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King Pitcos

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Posts posted by King Pitcos

  1. 4 hours ago, Wrasslin said:

    Did Lesnar and Cena need to get home early?

    It's fascinating. Cena wasn't a main event talent at the time, so I can understand Brock vs him being a midcard match... IF you had something like Undertaker vs Big Show in the main event. Did Taker have a sudden injury at the time that would've messed up plans? 

    Even with injuries to top names like Undertaker and Angle, I can't fathom how the main events on that tour were decided. Given the stars on there, Brock Lesnar vs Big Show should've been main eventing every night - or if Brock was still wrecked from the shooting star press at WrestleMania and they didn't want him doing a proper main event singles match, something like him, Benoit and Rey vs Big Show, Cena and Hardy. And yet almost every night, it was a Rikishi tag match that went on last. They must have had some reason for it.

  2. 3 hours ago, AVM said:

    If its postponed, I think the venue changes to either Orlando or Miami. I can see Vince having a tantrum about it. 

    Seems unlikely. It’d cast doubt on future bids, if WWE can just change cities based on factors outside of the accepted bidder’s control.

  3. 20 hours ago, Dead Mike said:

    I appreciate this is out of my wheelhouse given I only regularly watch Powerrr & the odd NXT UK but is it right to make comparisons between AEW & NXT? I was under the impression that AEW was pitched as an alternative to RAW? Whereas NXT is still just developmental (albeit quite popular).

    Yeah, they’re both aiming for the same niche audience. 

  4. 1 hour ago, MVP RULZ said:

    Dont know if you saw Pitcos but Norwegian are waiving the Rebooking fee for Fligths to the USA booked before March 9th now as well as those booked after as it was originally announced a few days ago.

    So what would of cost me £100 per person each way so £600 in total to just change the dates will now be free as long as the flight is between Now and August 31st.

    So in the at this point seemingly Inevitable postponement of Mania you should be able to move the flights to the rearranged date if you can of course still go at that time 

    Thanks man!

    I think my last date to cancel my hotel without charge is the 17th though, so that extra week they’re taking to build up the courage to cancel WrestleMania is a bastard. I might just still go on the trip anyway, and book new flights to go over for a week when they do the rescheduled date.

  5. 7 hours ago, MEGABUCKS said:

    They should just postpone the event.

    That’s what the backup plan will be.

    This is my “Benoit should be in the hall of fame” moment - there are people dying all over the world, but I’m just bothered by it inconveniencing my holiday. I’ve got very little interest in spending a week in Tampa. 

    At least if Norwegian goes bust, I’ll be able to get a fair whack back from insurance.

  6. 15 minutes ago, iMPACt! said:

    Yeah when I said cancelled earlier I meant postponed. I think the shout of it replacing Summerslam could happen. They could also hold it in Tampa at that point and just say all original tickets are valid. 

    That’d potentially upset Boston, who must’ve put a good bid in for SummerSlam.

    I suppose if they’re postponing Mania to another date at Raymond James, they’re at the mercy of available Sundays there anyway. Personally, I’m hoping it’d be late June.

  7. 8 hours ago, Mr.Showtime said:

    get some knowledgeable wrasslin’ boffins

    Who are these people? The only person that’s ever written/booked wrestling successfully and sustainably is Vince McMahon - there’s nobody else in wrestling with a track record that even remotely stands up to his. So he’d just overrule any plans anyway when a new idea came to him. And if he did somehow stick to a plan, people would kick off about plans being stuck to.

  8. 22 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    There are elements where it is and isn't true; when it's not a Rumble win, it's quite often a case of "point at the sign" or two people just saying "I want this match", and then it happening.

    But Hogan and Warrior was the 1990 equivalent of that anyway, wasn’t it? The two top stars had a little tussle in the Rumble, and it was announced as the WrestleMania main event. There was no great narrative to it. And that was at a time when people were still happy to follow wrestling narratives - now, the only way to really do the underdog chase is to lean on the “you’re not my real dad, Vince” crying, and that only works up until the moment the babyface wins at Mania. It’s all downhill from there for that babyface, and relying on that dynamic in the build up with “burials” and whatnot only increases the toxic relationship between the company and real wrestling fans, making it harder still to position someone as top babyface in future.

  9. 1 hour ago, tiger_rick said:

    The chances of building an organic Mania main event like Hogan and Warrior these days are nil because they'd have to accommodate this stuff in some form.

    That’s not true. Reigns and Goldberg was made without a Rumble win, same for Bryan and Kofi last year. And Rock/Cena, Michaels/Undertaker, various top matches over the years.

    They’ll never build an organic Mania main event like Hogan and Warrior because they’ll likely never have two singles babyfaces on their level at the same time, and if they do somehow manage that and keep them apart until the Mania build instead of burning it on a TVor B-PPV, we’ll hate the two wrestlers anyway for being too mean/not mean enough, and we’ll complain that their pairing is too obvious and part of The Plan.

  10. 37 minutes ago, PBWFan said:

    Friend of mine got notification that his Norwegian flight was cancelled 

    Do you know when he got it? I haven’t heard anything about mine yet, it’s the week before.

  11. 13 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    At least Earthquake was a heel and you could play it off as him being a dick or afraid of Snakes (everyone that Jake feuded with turns out was afraid of Snakes). As @HarmonicGenerator said, Drew’s supposed to be the face and killed Rowan’s spider for no reason, making him a bit of a sociopath. Why the hell he’s dicking about with Erik Rowan when the biggest match of his life is less than 4 weeks away is another question entirely.

    Hopefully next week he'll be smiling and acting like a decent bloke, as all good babyfaces should (this week).

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