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Posts posted by poetofthedeed

  1. I love the fact that for 3 years lads were throwing Darby allin down stairs, off ledges through coffins and all other manner of chaos, and not 1 of them thought of a sleeper hold, turns out it's his fucking kryptonite.

  2. 22 hours ago, JNLister said:

    I must have misremembered the Pure rules because I thought you were allowed to do a punch to the head, but it cost you one rope break. Think that would be better actually as you'd have the drama of making your punches count.

    Was it a warning and then a rope break penalty?

  3. On 7/16/2022 at 5:33 PM, RedRooster said:

    Ach, I’m not crazy about that. I’m not sure the 2/3 falls stip has ever made a match better.

    It's an ROH nerd nugget, but the briscoes in the HD net days won something like 4 or 5 2/3 falls matches in a row, and won all but the last one 2-0, you know Tony knows this.

  4. "the JAS locked in a shark cage"


    Except for 2 members who very clearly weren't.

    "We haven't seen Sammy since Kingston threw him off the cage"

    It was 3 weeks.

    That main event was everything wrong with today's wrestling, made worse by the fact that it was the easiest match in the world to book.

    Kingston makes Jericho bleed, sells like Terry funk after getting barbed wire in his eye, beats Jericho clean, but no, Jericho never actually loses a feud.


  5. 1 hour ago, Louch said:

    Aew should avoid all “you deserve it” champs. Got reminded on a pod yesterday about Kofi winning the wwe title, and think how many mid carders have been rewarded with the main title there and how little their title means now.  Top guys should be those that have potential to grow who’s watching your show, Kingston isn’t that. He’s not gonna lose anything being the guy to beat as heels move upward. 

    You didn't actually see kofi winning the belt did you? Literally one of the most organic situations since stone cold.

  6. 20 hours ago, Healy52003 said:

    Pity and shows the cost cutting of things nowadays 

    In the past this PPV could of been sandwiched in between a UK or European live event tour. Maybe 2023 will see the return of the tours with the TV tapings 

    Hopefully Cardiff night get a pop up store, be handy to do all the merch shopping before the event 

    It's the exact opposite of cost cutting, the show's a cash grab.

  7. Axl can't carry the vocal load anymore, but he still tries, I don't know if changing the key would work at this stage, because people are so used to the falsetto, but it's worked for def Leppard.


    GnR are now a nostalgia act, they come on do their shtick and go home ( or apparently to the away room) 

  8. 6 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    He’s clearly got deep rooted addiction problems that need addressing with qualified professionals, so tarnishing him simply as a “fucking idiot” is a tad unfair.

    For all their many faults, one thing that WWE often get right is their rehab policy for any previous employee

    Addictions are a complicated subject that require far more nuance than an internet forum can muster.


    Constantly putting other people at risk through your actions when you could just get a fucking Uber is stupidity.

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