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King Pitcos

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Posts posted by King Pitcos

  1. 10 minutes ago, Ricc1PW said:

    I was irrationally annoyed by the Becky Lynch angle... I can *just about* get on board with her commandeering the ambulance and taking herself to hospital, but there's just no way at all she'd go into hospital, get treated, then leave and get back in the SAME AMBULANCE and drive back to the arena.

    If illogical commandeering of vehicles upsets you, it's a good thing you weren't a fan in the attitude era. You'd have hated it.

  2. If Drew points at the WrestleMania sign one more time, I’m taking flyers to WrestleMania to hand out demanding everyone turn their backs to the ring when he wins the belt. Then on Raw, hijack his promo by chanting for Kevin Owens (or Samoa Joe if he’s sorted a decent haircut by then).

  3. They can still do a singles match, assuming both men can take a couple of bumps each. Epic entrances, stare down, a few moves and poses, all the attitude lads in for run-ins, finish, handshake. If it can be half as good as Sting vs HHH was, its still a win.

  4. If Jericho had taken a counter-offer from Vince, and Ambrose had been allowed to swap the gas mask for an eye patch in WWE and stuck around... what would the top end of the AEW card look like? At the time when Tony and the boys decided to set up the company, they can’t have known for sure that those two would be available. But it’s hard to imagine how the shows would look without them. Jericho in particular, because who would have been the top heel? Neville wasn’t available at first.

  5. 22 minutes ago, hallicks said:

    Doesn't Sting need surgery for his fucked neck/back from that buckle bomb before he can wrestle again? Maybe he's had it already but I don't think it's been reported if so

    Was Sting ever forced to retire? I thought he just decided to call it quits after the neck injury because “I’m too old for this shit.” But pretty much the whole time (and certainly for the last year or two), he’s said he’d consider coming back for an Undertaker match.

  6. 16 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    I lived with a guy first year of uni who was obsessed with Donnie Darko, he must’ve watched it a minimum of 3 times a week, although this will have been the original cut on its first DVD run, no idea what’s different about the DC.

    From memory, the main difference is that the director's cut added text overlays of the tangent universe rules/lore (from the old lady's book) to explain what's going on.

  7. If Roman beats Goldberg for the belt at Mania, a feud with the Fiend would do for a couple of months after. I expect they’ll do another draft not long after WrestleMania anyway, though I’d rather they wait until September to do that as part of the Season Premieres.

  8. Goldberg vs The Fiend is exciting!

    I halfway can’t believe that they’re still carrying on with Reigns vs Corbin, but then I notice the total lack of anyone else to put Roman against — even when Sheamus is out of his settling back in phase, I’ve no interest in him vs Reigns again.

    SmackDown is way too babyface-heavy, to the point where Mustafa Ali can’t even be on the show because there are no baddies for him. The humiliation from last week could’ve easily put Corbin into a new feud as well — perhaps even with Ali. I really thought the King picking on staff and fans was going to lead to another babyface stepping up to him. Oh well.

    The tag team scene has a lot of potential, but the presentation could do with some work. The Usos and Roode/Ziggler are good teams, but they’re massively overexposed, especially against each other. New Day vs Miz and Morrison isn’t though, which is nice! Looking forward to that match at Showdown.

    I wish they’d just get rid of Bayley. Her character is a mess, her performances are weak, and AEW needs some proper women on the roster who aren’t just there because they’re either married to or fetishised by the boys in charge. They could use that title to establish one or two of the other women as standouts.

    The Daniel Bryan/Heath Slater chat was very odd. I enjoyed it! 

  9. 43 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Took me a while to watch it but I’ve just blitzed the first series of Man Like Mobeen and it is superb. The H-AltRight episode especially. BBC comedy continues to thrive.

    I’ve avoided watching it because it’s always struck me as being in that vein of very shitty BBC “yoof” shows, pitched at the retard market like Coming of Age and Two Pints. The promo photo on iPlayer looks like it’s three idiot men and a precocious wise little sister. What I have seen of Guz Khan doing his gimmick on YouTube vids and stuff over the years, I’ve mostly found too broad and annoying (except in small doses in that sitcom about airport arrivals). It’s all super off-putting, but then I’d probably have avoided People Just Do Nothing if I’d known nothing about it. Although, I’ve never heard any positive word of mouth about Man Like Mobeen, until now. Might give it a go.



    * 3 Wrestlers you'd build the top of the card around

    Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. If I can't have Punk here, then swap him for Edge. Reigns is the biggest full-time star of the last five years, with the presence and quality that can't be matched. Works brilliantly as heel, babyface or both at the same time. Bryan is also superb in any role. And Edge (or Punk) is my veteran/nostalgia guy.

    * 3 Wrestlers you'd build the middle around

    Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega and Kevin Owens. Omega's shat the bed booking himself, so I'd have him here with an eye to elevating him if he's any good. Jericho is a move to take away AEW's big name, like I've done with WWE at the top of my card. And between the list, the bubbly, the belly etc, there's loads of material for Y2J to add good content to my show. Owens is a great all-rounder. I'd have had Pete Dunne as my fourth, and I'd consider replacing any of the others with him.

    * 3 Tag teams you'd build your tag scene around

    New Day, Miz & Morrison, and Braun Strowman/Drake Maverick. New Day, I'd say, are easily the greatest tag team of all time at this point, you get the 3 for 2 value, and at least two of the three can be put into the singles mix when needed. Miz and Morrison also have that ability to be singles as well as tag teams, and Miz in particular is a godsend for both entertaining content on the show and for external promotion. I've gone with Braun and Drake as my third team - I know they're not a tag team currently, but I really want them to be. If they're a cop-out pick, then swap them for Moustache Mountain (British Strong Style if I can get away with another trio).

    * 3 Women you'd build around

    Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair and Ronda Rousey. They're the main three, aren't they? My only concern would be that there's no novelty left in Becky vs Charlotte, and Rousey would only be making sporadic appearances. I'd just feel like I'd let myself down if I had cart blanche and didn't go for them. It'd maybe just be a short term thing, where Charlotte builds up a world title reign like her dad, helping to elevate some of the lower card, and Becky and Ronda do their singles feud. 

    * 1 Wildcard - pick any wrestler from the past, alive or dead, to drop in with the others at the top of the card.

    The Rock - he's the biggest possible draw to the new promotion, and based on who I've got already, there's plenty to work with in terms of history/connections as well as new interactions.

  11. 4 hours ago, Chris B said:

    Kind of surprised they're not looking at being their own PPV provider. Being able to buy specific PPVs sounds straightforward enough, doesn't it?

    Not for WWE, it wouldn’t be. WrestleMania was what, $50 or $60 the year before the WWE Network started? If they went back to PPV-only for WrestleMania in 2021, that’s eight years since the last pre-Network one. So it might even be higher than $60. And currently, $60 will get you six months worth of new PPVs (seven if you’re a new subscriber) as well as the entire back catalogue. They can’t just pull back that foreskin now. Imagine Netflix going “FUCK YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS, THE WITCHER SEASON TWO IS A TENNER AN EPISODE.”

  12. 2 hours ago, Magnum Milano said:

    Oh, and people who go on about his OTT praise of AEW and all that like clearly aren't readers/listeners and just go off what scraps people post on Twitter.  He's very critical of the company, but that doesn't fit the narrative and the "Dave is on the AEW payroll" line that the numpties like to roll out.

    😂 He did an unironic paraphrasing of the “You have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty” rant about Kenny Omega matches the other day. I don’t think anyone really thinks he’s on the AEW payroll, so much as he’s an old man with ASD who is being taken advantage of by some wrestlers.

  13. I love it. Two blokes who must be pensioners, mates for decades, and invented/popularised the wrestling asterisks system (which is based on Facts, not opinion like other critics star ratings). And they’ve fallen out because one of them has got a crush on a wrestler who the other one irrationally hates. I’d not seen Jim Cornette’s Twitter before this, it’s amazing how childish he actually is.

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