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Posts posted by poetofthedeed

  1. 34 minutes ago, The Cutting Edge said:

    What do you's reckon will happen with the FTW title? Taz mentioned something about it being for "tough guys" or similar? D

    Do they make have no rules without calling it hardcore which dates it?

    I think it'll become something soon not sure what but needs to be different so it's not just another title.

    I'd have no issue with it being a tap out/knockout title only. Aew are clearly willing to work with other promotions so they won't be shy of bodies to flesh out the division. I want full mma build though, press conference, weigh in, the works.... 

  2. 37 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:

    The Alley Fight. 


    Wrestling really does not get much better than this. 





    An absolute masterclass in how you work to the gimmick of the match. It's an alley fight, so you dress in civvies and kick seven shades out of each other. 



  3. 47 minutes ago, Chili said:

    A Mustard Packet throwing contest has never been so oddly frustrating yet utterly compelling.

    They went a little too haha with the hangman bit, but hangman joining the dark order and then the inevitable break away is going to be a great way to fill the time before he takes l his rightful place at the top of the mountain...... 

  4. 2 minutes ago, DEF said:

    The Jimmy Jab Games II - season 7 ep 4 is truly awful but in general I agree B99 is incredibly consistent.

    S7 is only a fiver on Amazon Prime right now if like me you're fed up of waiting for Netflix.

    Will it go on netflix with the network change?? 

    I love B99, and I think it's the fact that unlike other American sitcoms, the characters have actually evolved rather than become a one note caricature (everything chuck Lorre is involved in) and it truly is an ensemble piece. 

    The racism discussion between Terry and holt and the box are gold standard television in any genre....... 

  5. Just now, LaGoosh said:

    Brandi and Anna Jay had a match, it was surprisingly ok.

    On dark? Then Anna Jay attacked her on her cooking show? Then they had the dog collar match where they got involved......... Then nothing. 


    Why didn't brandi jump anna Jay when she slid the chair in? 

    Why wasn't she out there with the nightmares when the butcher and blade had allie? 

    I'll give aew credit, they've done a good job, intentionally or not, of retconning mistakes. But I honestly think the run sheet says "Brandi, 5 minutes, whatever....." 

  6. Was their any payoff to the brandi/allie thing? A blow off match on dark, A promo, a tweet? 

    Was there any payoff to brandi/Anna Jay, they were out for the same match last week 

    The biggest problem with Brandi is Brandi, she gets bored halfway through a story and just moves on. And Cody's too doe eyed to tell her no. 

  7. 7 hours ago, Uncle Zeb said:

    With the caveat that Piers Morgan is and always will be an arse-grade cockwomble, it's fun to set that aside a moment and enjoy his live evisceration of Matty Boy this morning:


    Caveat included: Morgan is a cunt

    That was one of the most beautiful 90 second destructions I have ever seen. All facts as well. Fuck me sideways. 

  8. What's blacks visa status? Obviously he should stand by his wife and leave, but if wwe can fuck up his immigration status, might be best to keep the head down. 


    If he's got legal status through his marriage though, he should shit on vinces desk as he quits. 

  9. On the cody win, could you do a rumble situation where the champion gets "injured" so the match is for the belt, cody is already an entrant. cody goes wire to wire, 60 minutes, blood, the works. Sets up a straight off the bat feud as well....... 


    I'm not a fan of worked title vacating but it's a spitball idea.... 

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