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King Pitcos

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Posts posted by King Pitcos

  1. 20 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    Does WWF/WWE booking get any more inconsistent than the 1993 KOTR qualifiers where they had Mr Perfect and Doink draw twice before a third match sorted it out, while Crush and HBK drew and were both eliminated to conveniently set up the IC title match?

    King of the Ring was a shit idea anyway. Doing a tournament just because it's the name of the PPV, rather than it building organically from eight wrestlers being interested in the monarchy.

  2. I had 40 things to do at work today, and that was just for the morning. I did one of them, and spent the rest of the day asleep. I'm planning on starting early tomorrow to catch up a bit, but because I've been asleep all day, I'm going to be awake until really late and not get up early. So tomorrow, instead of flying to Orlando, I'm gonna be tired and miserable and in big trouble. Fuck you, Covid.

  3. I saw a clip earlier of Greg Valentine (from a shoot interview) telling a story about Warrior talking him into going twos on holding up a promoter in Austria - I don’t know if it was a local promoter for a WWF show or they were working for someone else, but Nan Hammer tells the story like it was par for the course for Warrior to do that.

  4. From a 1990 article, a Canadian hockey coach talking about Russian players who’d recently joined the team:

    Lopuchin, whose parents were born in the U.S.S.R, said it is difficult for North Americans to comprehend the differences in cultures.

    "It's just so different here," he said. "It's tough to explain. You go to a supermarket in the Soviet Union and if you see it, you buy it."

    Lopuchin said it took a while for the Soviet players' wives to understand that meat and other groceries are in the stores every day, that there's not going to be a shortage next week.

    It’s just bizarre, how quickly the world that I took for granted has ground to a halt. I was very, very secure in the everlasting convenience of all the stuff we had that’s now gone. No reliable online groceries, no 24 hour supermarkets. A book from Amazon takes a week to be delivered now, rather than next day. McDonalds and Greggs are closed. No proper WrestleMania. Toilet paper is a rare commodity. I never expected any of that to happen in my lifetime, and it’s odd to be thinking of those things in comparison to the damage of the virus itself, but I’m just finding it all very surreal.


  5. They’ve started adding a bunch of lower card matches to the show. Aleister Black vs Bobby Lashley! It’s a bit reminiscent of the old days, like when WrestleMania 8 had Owen Hart vs Skinner for no reason. It makes me think both nights are going to have loads of pointless stuff you’d see on a Raw or SmackDown episode. I don’t really get why. Of all years, this should be the one where they don’t feel the need to get everyone on the card. They’ve already got a good 7 matches for each night just based on the existing feuds, I don’t see the point of doing more than that.

  6. 3 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    WWE refs are always taught that a count-out stands for both men - so if it's broken by one, you should continue the count on the other. In practice, I see it the other way around far more often.

    Once, they seemed to change the rules entirely and just have separate counts for the two wrestlers. I forget the match now, but I am fairly confident it was Evan Bourne winning vs someone higher up the card than him. It really annoyed me at the time, like when the ref threatens a DQ in submission-only matches.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Have they changed up how they're presenting it? Are they adapting?

    Undertaker went back to the biker look, but could still teleport. That doesn’t really answer your question.

  8. 58 minutes ago, Uncle Zeb said:

    If your employer believes you can work from home and asks you to do so, then I don't think you're entitled to say "Nah, can you just ask the government to pay me to watch Murder, She Wrote instead?"

    Fucksake, I wish I worked in a pub now.

  9. This was the best of the Raw/SmackDown performance centre shows so far, but it still wasn't great.

    I absolutely hate Gronk and Mojo. They're exactly the sort of Americans who make me think about siding with ISIS and Jezza Corbyn against the west. I'd be well up for them getting their comeuppance as baddies. I know that's a long way off though.

    The promos from Reigns, Goldberg and Sasha seemed written for the "OOOOOOOH NAUGHTY WORD" reaction from a crowd. An odd choice of verbiage, considering the setting.

    Miz and Morrison made good use of the empty arena gimmick. Very dirt sheet. Otis, Tucker and Ziggler were on top form too. Roode is a bit of a spare part in all this, he's not done anything at all to stand out in the story.

    Sami Zayn was great. Where's Braun though, has he just gone "sound, best man won" and is moving on to something else? If so, I hope it's a tag team with Drake Maverick.

  10. 10 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    Where are they finding the money from? Labour plans, small fry in comparison, were unaffordable remember?

    Those were to help shirkers. This is to help workers.

  11. I’ve just noticed there are no delivery slots on supermarkets or Prime Now. This is the biggest inconvenience to me thus far. I’m gonna have to actually walk to the Spar or something like it’s the nineties. 

  12. 54 minutes ago, Cod Eye said:

    Do like you would at work and make sure your dressed smart and have your drink made and are sat at your desk/area in good time before your working day starts, and keep to the rules of your workplace.

    Fuck that, I don’t even do that at work. I spend most of my time in the office trying to look busy and minimising chrome whenever someone walks past.

    Whenever I work from home usually, I tend to snooze/nap and just move the cursor now and again so I don’t get set to inactive on skype. I also make minor changes to files for the sake of saving them so it looks like I’ve been doing something. But that’s only ever been the odd day at a time.

    These next few weeks are going to be difficult to maintain any sense of working.

  13. 6 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Although there's this weird thing on social media where some people have criticised Vince for doing shows yet commended AEW. I honestly don't get that.

    Look, mark, it’s like this: You’re comparing apples and oranges.

    Vince isn’t our real dad AND he runs a nazi camp. He made Dean Ambrose wear a PG gas mask instead of letting him wear an eye patch and swear. Everything Vince does is bad. He should let his prisoners free so they can go home to their families instead of forcing them to be dancing monkeys at his stalag.

    Everything Tony does is good, even if (to a mark) it looks like exactly the same thing that is bad if Vince does it. Vince is doing it for bad reasons, but Tony is doing it for good reasons. He’s been an Observer subscriber for 30 years and does not hold the real workers down. He’s letting the wrestlers perform and bringing entertainment in these trying times. Totally different.

  14. The bits I saw felt way more lively than Raw and SmackDown. I really hope WWE follows the example of having wrestlers in the seats. So many of the roster don’t need a WrestleMania match, but imagine Big E sitting there reacting to everything! Without watching it all, I can’t really judge how it felt overall, but it seemed like this was the best of the no-audience shows so far.

    Harper‘s stuff was a letdown though, and I’m a big fan of him. His robe design looks like Matt Hardy’s (possibly designed purely for the misdirection?), and his gear under that was just awful. The gimmick seems like a Wyatt Family knock-off, and he even threw in the “Vince sux” wank that reminds me of every time an ex-WWE wrestler would turn up in TNA. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Anyway, no loo roll eh?

    Well the people clearing the shelves of loo roll aren’t actually vile, greedy, “I’m alright, Jack” cunts, they’re just worried about their future because PeNsIoNs.

  16. 2 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

    I'm surprised at how much negativity there is about WWE trying to continue to put on a show of some sorts.

    Is it your first day on the wrestling Internet? There are two things that WWE does that are always met with negativity:

    1. Nothing

    2. Like it Something

  17. 1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    This Austin 3:16 day segments is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen 

    It was awful. Has to go down as one of the all-time bad Raw closers. All of Austin's lines were weak, and the shite with Byron ranking him... It all just seemed so lazy. I'm sure Austin got paid well for the gig, but it was embarrassing. 

    Edge and Becky's promos earlier were alright. 


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