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Posts posted by poetofthedeed

  1. Wrestlemania 2000 had it as the BEST FINISHER EVER! Five of those powerbombs, followed by a DVD. A move only bettered in WWE 13" by my finisher of 5 low blows followed by a headbutt.

    No mercy had an awesome glitch where if you held the analogue stick a certain direction they would just continue the powerbombs/germans. I'd usually get bored after about 25.

  2. Wouldn't know, never seen him wrestle. But they have given him a gimmick and kept him off TV rather than let him appear in job matches like they do with countless other guys. That suggests they have plans for him.

    Yeah but they've taken the hacker gimmick off him twice. Seems to me they like the gimmick, maybe not so much the man.



    I like his look. I enjoy a lardy wrestler. Don't see him making it off NXT ever though.

    He might not even want to. If he moves his family down to Florida, NXT is fairly comfortable to see them most nights isn't it? He might prefer that to being all over the world every week.

    Nxt pays (apparently) $750 dollars a week max. I'm not saying you can't raise a family on that but it ain't exactly retirement money either, he's obviously signed to make a year or 2 of good money to set his kids up.

  4. Is the I.C.P Youshoot worth a watch for people who aint exactly their biggest fans?

    I have enjoyed pretty much all of the Kayfabe releases and was just wondering if it was worth it for a non fan?


    It's decent for what it is. A lot of music questions and a few annoying juggalos but worth a watch. Definite in the background DVD.

  5. http://i.imgur.com/ECvNN38.png


    Tiny, tiny spoiler for SmackDown so don't click if you get pissy about that type of thing.


    How the hell can this happen at ringside? Did someone literally pull there pants down and take a dump? Surely people sitting by the person would sort them out,i know what id do if someone attempted that next to me.


    3/4 lengths/jorts + massive obesity = diarrhoea on the floor. Not excusing it in any way but is it really all that surprising that a Kevin Smithalike wrestling fan would shit down the side of their pants then waddle off to replace the nachos he lost on the floor.

  6. Sorry if this has been asked before, But when did taker turn back face during his big evil run? He was heel at mania x8 and i'm guessing he turned before the lesnar feud, but for the life of me i can't remember when or how.

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