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Posts posted by poetofthedeed

  1. Why have Jeff Hardys Swanton's gotten so bad lately, it's bad enough he's having to flip off something high through something on a weekly basis, but he seems to be hitting his opponent with his lower back/hips and twice in 3 weeks he's come close to cracking his noggin.

  2. 32 minutes ago, air_raid said:

    The bold new direction for “the Raw after Mania” was that no champions lost non-title matches. I for one applaud this radical idea, long may it continue.

    I don’t know, Bret had already done his DVD and the Hall of Fame, the former being something he’d talked about for years as wanting his fans to be able to see more of the work he’d done. I think he genuinely wanted to say goodbye in ring to the fans in the company that made him. Even after his Vince program several more times when they asked if he’d do a spot for this Raw or that, he’d come back. I feel like once he moved past Montreal to the point he could do business with them again, that feeling that WWE was home actually came back for him.

    But a champion did get pinned, so there's that.

  3. I've always said that soap acting existed in it's own grouping, somewhere between panto and vaudeville, and it's why stage actors always seemed to take to it better.


    June brown in the episode of EastEnders where she records the tape for Jim is the greatest example of soap acting ever, just her, a table and a skill few could match.

  4. 5 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:


    I wonder whether MJF will end up costing Wardlow somehow next week. It'd be a bit crap for them to have Scorpio Sky as a transitional champion like that though. Give him that year long undefeated streak to stick a belt on him for a week then send him back to Dark? 


    Surely that's the whole point? Cocky heel brags about year long undefeated streak (ignoring it was pretty much all on the YouTube shows and with egos help) gets smashed into dust by handsome new Babyface.


    Worked for warrior in 88.

  5. McAfee's fanboy style of questioning was never going to get a lot of reaction out of Vince, Even if it created a cracking interview with Lesnar, but it's always interesting to hear Vince even slightly break character, and he gave just enough to reinforce the idea he's a crazy bastard.

  6. 48 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    So the first ROH talent to debut is...

      Reveal hidden contents

    Session Moth Martina who was on the Dark tapings.

    Also, is it worth speculating that Cody will be announced as joining ROH now?

    She was just on holidays in the USA, timing just worked out.

  7. 34 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    “Extra dates Added Due to Phenomenal/Overwhelming Demand”

    Good job the venue just so happened to be available for the next night(s) as you definitely hadn’t already booked it beforehand. Also makes your booking agent look an idiot for underestimating demand for the act

    This gets upgraded to pure fucking ballache if the extra date ends up being a weekend and you're stuck with a Monday ticket.

  8. 7 hours ago, Frankie Crisp said:

    Skipped breakfast and forgot to bring my butties to work, so popped to the nearby cafe for a takeout fry-up.


    No tomatoes was a shame but this was a good effort for something that came in a box. The toast was perfect, the sausages and egg were great but the bacon was shite. Black Pudding is hard to mess up.

    7/10, but a big coffee and last night’s highlights bump it up to a 7.5.

    Is that the bacon sticking out of the beans like the end of T2?

  9. 2 hours ago, Supremo said:

    Didn’t see the show but both these clips are WILD. Lads losing their heads everywhere.


    On more than 1 occasion I've been convinced Brock pissed himself during a match, this does not help the situation.

  10. 1 hour ago, Wretch said:

    Not a recent brekkie, but the time we ordered ourselves a full English and I asked for no beans. To this day I've no idea what the fuck they were thinking.



    I was on a stag in Prague once, the morning after the night before we blearily found somewhere to get breakfast. "Full Irish" bacon sausage egg beans and toast. Deliriously happy with this outcome we all order one.......

    2 pieces of streaky bacon

    Mini hot dogs 

    Kidney beans 

    A boiled egg.

    2 slices of toast that looked like Mr dangers tea..........


    I don't think I've ever come as close to crying over breakfast before.



  11. As evidenced by my username, I'm an unashamed Frank turner fanboy, travelled all over the world to see him, about to hit my 50th gig etc, but some of his fans are fucking atrocious. Like they will absolutely destroy you for having even a slightly negative opinion on him, using be more kind as some kind of shitty shield that means you can't criticise him while basically cyber bullying you. It's actually insane.



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