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Posts posted by poetofthedeed

  1. 9 minutes ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

    That may have been the best and classiest tribute show I've ever seen.

    I loved it, it was a perfect storm of pure emotion and lads deciding to go balls to the wall with enough time to put together what everyone was doing. Archers gear, dark order in the baby face corner, a Tim donst throwback, but most importantly everyone putting over how he would have dropped wrestling in a hot second for his family........ Just a wonderful 2 hours. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, Chili said:

    Well, deep breath... here we go.

    Posting here instead of the AEW thread as, well you know.

    I recommend watching this by yourself with the sound up and a tissue handy...... 


    We lost a good one..... 

  3. If they've learned anything from drew, you need a crowd to crown him. Summerslam with people would be perfect, dethrone roman after a year, New day come out to fight off the usos, confetti, babies thrown in the air, the works..... 


    Of course they'll probably do elimination chamber--Roman costs him the IC title - thunder dome mania match with some lad in a benoit shirt giving the thumbs down...... 

  4. 50 minutes ago, Yakashi said:

    Sucks when these things happen at this time of year. Christmas will never be the same again for his poor family.

    BBC has an article up listing him as a former wrestler. It’s like those stories of when people would ask TNA wrestlers why they don’t wrestle anymore. I never believed those stories but I guess the bubble is real.


    To be fair, it mentions AEW and says that he stopped competing in October, maybe not the right wording, but technically true. 

    I'm happy I'll never know how he threw that big boot without tearing every ligament in his knee. Fucking beaut of a thing that was. 

  5. 47 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    Young lad came out as a homosexual in my family yesterday. Went about as well as you'd expect amongst the older, more religious members.

    His great auntie's response? "That's the problem with this lockdown, he's just stuck in all day, he needs to get out and do more exercise. If he went for a bike ride or something he'd forget all about that being gay stuff."

    Merry Christmas.

    I apologise, but the image of macs ass pounder 4000 from always sunny popped into my head at that line and I nearly choked on my weetabix....... 

  6. Reading the outpouring of love, respect and admiration towards him makes me remember why I absolutely love this ridiculous thing we all follow. 


    Then I read the replies to Stephanie mcmahon tweeting about it........ 

  7. 7 minutes ago, MVP RULZ said:

    It is truly shocking news

    Any ideas what happened? Has he been ill? 

    He hasnt been on TV for a while has he?

    Non covid related lung issue according to his wife on Instagram. 

  8. 1 hour ago, 5pints said:

    So let me get this straight. Everyone on this forum believes the same as Stewdogg that if someone shags on camera with a johnny on, it isn't porn?! Thats exactly what he wrote and I just picked him up on the absurdity of his comment. Yet here we are, everyone picking on me. This forum!! 🙄

    If I say it's not a British bank heist scene without a sawn off shotgun, would you threaten to shoot my gran in the face with a handgun? Cause that's basically what happened here. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

    I've only just got back into watching AEW in the past couple of weeks and I'm quite enjoying it. I haven't watched it since the first few weeks of Dynamite so it's good to see Cody still giving himself the grandest entrance of all the roster. 

    One question I have though is, are there fans in the stands or are the shots of people singing along to Jericho's theme pre-filmed? Also, were the crowd singing along to Jericho's theme before COVID, or are AEW trying to making it a "thing"? - The people in the front row do some awful over-acting when singing along to it like they're being forced to do it for the cameras.

    Yeah, they have a couple of hundred people at shows, florida allows it. 

    The jericho thing started on the cruise, and like every organic thing in wrestling, it has been run into the fucking ground....... 

  10. 51 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

    Out of curiosity as someone who watches Smackdown mostly through YouTube clips, have they mentioned that Sasha Banks is in a featured role in The Mandalorian

    It was in her entrance insert after her first episode, haven't nearly pushed it as much as you'd expect considering the Disney/fox connection 

  11. On 12/11/2020 at 11:30 AM, TildeGuy~! said:

    Tetsuya Naito Vs Kota Ibushi on Night 1 with the winner taking on Jay White on Night 2.

    Fuck me, if those 2 are headlining a wrestle kingdom, at least 1 ain't making day 2.....

  12. 5 hours ago, Chili said:

    I don't listen to Dave but i'm assuming he is absolutely baffled by BTE on a weekly basis, ya know.

    Apparently he doesn't watch it, that's why he was pushing Kenny is a tweener for weeks, and why the bucks literally stared into the camera at the end of the episode and said "Kenny turned heel". 

    I'm waiting for his review of the hangman skit to be him making a ridiculous comment about Anna Jays weight or appearance.... 

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