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Posts posted by poetofthedeed

  1. I was in new york 2 July's ago and it was the worst experience of my life because of those poxy air conditioning units........ I spent a week alternating between not being able to sleep because of the heat and not being able to sleep because of the noise of the air conditioning unit...... Fucking horrible. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Weezenal said:

    Just saw this on Twitter:


    "I wrestled a bear, and the motherfucker shot on me, so I took it down, leaned on it and did the deal" 


    Tracy smothers to literally everyone he ever met..... 

  3. I know it would never happen in a million years, but the young Bucks signing a contract for this match and FTR immediately kicking them in the balls as soon as the bell rings would be incredible...... The bucks did specifically say that if they don't win the belts...... 

  4. Didn't mia yim take a bad bump through a ladder bridge a few months ago? So the idea that candice a) agreed to do it and b) then took the bump with her shins is insane to me. 

    Fun show, wouldn't have an issue with nxt being the kitsch b show set up, they've got war games and havoc, just needs bash at the beach in a pool now. 

  5. Like many on here I'm sure, I had a few interactions with Tracy when he was on tour in the uk/ireland, and even a decade later, just thinking of them has me grinning from ear to ear. 

    A true definition of the word veteran, he was a man who was completely selfless when it came to paying it forward. A fountain of knowledge who treated everyone he met as an equal. 


    Rest easy Tracy 

  6. 38 minutes ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

    This. Judo would be perfect. Would also help develop the nessesary muscles in a much more controlled and regulated environment.

    Plus the other trainees are gonna mark for your son when he starts busting out hip tosses like a boss.

    Or Johnny kickpadz will get mad because he doesn't know how to do it....... 

    Judo and jiu jitsu are the way to go for now, you'll also spend a lot less money in start up costs... 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Sheffbag said:

    Just watched it. No idea who the loser of the first show was. Whats his background?

    He was a mid card/tag team chikara guy. Race jaxon/blank. Never been great in the ring but cuts a solid promo. 

    I enjoyed the fact that they wrestled the match like they didn't know who the other person was, and didn't immediately start running signature spots, it was an easy 20 minute rwatch. 

  8. Credit to aew, that bracket has made me think we're not getting omega/hangman in the tournament..... 

    I know we probably are, but the idea of penta or fenix running the table with help from Kingston, and then you have pissed off hangman and whiny Kenny, that intrigues me.... Maybe even force them to team against the lucha bros and have kenny fully snap at the end. 

    Also aew ending 2020 with mox vs penta in a Mexican deathmatch is what I really want. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    Owen always makes me smile, but holding him above Bret seems like one of those contrary for the sake of it opinions you have when you're a teenager. 

    I've never done a deep dive into both lads career, but I always enjoyed Owen more, he just looked better to me, my favourite Owen moments were better than my favourite bret ones... 

    If Owen had lived till the smackdown 6 arrived, I think it'd be a much wider held opinion. 

  10. 7 hours ago, Michael_3165 said:

    In fairness if I were as good as Bret I'd be cocky as fuck too. I think he is probably bitter at how his career ended and rightfully so. Rarely can I say I've seen better in the ring than Bret. His punches were beautiful. 

    Owen was better. 

  11. 2 hours ago, RedRooster said:

    What? Why would that make sense?! That would be horrendously received.

    Because I don't care about logic when I'm fantasy booking, and I have zero interest in a kenny omega singles run..... EXCEPT that it leads to the inevitable crowning of our Lord and saviour Adam Page...... 

    I hope if we have crowds by then he enters on a pickup, throwing watermelon slices....... 


  12. Omega vs hangman is your all out main event next year, and if they have any sense, hangman beats him in 30 seconds....... 

    Actually, barring injuries, it seems like aew have the next year and a bit of champions lined up, it obviously goes - omega - hangman - mjf, must be a bit weird if your just underneath them on the card..... 

  13. 2 hours ago, Chris B said:

    If it hadn't come back, we'd 100% be mentioning Only Fools And Horses in here. The episode with the fairytale ending was spot-on (and smartly pointing out how run-down the flats were in the previous episode, as well as running the characters through the emotional wringer).

    Then they had them lose all their money and revert back to the status quo for increasingly shit specials. 

    The nags head scene.


    On the slate Mike? 

    On the house Del" 


    Tears..... Every....... Fucking...... Time. 

  14. 52 minutes ago, Shy Dad said:

    I once wrote an article as a university essay writing that South Park was one of the most forward thinking and feminist programs that was on TV all based around Randy Marsh being Lorde and how a speech Sharon made indicated that as long as you're happy and trying to make the world better, you shouldn't judge yourself or feel you have to change to avoid judgement. 

    One of the best swing at the fence essays I ever did. 

    It's definitely a show that should be made for maybe an hour episode every few months just to get a grasp on what's going on in the world. The fact tegrody farms and its storyline has been going on for like 3 years and they're referencing that but everyone's still the same age bugs me though. I honestly feel this is one of the few animation shows that could have got away with aging characters every few years. 

    Are you ignoring all the hullabaloo when they went to 4th grade??? 

    The PC principal series stands up with any season of TV ever imo...... And I don't say things like that lightly.. 

  15. I think Austin would have been smart enough to "leave the territory" or basically work an undertaker schedule. Do rumble to mania and summerslam to survivor series and the big house shows, you could still have gotten mileage out of 20 Austin matches a year. 

  16. Brandi is fucking terrible, those forearms/tit elbows her and Anna were throwing were diabolical...... Grab hair, stick your thumb in their eye, anything except doing the worst impression of an overplayed indy spot. 

    Was Cody's promo supposed to be you broke me physically but not mentally? Because he rambled a lot....... I don't know if I loved or hated his shoes. 

    I love ftr, but I don't need to see them have their match every week, its going to get old fast if they just have cold matches. 

    Who's the heel in the young bucks/ftr match? 

    As a fellow large man, I symphatise with the blade, when you get hit with humidity it's like lead in your boots, and he was running on fumes 90% of the match. 

    Starks/allin was fun, bit weird that they played it like a feud ender with a clean Darby win. 

    Hangman's face when he realised Kenny was in the tournament~~~

    Overall a fairly throwaway episode, but they can't all be home runs, looking forward to next week. 

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