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Posts posted by poetofthedeed

  1. I like drew, and he's done a fine job as champion, but I cannot fucking stand his inability to leave dead air, he did it twice this week, he starts his promo on the walk to the ring, talks over entrance music, never seems to know when to end a promo. 

    It just screams "indy worker trying to shift an extra 8x10“

  2. That main event was fucking majestic. Just an absolute masterclass in how you solidify the guy and build someone up. Roman reigns was fan, Jey uso was fantastic, Paul hey man, Jimmy uso, Charles Robinson all played their part. 

    When it's good it's great. 

  3. 49 minutes ago, TomJones233 said:

    Roman having a twisted view on family is brilliant. He of course is a heel, but he clearly believes he has to kill his cousin to keep providing for said cousin and his family. Brilliant. 

    I love it, Roman isn't even a heel to me, he's just the alpha lion swatting away the young pup who's annoying him, jey has his place, but Roman sits at the head of the table. 

    I know they'll fuck it up but Roman is the best character I can remember in a very long time. 

  4. Last weeks episode was a pretape from 2 weeks ago, so when were they all exposed to it?? Looking at who wasn't on the show, it doesn't seem to be a cluster from a certain region?? 

    I'm betting on asymptomatic jericho coming back from hog wild and killing off the demo to show his god powers.....

  5. 3 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Con Hilo translates as with thread, i.e when a wrestlers steps on the top rope to propel themselves over the top rope into a somersault. So if you don’t like his pronunciation that’s fine, doesn’t make him wrong 


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    But he chooses to call it hello, it's one of his things, like the falcon arrow he's done the deal, or when he called kicks to the back fucking unnecessary. He steals them of wrestlers who join him for commentary........

  6. 9 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    How dare a commentator use the correct/original names for these moves, rather than the Americanism/translation were used to. You grumpy bastards!

    He calls it a tope con hello, that's not a thing...... 

    I have no problem localising move names, lariats for Japanese, quesadora for Mexicans and what have you, but excalibur is just the wrong side of douchebaggery when he does it.

  7. Chris Harris vs curt Hawkins in the opener

    Christy hemme (thank you for that BC) vs Charlie haas dressed as Trish stratus in a bra and panties match. (Haas loses obviously) 

    Main event, Chris Hero vs Curt Hennig, iron man match. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Supremo said:

    I don’t like Hangman’s tights. He looked way better in trunks.

    I'm assuming it's a play on the okada baggy tights situation, where his confidence has become eroded to the point where he's even doubting the whole full gear thing. Eventually he'll have a match where the chaps come off and the crowd lose their shit. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Chris B said:

    BTE has become pretty clear about the difference between the comedy stuff and the non-comedy stuff. Also, Kenny's cowardice and story with Colt, etc, was clearly dropped when he got frustrated with FTR turning up, and told Colt outright that he'd stop doing the comedy stuff and fucking murder him if he saw him again. It's not like it's some incredibly confusing thing - they're pretty obvious when it's silliness rather than story. Look at Colt doing the face injury stuff following the Best Friends 'murder' attempt, while he's showing up fine on Dynamite.

    The Dark Order are obviously great, but the best thing this week (which I never thought I'd say) was Michael Nakazawa. This week had the revelation that his feelings were hurt when he wasn't in the Battle Royale, so sabotaged Matt Sydal by covering the turnbuckle in baby oil so he'd slip and break his neck. As soon as I realised where they were going, I started laughing.

    And then, after the FTR match, and the post match stuff, and the interview, this week he was.......... Sitting in a locker room with the bucks and making gurning jokey faces at nakazawa and being all who booked this shit about the battle Royal...... 


    They have a chance to either use BTE as a comic book spin off which expands but doesnt overshadow storylines or it doesn't exist in AEW Canon, they need to pick one........ 

  10. 1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    So you would rather your wrestlers had no real character developments than all this effort they put in? BTE is for the fans who want more then the 2 hours of wrestling they get. If you don't want to watch it, thats fine. But those who do (and I am someone who has really only started watching regularly since the beginning of this year) get rewarded with stories that play out with much more depth. I would compare it like a book with a film adaption. You can enjoy the 2 hour film they made based on a book, but the book gives you much more depth and information and background then what they could ever cram into a 2 hour film. 

    The problem is that BTE doesn't even follow it's own Canon, the subtext of the bucks being dicks and the hangman goes into the woods to find himself could easily be worked into the main story, but omega in the last 6 weeks has gone from being afraid of the writers to teasing the cleaner to ham-fisted yelling at nakazawa. I've said it before, They need to pick BTE's lane and stick to it. 


    I'll retract all that if the bucks super kick Brandon cutler on dark though. 

  11. -Dustin Rhodes is a fucking boss, we all knew that, if he's still going in a few months, him with the tnt belt teaching lads how to work an 8 minute TV match would be fine by me. 

    -It's amazing how a simple piledriver can still make me lose my shit, in a world of destroyers and poison ranas, it's still the most devastating looking move. 

    -The Hardy thing was fine, him and Guevara need never cross paths again. 

    -Hangman and Omega should only meet in the main event for the belt, not before, and hangman should win in 30 seconds. 

    -Why didn't Chuck Taylor say shit? He had a live mic....... 

    But most importantly....... 


  12. 3 hours ago, Supremo said:

    Watching the AJ Styles/John Cena Timeline show on the Network, remembering all the great matches AJ had when he first came in. Exactly when did he stop being great? Other than the Boneyard match I can’t remember the last time AJ had a truly blow away match. Am I forgetting any from the last few years?

    Daniel Bryan for the ic title was one of the best matches this year. The Jeff hardy and gran metallic matches were very very good..... He tore the house down with brock, the Daniel Bryan matches over the wwe belt were great.... Had really good matches with finn balor and ricochet and Cedric Alexander...... 

    AJ is at that wonderful stage where he doesn't need to be top of the card, and he wrestles exactly how his place on the card dictates...... 

  13. 14 minutes ago, Supremo said:


    In other news, Dominik Mysterio is great. Super colourful gear, throws a great punch, great at selling, super flashy high-flying. The best new prospect in forever, another example of how much their development system is not fit for purpose and everyone would benefit from skipping it entirely.

    It's just nice to have an unknown quantity on the roster, we're actually going to watch him develop on TV. he looks better than anyone with 6? Matches ever should, and there was a moment during the payback tag match, he did a springboard arm drag, but he did that lucha thing where you arch your arms back and touch your heels, he looked every inch his fathers son....... Whoever his father may be. 

    Not sold on the frog splash though, and he could use a few wacky lucha submissions. 

  14. The highs were average and the lows were watching a man's head go splat...... How their wasn't brain matter on the floor is beyond me.

    Easily the worst ppv they've put out. 

    Dustin rhodes is a fucking boss though. 

    Eddie Kingston was never eliminated BTW, and archer left over the top rope, so Eddie is my no1 contender. 

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