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Mr Lawrence

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Posts posted by Mr Lawrence

  1. Warrior kicking out of 5 big elbows, Taker kicking out of sledgehammer shots.....wrestling logic?

    Your examples are just proving the fact that Richards/Edwards spot is a joke! Kicking out=they sold it in the first place!

    Ha ha ha, warrior sold 5 elbow drops for 2 seconds, thats fine then. Wrestling logic has now been preserved.

  2. Dont' recall the match in question with that finish, but did Hogan sell it first, take a two count, then make a comeback? Or did he just stand right up and suplex Orton over the top like nothing happened?

    Theres been numerous times when hogan took a move and got up before the person who did the move and no sold it. If i could be arsed id look on yt and post links but you know its happened as well as i do.


    Randy Savage elbow of the top rope to Hogan on the first wwf tour in london. Hogan takes the elbow and stands right up after, no cover involved at all from what i remember. Wrestling logic?

  3. Dont' recall the match in question with that finish, but did Hogan sell it first, take a two count, then make a comeback? Or did he just stand right up and suplex Orton over the top like nothing happened?

    Theres been numerous times when hogan took a move and got up before the person who did the move and no sold it. If i could be arsed id look on yt and post links but you know its happened as well as i do.

  4. But doesnt 90% of wrestling defy logic?


    CONTEXT. That sequence defies even wrestling logic. Wrestling logic is that if you get suplexed from the top rope, it hurts and debilitates you. Ideally to the point you aren't really capable of getting straight back up and suplexing your opponent. It's fabulously moronic and renders the superplex something you can just shrug off and go back on the offence immediately like a shoulder block or a dropkick.


    What about Hulkster kicking out of Bob Ortons Superplex of the top rope, hulking up, irish whip, big boot then the pin? Does he know how to work? CONTEXT:

  5. So a guy completely no-selling a fucking huge bump like a top rope suplex, only to get up and suplex the other guy to the outside is quality? It's awful, defies logic and exposing.


    No, I wouldn't have been in awe of that had I seen it live, but thanks for making that assumption (albeit incorrectly) about me.

    I honestly wasnt on about you. But doesnt 90% of wrestling defy logic? Why is this wirse than super cena comebacks?

  6. 2poyw6u.jpg

    Fuck me, that's one of the worst things I've seen in wrestling. Don't even know where to begin. I'm guessing one is Davey Richards, how about the other? Silly cunts.

    I think thats quality. Does my tits in when people on here say movez, workrate etc....as if its a bad thing. They are putting on a show to please thecrowd in front of them and i bet if you were there you would have been in awe of that spot. Just because they wrestle that style there it doesnot mean they cannot work. I bet people would have been saying Punk, Bryan, Cesareo etc... would have been all movez, workrate. Its like people go out of their way to slag off things like ROH and other promotions just because there may be a few "geeks" who watch them. Hey, it doesnt make you any cooler than them for doing this.

    Crowds....now thats another thing what people moan about...the crowd at the impact zone are mongs, the post WM raw crowds try an get themselves over....at least they are there, theyve bought a ticket to watch it -well maybe not impact crowd - which is more than most do on here.

    Theres many different styles of wrestling, if you dont enjoy one it doesnt make it shite.

  7. Classic ringside. Groves did come across very confident, but everything he said about Froch was true. Ward did bully him out of the fight, Kesslerbear him the first time and Dirrell was unlucky not to get the decision. If Groves fights on the back foot he has a chance, a good chance. Ifhe fights i imagine Froch "will put the chump to sleep".

    Froch had thay uncomfortable look on his face all the through, trying to be casual but not being able to pull it off. He was definately rumbled there.

  8. Brook will get clobbered if he steps it up. Doesnt look fit to me. Sky sports definately need a roy keane style pundit to put these chumps in their place. Hes never being a legit top 3 or 4.


    Brook will get clobbered if he steps it up. Doesnt look fit to me. Sky sports definately need a roy keane style pundit to put these chumps in their place. Hes never being a legit top 3 or 4.

  9. So is it cool to cheat on your wife and bang loads of divas? Is that what you are saying is adult about him? Is that what any adult should be able to identify with? Also what sort of person doesnt wear the clothes they want to? What the fucks that got to do with anything.

    Outside the ring you may think hes cool. Inside hes an unfunny cock.

  10. Ii had 50 quid on providnikov at evens, i thought theres no way alvarado could cope with his style, i think someone like floyd or if bradley fought him again could make him look limited. great fight. Alvarado has no decent defence, he reminds me alot of gatti, who will try to box but then gets clipped and goes to war. From the start i thought provodnikov was always the stronger and always the hunter and alvarado could not keep him off. I would have loved to have seen Provodnikov v Hatton. I think Hatton would have been able to tie him up, hook and hold style.

    Frampton Quigg has to happen, maybe a contract that says one fight in Ireland and one in Manchester - if the first one is close.

    Anyway, heres a clip from Eubank on ringside a while ago, brilliant, he discussed Hamed.

  11. The Rock wasnt to bad, he was what he was. He was never going to risk offending anyone and sacrificing his multi multi million dollar movie career. Saying that his return and scathing and both hilarious promo on Cena is still the best promo of the last ten yrs. The rock concert 4 was also excellent.

  12. That stuff and the dungeon of doom stuff in my opinion is some of the greatest stuff ever. The wizard and all the skits with sullivan quake kamala beefcake etc....is fucking brilliant. I love sullivans dark charachter, when they did the early purple haze skit on yt. Great. Kevin sullivan purple haze, type that in. Great stuff. Stuff...

  13. Adam Smith doing an Andre the Giant tribute by standing on a box talking to Big Johnny and Paulie. Classic.

    Bradley Mayweather would be horrible. As much as Khan doesnt deserve it, its the most interesting opponent out there for Mayweather.

    Thanks for the Hatton prog heads up. Pumped up for gatti ward prog, moreso than any fight in recent memory.

  14. Khans camp have released a statement saying hes training for Alexander dec7th. So i cant see how they could sign the mayweather fight. Khan will have to fight someone before Mayweather you would imagine and if it is akexander i would tip him to lose. Khan has fought two lower tier opposition since he lost to garcia and peterson, it wud be hard to sell the fight in the states without a decent name, recent decent name on khansreume.

  15. Khan will have to fight before that and hes so unpredictable he could lose. Hes gonna back out of the Alexander fight im sure. Stevenson looked very impressive lastnight. Never rated Cloud at all mind.

  16. If a Britwres company gets an evil Soviet communist gimmick in it I'll go to all their shows forever.

    Then you need to see Communist Kennedy, currently doing the rounds for All-Star, 1st Class and probably more...

    To back up my earlier post:






    Comes out to the Soviet national anthem and everything...

    He looks magnificent. Does he sing like Volkoff? Thatd be a nice touch.

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