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King Pitcos

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Posts posted by King Pitcos

  1. 2 hours ago, Lorne Malvo said:

    You just hate it because Tony Khan isn't your real dad and can't tell you what to do.

    Fuck, you’re bang on. Now you’ve said it, I realise I was moaning about it not because having a gimmick match on the calendar is some terrible thing in and of itself, but just out of compulsion to cry about everything Tony Khan does. In retrospect, it’s fucking pathetic to cry about a gimmick match being done just because it’s on the calendar rather than story-driven. I just lose all sense of perspective and sense when overcome by my rage at Tony Khan, who isn’t my real dad and shouldn’t dictate anything to me. What a learning moment.

  2. 20 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Blood and Guts confirmed as Inner Circle vs The Elite.

    No doubt it'll be an awesome match but a shame it's not a logical payoff to anything right now between those teams. Perhaps it'll be where The Elite finally implode.

    I hate when wrestling companies do gimmick matches just because it’s in the calendar rather than because there’s a storyline reason.

  3. 2 hours ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:

    Yep. And not a main event in sight. The only genuine intrigue going into this show is whether they pull a swerve in the women’s chamber match, especially if the reports are true and Vince has cold feet about pushing Shanya.

    Seems like the kind of thing they'd leak to Rain Man to try and make the Internet doubt what's clearly a foregone conclusion.

  4. I think the card looks fine except it doesn't have anything resembling a main event.

    I'm up for Bryan vs Gulak, but Gulak knowing and exploiting Bryan's weaknesses to the point where he gets a win (or even a competitive loss) seems odd when he's never beaten anybody before and usually gets battered in seconds.

  5. 1 hour ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    Is Jeff Hardy the most decorated wrestler in terms of different titles won then? He's won absolutely loads. Even the Light Heavyweight belt, that only people who couldnt compete for anything else won.

    Must be Jeff by a mile. I think the only men’s titles he’s not won that have been active in WWE in the last thirty years are:


    WCW (unless you count the World title as a continuation of it)

    WCW US (unless you count the WWE US as a continuation of it)




    and the developmental ones.

  6. 5 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Depends on what’s defined as the Grand Slam. At one time it was just the World, IC and Tag titles because that’s what they had at that time. It is still those? Or do you now have to win both World, IC, US, both Tag, 24/7 and probably a couple that I can’t even remember

    One from each tier so:




  7. 1 hour ago, Yakashi said:

    AEW needs to watch how many ex wwe guys they bring in, especially ones that are 45 and have been jobbers for years. Not saying this won’t work out, but they don’t want to go the TNA route of just hiring ex guys because they’re there. 

    To be fair, an absolutely knackered Matt Hardy is still a better investment than Tye Dillinger.

  8. 2 hours ago, Factotum said:

    Inside Number 9 deserves every award going. How they constantly think of new and original stories is such a credit to them. Pemberton and Shearsmith are just fantastic

    I spoke to Steve Pemberton about it once. He was writing the shoe episode at the time, and he got the idea just from seeing a discarded shoe near his house.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    I think it’d suit the character perfectly if it causes a mid-life crisis

    The character is a mid-life crisis. I’d also love it if Dynamite did have loads of clips of him on a bender as well though, and him hungover backstage with Sammy and co trying to get him ready for the match, and Swagger having to replace him in the end.

  10. On 3/2/2020 at 9:40 PM, Worthits said:

    Neck Tattoo was the talking point of that match, it never got started.  

    Whoever booked that main event needs shooting. Did Mox use a blood capsule in his patch in the storyline to fool the IC or what? 

    Ambrose is a madlad, his schemes and actions don’t need to be logical. We’re having fun, Maggle! 

  11. 46 minutes ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

    Jericho had blinded Mox in one eye with a spike off his jacket a few weeks back, they played it up as a factor during both the weigh in on Dynamite on Wednesday and during the match, so that it would be revealed late in the match that Mox didn't need the patch anymore to catch Jericho off guard leading to the finish

    Fair play to him, he’s out-wackying his Dean Ambrose work. The eyepatch stuff was hilarious. He wrestled a championship match with one eye for no other reason than to take off his eyepatch to upset Jericho at the point when he already had him beat.

  12. Pretty decent show!

    Loved the tag title match. Fantastic character/story work throughout. My match of the year so far.

    Really enjoyed Orange Cassidy vs PAC as well, tremendous debut match for OC.

    Quite enjoyed Allin vs Sammy Guevara. I don't like Allin at all. Even aside from the bumfights stuff, his character just seems like the worst e-fed shite. But he gets great reactions, and their match was action-packed. Sammy's great.

    Cody vs MJF was alright, but seemed a few notches below what it should've been. 

    Main event was pretty poor. I don't know if it's Jericho not being able to go anymore, or Ambrose not being much cop as a main event wrestler, but it just didn't live up to either the storyline or the closing slot on this event.

    My biggest issue with the show was Goldust sexually assaulting Swagger's wife as a babyface spot. That's a dodgy play in 2020.

  13. 52 minutes ago, MVP RULZ said:

    So after all the Backlash, after all the "I'm never watching again", after all the "this is the Final straw"  after all the "watch the ratings tumble"

    Smackdown delivers it's best rating of 2020 and looking like being its 3rd best since the move to Fox

    Goldberg = Ratings 

    Of course the return of Cena helped (though Ratings did drop slightly for the 2nd hour when Cena was due up) but clearly people will still watch regardless of all the hot air that gets spewed after every PPV

    Well the people who have the tantrums aren’t the ones who stop watching anyway. Being upset at Vince is their outlet, it’s how they blow off steam at the end of a rough week. They couldn’t ever let go of that.

    The ones who stop watching don’t care enough to cry about wrestling on the Internet.

  14. Protected Chest D’Lo Brown was pretty much the only decent thing Dan Severn ever did in wrestling.

    King of Harts Owen Hart was based completely on wanting to outdo the success of the Hitman.

    Christian would never have got the job if it wasn’t for Edge and Gangrel’s Lost Boys-inspired gimmicks.

     Phineas Godwinn was only there in the first place because his cousin needed a tag team partner, then became part of Southern Justice because Jeff Jarrett needed backup, and then Mideon was created by the Undertaker’s black magic.

  15. 6 hours ago, Supremo said:

    And then Cena, having held these anti-part-timer beliefs for nearly a decade, just goes, “yeah, go on then, mate.”

    Because he felt bad for the guy who got BERRIED by a part-timer the day before and decided to give him the rub of a Mania win over Big Match John. It checks out.

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