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Mr Lawrence

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Posts posted by Mr Lawrence

  1. 1 hour ago, wordsfromlee said:

    I was thinking the other day that it’s strange that The Simpson’s have never done a proper pro wrestling episode (apart from that one where they find out Grandpa was a wrestler in the 50’s). I’m pretty sure Bret Hart is the only wrestling cameo ever on the show. No Hogan, no Rock, no Stone Cold. I would have thought they would have been a shoe in for making an appearance during the big boom periods. 

    Why would the Simpsons brand ever want to be associated with the WWF/E? 


    Old bbc short film on


    Vince on Letterman 89, not saying much.


    Vince on Letterman out on assignment. More awkward Vince. Letterman doesnt seem a fan of Vince. Vince done well though. Interesting baby and father name.


    Hogan and Savage V Jake the Snake and The Beserker. First time i have really saw Hogan and Jake interact.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    After Saturday’s performance, I’d keep him busy by hiring him as both a top performer in NXT and a trainer at the Performance Centre. Whatever he’s been watching and/or doing is what all the new recruits should follow. Fucker even threw a punch better than half the trainees do. In fact, just make him head trainer. When has Albert ever cut a promo or ever had a match that was better than the stuff Pat has delivered?


  4. I subscribe to Amazon Prime on Virgin. I have not really watched anything on there before, but i was flicking through it lastnight and saw a few series i would not mind watching. When i clicked to watch, it said it would cost £2:99 to watch an episode. Is this how it works? You subscribe but then also you have to pay to watch certain series or films? Thanks. 

  5. One of my all time faves. Genuinely.

    When ITV started showing US wrestling in the late 80’s the odd time on a Saturday afternoon, Kamala v Salvatore Bellomo was the squash match before Hogan v Savage lumberjack match from Feb 1986. (Even though from different arenas). 

    ive watched those matches 100’s of times.

    This may seem silly, but im watching old Memphis Kamala stuff having a few tins and told the missus Kamala is dead......she said, who Chris? Thought i meant Kamara!

  6. C-Rock i like your posts, they are a breath of fresh air... not that they need endorsement from anyone. But you are correct in what you are saying, if your opinion differs slightly from the norm in here then you are stupid and in the wrong. At least you state your true opinions and not what most do on here and follow the bandwagon.


    A glowing endorsement from one of UKFF's premium idiots there.


    Ha ha ha....Angry Malcolm strikes again.

  7. Classic at the weigh in. Bellew called him a pimp an it kicked off a bit. As Stevensons done time 10 yrs or so ago for apparently pimping. Sure u hear in the background in a scouse accent "you fucking pimp". Its on yt. Cant post link from phone.

  8. Pacman Rios and Broner Maidana are the only fights there look forward to really. Be interesting to see how the criwd react in China to the pacman fight. It starts at 10am in china so should be on about 2am over here. If the fights a huge success they reckon theyll be alot more fights over there due to the little tax the fighters have to pay. Where its being held is meant to be a place very similar to Vegas.

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