago, buba3d said:


    Genuine question, she mentions mean gene's behavior and comments during the attitude era pudding matches. Wasn't mean gene in wcw at this point? Did they have a lot of these matches and was mean gene commentating on them???

  9. 8 minutes ago, unfitfinlay said:

    And then people would, quite rightly, criticise them for not being prepared, not knowing the product and burying Dark by flat out ignoring it's existence. They DO want people to watch it don't they? Otherwise what's the point in doing it?

    Which you do during the match, you sell the fact that this person creeped you out so much that you can't focus...... 

    Would Vince mcmahons infamous "that's gotta be kane" have worked as well if JR had been interrupting about how he looked good in competition on live events and did it while rocking a snazzy Cape.... 

  10. 6 hours ago, King Pitcos said:

    To be fair, it had been four whole days since he’d shared the ring with a WWE Hall of Famer. He was probably worried we’d forget he’s obsessed with WWE. And a line in a promo is a lot cheaper than building HHH-style sets and props, and does exactly the same job.

    Don't forget that he's going to undertake an unheard of schedule by defending his title in an open challenge.......... Yep, never been done before, nope....... If it has I haven't seen it...... 

  11. On 5/22/2020 at 8:10 PM, HLSXN said:

    Selling a single finisher LIKE DEATH when it’s hit during a promo segment, rather than within the context of an actual match.

    I can handle the idea that getting hit with a move cold might do more damage than when you're warmed up and mentally prepared to be hit. Especially if you get clocked from behind first.... 

    15 minutes ago, JNLister said:

    The way any one-fall multiman match is No DQ. Not so much the policy, but the explanation that it inherently has to be that way because if somebody gets DQed, who wins. 

    That's nonsense. If somebody gets DQed, they fuck off to the dressing room and the match continues/restarts, just like would happen in any sport with multiple individual competitors like the 100 metres race.

    I might be remembering wrong, but I'm fairly sure one of the first wwe triple threats was rock/hhh/xpac for the ic title, and the rock tried to fuck off the match, only for the ref to say that if he was counted out, it would restart as a 1v1 title match.... Was very confused when they dropped that rule. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    The drowning scene bit was stupid, but it’s a bit of a leap to take one portion of an otherwise strong PPV and say something like that.

    I loved this show, although I wish they’d cut a few matches to trim the length a little.

    It's becoming more and more obvious that lads have more creative control than wwe, and while lads like mjf and sammy have benefited, there's little bits of the bad bte/broken verse stuff creeping in (I also hated the 100 yard northern but more in a kitsch way) I just think there needs to be a sheriff behind the scenes who knows when to give up the leash and when to pull it back, otherwise any forward progress will be destroyed. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, Yakashi said:

    Im sure you were going for comedy, but this was pretty shit. The ‘pretending you don’t know people’s names/using old names’ gimmick when you clearly know everyone’s name is a weird spot.

    I think he's trying to be cornette, but if cornette actually had a rage stroke.... 

  14. I was dreading the broken matt stuff anyway, but the fact that no one there had the foresight to think that holding a man underwater after shad gaspard drowned was a bad idea tells me that eventually, these lads are going to self masturbate themselves into oblivion... 

  15. 3 hours ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

    Old Corny clearly missed the fact that so many women in wrestling have returned to the ring after having kids. Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Trish Stratus, Brie Bella (albeit horrifically), Angelina Love to name 5, then you have women like Stephanie McMahon who was never even that competent enough but still got in the ring twice in recent years after having 3 kids

    But did any of them walk away while arguably the top star regardless of gender in the business? Cornette plays to the fucking morons who think the stories of the "boys" running a train on a air hostess who's been ghbd into oblivion as the "good ole days", but usually there's a kernel of a point in what he's saying, but he's probably made more money being a cunt than he did as a manager. 

  16. Nikki Cross had a breakout performance, Kevin Owens got his moment, Braun/Bill was a fun 5 minutes and the boneyard was fucking great, danielson working a Dixon camp match before hurling his neck at the guardrail was insane, there was a few low points, Becky/shayna had a hot start but couldn't keep the pace and the ladder match was a bit wonky, but if tomorrow is as good, then it's a success for me. 

  17. 1 hour ago, oliloveslynn said:

    What about best tag team match that you've actually been at the event to witness? Mine would be Shingo & Yokosuka vs Cima & Ricochet. Just brilliant action, fought at an incredible pace but still building to an amazing finishing stretch. Sorry event was DragonGate UK Festival of Fire Finale in Castleford 

    DIY vs revival at takeover brooklyn, I have never lost my shit like I did at the suplex-superkick-small package near fall in that match. 

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