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Posts posted by poetofthedeed

  1. 2 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    I thought Pop Punk fans only steal underage girls, not phones?

    No, they steal underaged girls phones, to get the details of more underaged girls.

  2. 5 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    Has he said anything about it? Can't find anything. 


    With both the Archer and Atlas injuries they ended the match immediately after so you can't badmouth them for injuries that occur during matches. Not sure about what 6 man you referring to. 

    If you're going to badmouth them then badmouth them for shit that actually happened which deserves it. Like Matt Hardy almost dying on PPV or the Young Bucks and Dark Order doing spots around a knocked out Alex Reynolds.

    In both archer and atlas's cases, they were losing anyway, the ref stopping the match wouldn't have changed a thing, instead you just delayed a head injury getting attention in the archer match.


    1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

    Jeff Hardy.

    It's too easy to counter that kind of talk.


    58 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    Matt Hardy. 

    (Alright, it wasn't working injured, but I remember all the talk about an accident he had that was the result of a stupid spot.)

    Lance archer landing on his head against Eddie Kingston, fairly sure there was a six woman where someone tore their knee, Jake atlas against Adam Cole. That's without even looking

  4. While it's ridiculous that Disney have a proposal package that costs 150 dollars, if the lad wasn't willing to spring for it, maybe she's had a wake up call that he's a cheapskate.

  5. I don't ask for much, but Kingston beating punk for the belt in Arthur Ashe stadium and then immediately losing it to a returning MJF is the way to go. I really get the feeling Kingston wants the Tommy dreamer moment.

  6. It's one of those beautiful what ifs, if the 4th round had gone an extra minute, I think you'd be peeling Katie Taylor off the floor, but with how sluggish serrano looked from 6 onwards, would she have had it in the tank?


    If the rematch is 3 minute rounds I think Taylor takes it again, with less effort, but I'd be down for another scrap like last night.

  7. Fludders posting that video shiting on about copyright only to get massacred over the fact that he was using copyrighted names and licensed music was one of my favourite lolbritwres moments.

  8. 5 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    Did you really think I, or a single soul reading this thread, needed to be told that? If so, genuinely, please continue. I’m dying to know what happened at Manias 2-13.

    Are we talking about enhancing the status of a WrestleMania with global superstars with the eyes of the world watching, or are we talking about adding “known to the local market” names to a B show to fully highlight “it’s in Way-yells, boyo!” in a way they never would when they bring Unforgiven to Green Bay or Omaha? Might as well repurpose Bayleys old wacky waving blow up men as giant leeks. “Look at where we are” for the UK market is unbearable, it was shite when Vinny Jones “got a red card” at Capital Carnage, it would be shite today. The best UK PPV was One Night Only because apart from a unique apron, Bulldog in a main event and Carsten Schaeffer doing the ring announcing, it was like just another PPV continuing stories between one In Your House and another. OK, aside from Lawler making a few cracks about Page 3 and the Spice Girls.

    As a real aside, I swear I saw tears in Del Wilkes’ eyes over Birmingham booing The Patriot.

    We're talking about an "authentic feeling WWE show". When has that not include local celebrities?

  9. 3 hours ago, air_raid said:

    I think plenty of people would prefer an authentic feeling WWE show with zero cheesy celebrity involvement at all.

    Regardless, thread should be closed and broken off or renamed now. It’s not Wembley.

    When has WWE not been synonymous with cheesy celebrity involvement? Cyndi lauper and Mr T are as responsible for rock n wrestling as Hogan, and if you don't do the Tyson involvement, the attitude era never hits the same heights.


    And every wrestlemania starts with a celebrity singing America the beautiful.

  10. 2 hours ago, Healy52003 said:

    Local singer known for singing the national anthem.

    Local sports star 

    Member of the royal family (it works in Saudi Arabia)

    Someone with history with the company

    World champion boxer.


    So exactly who you would expect at an event like this..






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