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Mr Lawrence

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Posts posted by Mr Lawrence

  1. Durans a true legend. Ive seen a documentary on him, its probably a few yrs old now but Duran at the time of the doc being made was still having matches in his 50s, i guess they were more just exhibition bouts but bouts none the less. Nigel Benn still does 3 rounders he said when he was on Ringside- just to keep fit really, would still love to see them mind. I guess duran just loves the ruck! Does he have any money worries?

    That tommy morrison article is sad.

  2. like kane the charachter but in ring wise hes very lumbering. Who do you think hes had very or even good matches against other than proven top liners like taker, cena, austin foley etc...hes never made anyone look good in a match from what i can remember. Wyatt can go, ive watched this shit for 30 yrs and you can tell when someone can go. Hes explosive for a man his size, has the basics down and his mannerisms and general control of things seem excellent. I just think he has it. The x factor as cliched as it is. Theres something about him what i think hes gonna be a big time player for yrs to come.

    Even the toned down current entrance, by mania thatll be huge. Loadsa lamps, masks etc...its a charachter what can be built on so much. Much like the taker was 20yrs ago.


    Alright, expert. Jesus.


    But, there's no evidence of anything you've said you have to admit?


    So far he's had the worst PPV match of the year WHERE HE HAD TO KEEP PULLING HIS BAGGY TROUSERS UP, and a scruffy match against R-Truth on Raw.


    As for Kane, he's been at this for a decade and has had fine matches with almost everyone. He has the WWE TV style down as good as anyone, and has had good TV matches with guys like Big Show, Henry, Ziggler etc.


    Not that it matters, you've already accepted that he can have good matches with 'proven top liners' which means Bray Wyatt has to take a fair share of the blame for the shower at Summerslam. It's a myth that someone can be a complete schlub, but then have very good matches with main eventers. Just because Kane doesn't carry people, doesn't mean he's shit.


    I wouldn't worry about Wrestlemania. At this rate Wyatt will be lucky to be the pre-show, and the sun'll still be up then.


    Ok, hes shit. He had to pull his trousers up. Sorry i take it all back.

  3. Is there any evidence that Bray can really 'go', or that with the right opponent he'll 'tear it up'?


    Even coming out of NXT, the consensus was his character was good but he wasn't that strong a performer. It didn't help that he was sold down the river on arrival in the WWE, feuding with Kane was far too obvious and, like Ian says, he needed a big profile angle to kick him off.


    But, it's BULLSHIT of the highest order to say Kane rarely has good matches with anyone. He is so reliably just 'good' it's ridiculous. He can knock out an okay match with his eyes closed. He's not Ric Flair, he's not going to make soup out of shite, but if you are halfway decent you can have a good match with Kane.


    He'd probably have great matches if he ever had any half decent material to work with, to get the fans invested. Plus, as a tag team wrestler he's bloody superb.

    I like kane the charachter but in ring wise hes very lumbering. Who do you think hes had very or even good matches against other than proven top liners like taker, cena, austin foley etc...hes never made anyone look good in a match from what i can remember. Wyatt can go, ive watched this shit for 30 yrs and you can tell when someone can go. Hes explosive for a man his size, has the basics down and his mannerisms and general control of things seem excellent. I just think he has it. The x factor as cliched as it is. Theres something about him what i think hes gonna be a big time player for yrs to come.

    Even the toned down current entrance, by mania thatll be huge. Loadsa lamps, masks etc...its a charachter what can be built on so much. Much like the taker was 20yrs ago.

  4. I disagree really, you see i find them captivating. Kane rarely has a good match with anyone and he was a poor pick in ring wise as a first opponent but maybe a good one storyline wise. I think its obvious bray can go in the ring and with the right opponent i have no doubt he will tear it up. I love the two heavies and the mask, but i think dungeon of doom is one of the greatest things ever as well. I think its to quick to call them shit when bray has prob only had two matches and every int or seg hes been involved in has been brilliant in my oponion. I love them and their outfits, ints, unpolished ring work. Theyre great.

  5. Who was the last generic guy to be bought in from developmental?


    The last guys to be bought up were, I think, The Wyatt family and, whilst they may be shit, they ain't looking that generic looking?

    Cesaro was bought up a while back and may have a boring look (suits his style though) but his wrestling aint generic and he's not a "good looking young dude".

    The Shield came up in recent times and have been a success.

    Damien Sandow isn't generic looking (although maybe his wrestling is).


    I must be missing some people...?


    "Cookie Cutters!" is a criticism perfectly valid for the days of La Resistance and the Basham Brothers but right now I think WWE is doing very well talent wise with more to come in Neville and Zayn.



    (If they bring Bo "Fuck off" Dallas up you can have that one)



    Personally, I doubt Daniel Bryan is a flash in the pan. The company has put in quite some effort to make him (just as Bryan also has) and he's most certainly one of their most over acts... and also definitely not fitting the "generic good looking young lad in tights" criticism.


    The Wyatt family are far from shit. For me the best thing on the roster at the mo. Why do you think they are shit?

  6. Don't think it's be advertised but the German Boxing card is tonight on Boxnation. Really looking forward to Pulev V Thompson.


    If Tony wins this who knows what will happen to his wife...

    Ha ha, i havent seen much of Pulev but im gonna put a coupla quid on the tiger at 3-1

  7. From those great Hogan pictures, you got to think a feud was planned between him and El Gigante. Seems like both of them were up for it, but it never happened. It came closer to happening in WCW with Gigante as the "Yeti" though.

    Gigante wasnt the yeti. It was Ron Reis if i remember, he made it into the flock at a later date.

  8. It rarely works when you go from fgihting bums to facing a killer. I said before the fight was announced that you don't need a Kov in your life. Cleverly didn't need to take the fight, could get bigger pay days and better chances to win in other fights. I give him credit for wanting this fight, but look where it got him.


    its easy to say that after the fight. kovolov hadnt really beat a propper quaulity guy, while cleverly had beat bellew who is a legitimate number one or two contender for the green belt. I dont think Cleverly got found out at all - not that you said that, but others have, i still think he is propper world class, he just fought an extremely hard pucher who managed to catch him. I would still fancy Cleverly over Hopkins and Dawson. Hes still only 26 and will be back. The problem nowadays comes from when people lose their 0 they are written off. Cleverly will adapt and be back and win the championship again i think.


    on a side note, barker brought a tear to my eye. what a man.

  9. What would you personally like to see us cover?

    Crush died 6 years ago yesterday. You should do an article on the big mans passing. Power Slam patronized him in death, which I thought was a disgrace. "Shit worker, know for being shit died. He was shit". Of course I'm paraphrasing. You should do a 4 page article profiling his career and what he meant to us.


    I'd like to see more articles aimed at the British fan. Like articles regarding milestones from the boom period of the early 90s. Battle Royal at the Albert Hall, Davey Boys popularity, the Slam Jam single and the hype surrounding it. Wrestling was massive in this country at the time. I'd like to see you do some stuff on that.

    John Lister wrote a six-page retrospective on the first WWF UK boom period last year, in line with it being 20 years since SummerSlam 1992. He also wrote a history of the Albert Hall a few months back. We printed a six-page article on Davey Boy, using private family photographs, on the 10-year anniversary of his death.

    Dont think he buys the mag tbh.

    Would love to see more articles on 80s tag teams, much like the british wrestling articles like the kendo one, but one each month on demiolition, the hart foundation, arn and tully, the midnights, rnr express, etc...

  10. SS does have a great build this year, with Bray, Bryans and Orton etc....Its the first ppv card i have looked forward to in years.

    On a side note, i still do not get why people do not like Brays heavies? I know wrestling has moved on in certain areas but you cannot beat to big looking extraordinary charachters kicking lumps out of people. They look perfect. To me they are like a modern day Powers of Pain, just to big limited lumps, one with a bit more more ability than the other kicking shite out of people.

    Cenas still shite mind, really shite. Until this man leaves, wrestling will never progress.

    Where are tag teams like The Rockers and "The Raggoo Sisters" as demolition used to call them.

    Well Dunn were pretty shite went the?. Mero should have been used better than he was in 98. His top rope finisher was immense, where he would moonsault backwards standing. And i remember him calling Sal Sincere a Jobber long before the rock used the term (his boxer gimmick was great, puttung Sable in a potatoe sack was tremendous) - also the road dogg used the term jobber early doors as well, he also done the worm before scotty to hotty. Brian Christoper and the King on Commentary during that Putski match in 98 were tremendous - Whats Christopher up to now?

    Shawn Micheals top rope fist drop today on Vintage Collection was excellent.

    Great article from Cornette on Fargo in FSM this month, Cornette is like an encyclopedia of wrestling, his columns are brilliant. - lUKE dORMEHL fucks that mag up for me.unne

    Is it me or do the older birds in wrestling seem that much appealing than the early 20s non personality ones...sable 2003, Runnells 1999, that one who dances at ringside with carlitos brother - she would suck your cock and balls in one go.

  11. A couple of photos from a trip to Copenhagen last week. When the old museum curator blokey at the Viking exhibit noticed me eyeing the sword and shield on the wall and asked if I'd like to hold them, I don't think he could have envisaged the extent to which it would turn me into Tom Hanks in Big:







    You look like stuart baggs "the brand" from the apprentice a coupla yrs back.

  12. Did Bowe speak about his recent disastrous attempt at Muay Thai?


    He made a brief appearence on Ringside last week too, and despite the clear physical deterioation he seemed in good spirits.

    Yeh buncey asked him about what happened with him and this kickboxing thing, he sorta laughed and said he was ready to go in there throwing punches and the othet guy wouldnt stop kicking him, said his legs had never hurt so bad, said he could still feel it now. He did mention something about just doing it for the money but it was hard to make out with his voice.

    Other things of note he said was he wished he had boxed for longer but rock newman talked him into retiring, i dont fully know what happened with them but bowe doesnt seem keen on him- i missed the first coupla minutes of the int so i may have missed that. Said he regretted not saving his money. And claimed the lewis fight didnt happen as lewis wouldnt agree to taking only 25% of the purse. Bowe said when he first fought holyfield he only got that share so expected lewis to do that when fighting him.

  13. Froch Groves is confirmed. Think sometime in November, maybe the same night as Pac mans fight.


    Bowe was on Buncey lastnight, came across quite well, slurred speach on him mind. Hes seems a chilled out cat.

  14. Poor referees decision with the count but as they said lastnight, theres a reason why they say take an 8 count and not a 9 count. Malik was stupid doing what he done, maybe he wanted out of there, i dunno. I think saunders is very very good, looking forward to his next fight, that should be good.

    They were saying lastnight that Bulligioni sold over 600 tickets, i would be interested to see how many was there, he shoukd have been main eventing if that was the case.

  15. Seen a few posts on here slagging off Brays heavies, concerned they're not great wrestlers, saying they are useless, someone even said he wished one would fuck off. Ludicrous, they look the bollocks and can have ok matches. The look at this stage is 10x more important than any decent match. Gimme that sheeps head over seth rollins anyday.

  16. Derry Mattews after the fight give a brilliant interview. What is it about the scousers and Deacon Blue? Him and Smith both come out to them. Im not sold on Brook either, he doesnt have a punch to end it early or the engine to to dominate for 12 rounds.

    Fury has won me over, i think hes brilliant as a personallity, shit voice, linnen suit etc...but pulled haye up on good things like all the shit he was saying he would do to wlad, and i geniunally think fury fancies this. If he was a wrestler he would be praised for talking people into the arena. I think as long as fury doesnt get knocked out early and puts in a half decent performance, theres loads pkaces for him to go. Looking forward to the ruck.

  17. Haye and Fury is now a done deal for sep 28th. As per sky sports website. Should be a nice build up for this. No doubt will be PPV, I just hope they have a half decent undercard. Maybe Groves versus a decent opponent.

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