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King Pitcos

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Posts posted by King Pitcos

  1. Just now, Weezenal said:

    Jericho will probably headline WrestleMania again in the next next 5 years.

    If Bray Wyatt ever wants to recreate the Doink WrestleMania 9 spot, Jericho would be a good shout to play the other Fiend.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    I get why people watch it through the good times and the bad. I don’t get why people chose last night as the moment they’re supposedly not watching anymore and cancelling the Network.

    Because they were looking forward to the Fiend dropping the title to Roman at WrestleMania, and definitely wouldn’t have done the same dummy-spitting routine they’re doing now when that happened.

  3. 3 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

    I didn’t enjoy anything about the show really, was pretty shit and there wasn’t a single thing that felt like it was worth watching. If they want Undertaker to walk out and choke slam someone, why does he need to pin them? What is the point of that? Just do it as an angle rather than match. Goldberg shouldn’t be anywhere near wrestling anymore, all he is doing is tarnishing the great return he had a few years back. At least this means Reigns will have a short match at Mania. I know they want Lesnar to look strong going into Mania, but I was exited for the Ricochet match. 
    Why have they brought Morrison back? Seems like they literally just got him back so AEW couldn’t have him. 
    Genuinely can’t see how anyone in the world could have possibly enjoyed this show. I don’t blame anyone for wanting to cancel the Network after that


  4. 3 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I think coming onto a forum like this and expecting people to stop taking the piss is like asking people not fuck at an orgy. I'm just saying if you go to an orgy and get offended by the sight of people fucking then maybe, rather than expecting the orgy to change to accommodate you, maybe don't go.


    Go fuck yourself, Chris B.

  5. I’ve been watching Loudermilk. It’s very watchable, not hilarious but funny enough. It’s one of those American sitcoms that looks and plays like a drama a lot of the time. I was trying to place where I knew the main guy from, he was the lead in Office Space. It’s got that big fat man who used to do the Stone Cold impressions in the attitude era as well, he looks the same age now as he did then.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Exactly. Just because someone say's they aren't bullying you, doesn't remove your feelings about it. If it bothers you, thats personal to you and you shouldn't be judged.

    Back on topic, despite assurances they would use a different charter for the Saudi shows after the issues last time, they are using Atlas Air again. I wonder if there will be anymore tarmac drama after last time

    Well they're not taking the whole roster this time, so even if there's a delay getting back, they've got plenty of the SmackDown roster ready to go. Cena, Braun, Nakamura (and his mates), Bryan, most of the women, Sheamus, Shorty G, Apollo Crews, Gulak, Heavy Machinery... Heck, if we get another pretend hostage situation, Mustafa Ali might be back on telly on Friday.

  7. 2 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

    Of course, 7 years of being attacked for any little post I make on here makes me thin skinned.

    Whilst those same “attackers” rush to the mental health thread to either post about their problems or support others with issues or complain about media use other Caroline Flacks death.



  8. 5 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    Remember this post when Velveteen Dream is doing the electric bogaloo during his curtain jerking matches on Smackdown. 

    VKM has all the subtlety of the KKK. 

    Knowing Vince, Dream will be dancing with New Day in the pre-show battle royal by Mania.

  9. 41 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    Montez Ford should be money. He won't be but he should be.

    Maybe if he was a silent badass, as all main event babyfaces should be this week. But he's stuck playing the stereotypical dancing black man forever because of Vince's racism.

  10. On 2/19/2020 at 6:57 PM, Hannibal Scorch said:

    I know it’s AppleTv, but anyone watch Mythic Quest? As it’s got some of the creative team behind Always Sunny figure a few of you may have checked it out

    I didn't realise this was coming out yet. Watched it all this weekend, it's really good. Great to see it's already been renewed for season 2 as well.

  11. 7 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    You've got to think it was filmed just after the Undertaker coffin angle. They were always on the road back then, so stuff had to be done in advance. It looked to me that they were building up a Jake/Undertaker vs Hogan/Warrior program during that period. Maybe they'd have done that at Survivor Series and held off the Undertaker vs Hogan match until Royal Rumble. Actually Warrior and Hogan vs Snakey Jake and the Undertaker would have been quite a decent main event for Tuesday in Texas.

    But then you’ve got Macho Man vs Jake at the same time - which stemmed from Jake not being invited to the stag do? It’s mad how intermingled and messy the top storylines are. Watching these segments, the SummerSlam main event seems like an afterthought. The only story there is how big Sid Justice is. Warrior’s got his own shit going on with the dark side, and Hogan’s being trolled by Bobby Heenan about a different belt.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Grecian said:

    There are a couple of others who come close - Yokozuna has done the world title and tag title combo, Randy Savage did the WWF and IC title, but admittedly it's unlikely either of them will manage to nab the third title at this point.

    Macho never won the IC at a WrestleMania, did he?

  13. I'm watching a WWF August 1991 video on YouTube, and it's got the Warrior/Hogan vs Slaughter & co feud in the build to SummerSlam, but also the Warrior/Jake/Undertaker storyline. I'm confused by it for the following reasons:

    1) This was when I started watching, and while I remember the Sid Justice introduction and "call it down the middle" stuff, I don't recall seeing any of the Jake teaching Warrior stuff until years later. I only read about it in the magazine. Was that stuff actually broadcast in August, on the same episodes as the SummerSlam tag build? I know Warrior/Taker was a house show feud, it just seems like Warrior must have been all over the TV if both of these were running at the same time.

    2) Warrior's got completely different hair in the scenes with Jake compared to his promos with Hogan - was the Jake stuff filmed months earlier?

  14. 9 hours ago, RedRooster said:

    Kasius Ohno, although his time in NXT was obviously split up. Still, it must be pretty crap for him to see his contemporaries move up to RAW and Smackdown whilst he has actually gone backwards in terms of status in NXT.

    His contemporaries were already long moved up when he signed on the second time, weren’t they? He came back in knowing his role, surely. I know what you mean though, it must sting a bit. There are a few like that. Wesley Blake was one of NXT’s top acts for a bit with Murphy and Alexa, and the other two are big deals on the proper shows now whereas Blake is just lower down on the NXT roster.

  15. 4 hours ago, Chris B said:

    If we change the criteria to 'holding the titles' at Wrestlemania, who else gets added?

    EDIT: Cena does, with Wrestlemania 23. Arguably, HBK too, although it's disputed.

    If criteria changes to holding the titles at Mania, there are quite a few.

    Bryan - defended the tag titles in 2013, won the world title the following year, and the IC the year after. 

    Rollins will, if he’s still tag champion by then.

    Miz was US and tag champion at Mania in 2010, and WWE champ the following year.

    Rey, in addition to his Mania world and IC wins in the post above, was tag champion in 2005 with his opponent, Eddie Guerrero.

  16. 2 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    Seth Rollins won the WWE at 31, the IC at 34 and the Universal at 35, that’s a triple crown of sorts.

    Ah, thanks! Has nobody done the world title, midcard title, tag title yet? It seems like it should’ve been easier to accomplish, given that each tier has had two titles for most of the last twenty years. Like Seth, Daniel Bryan’s a tag title away from doing it.

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